About Us -- Servants of YaHshua - Removing The Fog of Religion

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About Us -- Servants of YaHshua

About Us
                                       FIRST -- Looking for the 7,000
                                         (figuratively speaking - Romans 11:4 -- could be more, could be less)

Contact email:  dan@servantsofyahshua.com    

Followers of the New Covenant Promise -- Romans 10:11-13 & Acts 4:12

Who we are and are not: This presentation is to let others know that they are not alone and to confirm to all who come to this site that our motives are pure.  No hidden agendas.  No call to anything other than the study of His Word and the preservation of His Holy Name, which is our duty -- His Birth Name, given to Him by His Heavenly Father, not a name conjured up by man or devil.  Harsh?  Yes, and deserved, when you see what has happened to the Identity, the only Name by which we MUST be saved has been hidden - no, replaced.  

Everything should be judged by His Word, not ours.  Looking for the 7,000 is to alert others with feelings and suspicions about the hypocrisy and even the dangers of so called organized religion, that you are not alone -- and to confirm that the majority can be wrong -- read, Matthew 7:13-14.  Removing the Fog of Religion is not only our  mission, our  job, and yours as well.  To do that you must first work to remove the fog that covers our mind, and by His grace, he makes known to us what the world has lost, and while seeing, as through a haze, a fog, if you will, they miss the mark.  Realizing first, that our One and only Savior, has been misidentified -- the One and only One we are to call on, to confess as our Redeemer, our Savior, our Advocate in Heaven -- the only One through whom our Heavenly Father has given the power of life over death, through whom, and by whom we must be Saved, if we are to be saved at all.   

Look in the words of your own Bible, and see what happens when we restore His Birth Name, YaHshua, to the words of His Apostles --

(Php 2:11-13) ..and that every tongue should confess that YaHshua the Messiah is Lord, to the glory of God  the FATHER. So then, my beloved, even as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.  For it is the FATHER who works in you both to will and to work, for His good pleasure.  (His Birth Name Restored makes a difference)

(Rom 10:8-10) But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth, and in your heart;" that is, the word of faith, which we preach: that if you will confess with your mouth that YaHshua is Lord, and believe in your heart that God (the Father) raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  (Many believe, but few confess in His Name --not to forget that even the devils "believe" -- James 2:19 -- read it)

The following is the message from the first sermon, delivered by the Apostle Peter, only a few days after our Lord YaHshua's ascension, or return to Heaven --

Act 4:10  Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of YaHshua the Anointed of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God  (The Father) raised from the dead, even by Him does this man stand here before you whole.
Act 4:11  This is the stone which was set at nought (as nothing) of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
Act 4:12  Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

And, Every Knew will, one day, bend, and every person bow, in confession to Him by His Name, His Holy Name -- a name that has been replaced, even changed, by men, women, and devils.  

(Mat 10:32) Everyone therefore who confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My FATHER who is in Heaven.

(2Jn 1:7) For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who don't confess that YaHshua the messiah came in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the Antichrists (Anti-Messiah).

(Rom 10:8-9)  But what saith it? The word is  near you, even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; that if you will confess with your mouth that YaHshua is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Rom 10:10  For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Rom 10:11  For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed."
Rom 10:12  For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on Him.

And -- is this important ?  It would seem so, especially, when we consider what our Lord, YaHshua, said --

Mat 10:32  Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will also acknowledge him before My Father in Heaven.
Mat 10:33  But whoever disowns Me before men, I will disown him before My Father in Heaven.

Something that should be considered, carefully:  Putting any other name into these verses, other than the Birth Name, the Name that was given to Him at Birth, does change things, it changes your confession -- think about how important this is -- which name did you confess at your calling, or at your baptism?  Was it a name that never existed until around 400 years ago, a name like Jesus (geezus or HeZeus)?  Or a name that was corrupted by the Greeks and the Latin speaking Romans, beginning as soon as the last Apostle died?  Yes, the corrupting of His Name began soon after the First Century.   His Birth Name was soon abandoned and replaced. The Name all of His first fruit followers confessed, and were baptized into, was altered, and changed.  The translators, first the Latin and eventually the English Bible, a dominate translation most other translations have followed, has given us a false name, a false identity, and a false messiah.  Turning "believers" away from the One and only One who went to the Cross for us, attributing that astonishing, that miraculous act to "another" .  

John 5:43  I have come in my Father's Name, and you don't receive me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him.

John 5:43  I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him. NIV

What about those millions of sincere, repentant people who have been baptized into another name? Many believers are in the Repentance of John - Acts 19:3-5 - but never having found the confession in our Savior YaHshua, because the enemy has misdirected the whole world into a fake, a bogus declaration -- confessing in a name that is not His Name, not the Name His Heavenly Father gave Him.  

