Cannot Prove God Exists?
Emails & Questions
You Cannot Prove God Exists -- אֱלֹהִים יהוה
Q: You can't prove there is a god.
I get really sick and tired of listening to all you religious peoples
saying there is a god. For get about some mythic savior god too. No
one can prove it.
A: You are right. I know this is not really a
question but this is not the first time we have run into someone saying this,
in different ways, but the same. Once, at a family reunion one of the
couples jumped all over me. They were taking turns, left, right, right,
left. One saying, Dan, your supposed to be some kind of smart
guy..." then the other " can't prove god exist." I
said, Yes, you are right. Then they proceeded to tell me about someone
much smarter than me, with lots of letters behind his name, who had a DVD out
that i should listen to. I did not bother telling them that I had already
heard this guy, and while he sounds really smart, he is as blind and stupid as
the rest of those in denial.
But, it was later, being plagued why this accusation, not just
from them, but others as well. They are right, of course, I cannot prove
there is a God, at least NOT TO THEM. If they will not see what is around
them then what can I do? I can make some good points but they will come
back with their quotes from other really smart people, and around and around we
go. If I can, and I have at times, overcome all of their objections with
clear logic and some of the latest finds in Earth Science, they will just
divert to someone else that is still, smarter than me or them. Of course,
trying to use the Bible as any kind of Authority is not permitted. They,
however, can quote the wisdom of men all they want. Because of this, my
pat answer has become, No, I cannot prove that God exist .... to you. None is so blind as those who will not see.
Here we are, at a table, sharing a view looking out over the
Pacific Ocean as far as you can see, birds flying, a seal pops up near the peer
we are on, the a whale breeches, and people are all up and down the beach.
Looking at all of this life surrounding us, it is amazing to me how
anyone can think this is all by accident. This, however is actually
another proof that the Bible is right.
For those who have written to me and other on other websites
complaining about anyone believing in a god, the question for you is -- Why do
you care? Why are you bothering to bother those who do believe? Why
does it seem to disturb you so much that you feel compelled to make such
remarks? Why are you so mentally disturbed? If you really believe
what you believe then why should you bother, unless, of course, you are
mentally deranged. One thing is certain, what you believe to be a myth or
whatever in your path of denial changes nothing. If you are right, then
so what? If I die believing in a Creator and a Savior and there really is
nothing, then what have I lost? Nothing, maybe a better life, but in
death -- if you are right -- then I have gained nothing and lost nothing
either. But, if I am right, along with a few millions of other, and we
are right, then we will have not only received the blessing in this life but an
Eternal Benefit in the life to come, that is after death. But for you, if
you are right, your outcome will be the same, nothing, so you get what you
want, nothing, and you do not even get the opportunity to tell me that you were
right and I was wrong. But, if I am right, and you are wrong, then you
may get exactly what you wished for -- nothing. You may enter eternal
darkness, gone forever, receiving just what you believe. And I and many
others will go on to live into eternity in a better state, and perhaps with the
ability to explore all of Creation. Too bad for you, either way.