(Act 4:11)  He is 'the stone which was regarded as worthless by you, the builders, which has become the head of the corner.'
(Act 4:12)  There is salvation in none other, for neither is there any other Name under heaven, that is given among men, by which we must be saved!"

Before we get into this further, one more thing needs to be made clear -- Never forgetting that your Salvation is your responsibility -- read again, Philippians 2:12,  "... work our your own salvation." Caution should be used when referencing those claiming Hebrew or Jewish authority when it comes to Old Covenant restoration attempts.  Some will want you to make an oath to them, before they will baptize you -- in some fashion, or another, getting you to swear to what they consider the "only True Body on Earth", or something along those lines -- the restoration of things is something our Lord YaHshua, is going to do, when He returns -- He is the one that knows what is and is not to be restored -- Acts 3:20-21.  The method of baptism is not by some creed or a baptism into some religious order, it is merely the symbolic death and burial of the old you, and rising out of the water, a symbolic demonstration of your rising from the dead to a new you, and your acknowledgement (confession) that this new, resurrected you, is made possible by Him and only Him, our Savior, and Lord, YaHshua -- the One we are to confess, even before baptism, which is a witness to others.  The majority of people who have repented, after hearing the message of Salvation, have, however, entered the baptism of repentance only, by which they have repented of their past sins, but failed in whom they declare or confess is the One responsible for this new creation, and lacking in this personal confession, we are left with only that which we might compare to, or call, the Baptism of John. A good thing?  Yes, but incomplete.

(Luke 3:3)  And he (John) came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;

Act 18:24  Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.
Act 18:25  He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervor and taught about YaHshua accurately, though he knew only the baptism of John.

Act 19:3  So Paul asked, "Then what baptism did you receive?" "John's baptism," they replied.
Act 19:4  Paul said, "John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in YaHshua."
Act 19:5  On hearing this, they were baptized into the Name of the Lord YaHshua.

Truly, most are in the Baptism of John.  That is not a bad baptism, not at all, if one lives up to it, it is and can be life changing, and certainly a benefit in changing lives for the better, but it is not a Baptism Into the one and only Name by which we MUST be saved.  The Repentance is the first step, but someone has come along and misdirected people away from the final step, away from His Birth Name, even to a name that points to "another", a different savior -- and the someone is the Devil himself.  

We should listen to the record, and the teachings, left behind for us from, not only our Savior, YaHshua, but from His Apostles too.  We learn and are informed and revelations are give to us by and through their words, even as our Lord

John 17:19  For their sake I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth.
John 17:20-21  Not for these only do I pray, but for those also who believe in Me through their word, that they may all be one; even as you, FATHER, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that You sent Me.  (The Father that the world did not know, is the One our Savior is Praying to -- John 1:18)

We have their word, their teachings just as we have His.  We can see the evolution of the Word under a New Covenant -- a people prepared to live in a world as strangers, patiently awaiting their King's return to Restore what needs to be restore -- Acts 3:21.  He is the one who will enact the restitution of what needs and should be restored.  But if things are already restored by any other work?  Then what would be the need for YaHshua, our Savior, to restore anything?   

We, that is, those of us who present this information, this web site, make no claim nor make any attempt to restore that which was pushed aside.  We do strive to understand the Prophetic Word as we bear the Testimony of YaHshua as Messiah and Savior, the very Son, and First Born of God the Father, the only true Living God.

1Pe 1:1-2  Peter, an apostle of YaHshua the Christ, To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia (and now, throughout the World), who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of  (His) the Spirit, for obedience to YaHshua the Christ (the Anointed) and sprinkling by His blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.  (His Birth Name restored)
Who We Are  &  Who We Are Not

Presented to you, in full disclosure by:

      Dan and Marcela Baxley
  Ron and Molly Baxley

Only 7,000, Really? (Please take the time to read this presentation from top to bottom -- and open your Bible  --  our position is more than a Biblical position, it is a Bible Study)

Rom 11:2-5  God didn't reject his people, which he foreknew. Or don't you know what the Scripture says about EliYah? How he pleads with God against Israel: 3  "Lord, they have killed your prophets, they have broken down your altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life." 4  But how does God answer him? "I have reserved for Myself Seven Thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to Baal." 5  Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. (Baal, of which there are many, also called gods, and lords -- 1 Cor 8:5-6 -- by Hebrew and Greek Bible dictionary definition, BAAL means, LORD, Lord, or lord and lords, also a word used for many other gods from Middle Eastern deities from the past)

The 7,000 of Elijah's day, would certainly be a greater number today, or would it?  We use this number as an example, just as Paul did.  While this account is found in 1 Kings 19:18, and was about Israel, Paul uses this example as a model, setting a standard that demonstrates that our God and Father in Heaven has a plan and it is not a plan of failure -- diminishing numbers, perhaps, but not failure.  More like, according to the plan.  Elijah (EliYaH) Thought he was alone and that he alone, out of all of the religious people of Israel, was all that was left proclaiming the Name of the True God of Israel. But, YaHWeH, after listening to Elijah cry about being all alone (something many of us are familiar), he was informed that an additional 7,000 existed, being reserved by Him, quietly hidden away, or so it seemed -- he was not alone, as he supposed, there were others.  

Paul (Saul) wrote to the Roman brethren about this, making  point, that when it may look like all are lost, or we are all alone, that what appears to use, in this physical world, as in the Tank with the Devil, we can and should know, that our Creator and Savior has a certain number held in reserve, that their predetermined plan will be a success, as all of the wicked are exposed, and sin is eventually harvested for elimination, leaving behind, only the good wheat, so to speak.  This truth guarantees that we are not alone -- Yes, we Have Him, we have the Father (Mat 11:27), and the Angels watching and helping, and we have other brothers and sisters, now and from the past, even on into the future -- we are not alone, lonely maybe, but not alone in our journey.  We may be a few or less, maybe it seems we are the only one in our city or state or country, but the fact is -- we are not alone, there are others, like salt of the earth, sprinkled out, not clumped together. The Message to the Romans makes this point and later we are told that there will be 12,000 from each tribe, 144,000 preserved from the Line of Jacob --Romans 11:12-5 and Rev 7:4.  This number alone guarantees the success of Israel/Judah.

A few?  Only  few?  Such a thought might seem foreign to most Christians, over a billion in number, but when we consider the words of our Lord YaHshua, it would seem that the Time of His Return gets closer, the actual number diminishes, and there is no true revival, there is not an increase -- Mt 24:22 --  Unless, of course, the Christians of today and on into the future are on the broad path and are those mimicking those who were, as in the days of Noah?  Our Savior, YaHshua, was not silent about this.  He said that the last generation would become like those in Days of Noah -- Mt 24:37-39.  When mentioning this warning, most miss the point that in the days of Noah only 8 souls were saved from the flood, and only one of them was deserving, Noah. His family, being connected to him were also saved -- Noah acted as a type of covering for his family, whether they deserved it or not and that is something to think about -- perhaps our Lord YaHshua is your covering, and you, in your faithfulness to Him, become a covering for those closest to you?   No matter how it turns out, it still matters who you know, whom do you confess?  A believer professing YaHshua and only YaHshua as the First Born and professing Him and only Him as their Savior and King, and this may actually serve as a covering for their own family, just as Noah's faith did for his family.  Think about it again -- if there is some kind of revival coming, as some suppose, then why would our Lord YaHshua have said -- "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened" ? -- Doesn't sound like revival to me, but rather, a coming restoration, a much needed restoring of the proper things, in the proper order.  

Religion, Religion, Religion Everywhere

In EliYaH's day he was told that there were 7,000 others that YaHWeH had set aside that had not bowed a knee the religious orders of the many Baalim (many lords - 1 Cor 8:5-6 ) religions of that day.  Israel in those days, were very religious in the worship of the many Baals -- some have called this "lord" worship, recognizing the name, Baal, means "lord" and while the god Baal was once one, this false gods became many, in many different variations, much like Christianity, too, has many different faces.  

The 7,000, like EliYah called on no other god but YaHWeH.  Today, in the New Covenant, we call on the Son, YaHshua as our Savior, the promised Messiah and we bow to no other than our Heavenly Father just as YaHshua did and no other and by no other Name -- when we pray, we declare our Heavenly Father's Name to be HOLY.  We may disagree on various doctrinal positions but the one constant in worship and prayer is the identity to whom we call on and petition.  EliYaH called on YaHWeH and no other -- EliYaH's name declares his mission -- My God is YaH.  Some would say, My EL is YaH.  

We are also told that our Savior came in the Father's Name (Jn 5:43, Jn 17:26) and this revelation makes sense when we see and read and repeat our Savior's Name, YaH shua -- some say YaH u shua and others YeH o shua but take note of the common denominator (Mt 11:27).  The Old English translation, the KJV, presents this name as JOSHUA in the Old Covenant, Joshua is the Old English transliteration, not translation, but transliteration of His Name.  Today this Old English transliteration is still pronounced as YaHshua as it was then.  The pronunciation became twisted with a change in the language and the ministers of Christianity did not keep up with this truth allowing a false name and identity to take hold.  

No Special Interpretation Needed

When reading verses like Acts 4:12, we are told that there is no other Name found under heaven by which we MUST be saved -- no other name -- and when this was said and written down the fake name, JESUS, never existed, but His Birth Name, YaHshua did.  This takes no special interpretation, not at all, but the deception takes hold by replacing His Birth Name with a name that has not existed for more than 400 years.  Hardly anyone questions if they have the right NAME, as found in the Old Covenant, as they transliterated it into English back then, why did they replace it with a different name, a name they then claim to be an equivalent of His Birth Name -- this is a lie and deception for the ages.  Into this error and misdirection fall many a sincere group of truth seekers, but if you stay true to Him and to His Word I am convinced He will reveal the Father to you.  Few indeed that find it, however, sad to say, but true to the Word, once again --

(Mat 7:13-14)  Enter you in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it.

This is where the dilemma occurs for us.  In keeping with His words and instructions and those of His Apostles we present this Website, not for the world, not for trying to redo what the YaHshua and His Apostles have already done -- the Gospel by their words has been preached to the world and it is being published on every continent this very day, not by the power of men but by Him and His word.  Our dilemma, and the reason we are not seeking to make converts but to merely communicate with those already convinced and convicted in the truth and knowledge of YaHshua , is this -- YaHshua

(Mat 7:6)  Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast you your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

A warning from our Savior, YaHshua, to take care in what we share and to whom.  Still, it is nearly unavoidable and at times we do suffer the anger of others, just as He warned, but this only emphasizes the mission of this small work, a work for His and not the world.  Just as He prayed, we pray --

(John 17:9) I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which You have given Me; for they are Yours.

If you are one of the "called ones", to be one of the 7,000, so to speak, then this is knowledge He will share with you and you will know, by our presence and this website in the wilderness of the wild, called the internet, that you are not alone, you do have brothers and sisters of like mind.  You will know this to be true and if not yet, you will see what follows as true for His calling is true and faithful that none of those He or the Father calls should ever be lost to the evil one.

Know this then:  Our Savior was named YaHshua at birth, not JESUS.  The name "Jesus" never existed until about 400 years ago.  Remember, it was the angel Gabriel that told Mary and Joseph the Name to Name Him (Lk 1:31), and this Name that was delivered by Gabriel comes from His Father -- no man, nor priest or pastor has any right to change His Name, and doing so may even be equal to Blaspheme of the Holy Spirit (Luke 12:10) -- the Holy Spirit is The Father, He is Spirit and He is Holy above all. This is the truth we share with others (few) others but our doctrinal stand is not on restoring the Old Covenant but standing on the New Covenant (2 Cor 3:6).  We feel too many brothers and sisters are falling into this trap and while we all recognize the fraud of religion, exchanging one set of doctrines (chains) for another is a mistake.  The Roman Church custome can easily be shown to have a connection with the religious customs of Ancient Babylon (See Hislops, Two Babylons) and her Protestant daughters follow these same religious customs.  What is rising up in the growing knowledge concerning His Holy Name, is another evil -- efforts to restore the Old Covenant -- this is tantamount to bringing our Savior back the Cross over and over again.  This call to return to the Old Covenant, even some claiming to be descendants of Israel, are a mixture of those in the Hebrew Roots Movement, the Sacred Names Movement and the British Israel Christian groups.  

When I use the term "we" I mean all those who see this truth and agree that we are to grow in knowledge of Him and the Father He reveals to us.  Even though we may not have ever met we are united in our Father's Spirit -- few in number and not strong and mighty but having never denied His Name -- Rev 3:8.  

For more on this subject go to this link -- Looking For The 7,000

So, who are we?

It might be easier to explain who we are not as opposed to trying to define who we are, first --

Who we are not:
1. We are not Jews and we are not trying to be Jews -- Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9 (Eph 2:13-14; 19-22)

2. We are not attempting to restore the Old Covenant -- Heb 8:13 (No Temple = no Old Covenant)

3. We are not trying to convince everyone they should be like us -- 1 Cor 7:20

a: It is not our work or mission or teaching that the Old Covenant needs to be restored.

b: As New Covenant followers of YaHshua we are patiently waiting for His Return to Restore what needs to be restored.

c: Each called believer needs to follow how they feel led.  Some may wish to add many of the Old Covenant mandates to their own lives and by this learn and grow.  Some may see that learning the lesson is greater than observing the days and times.  Both opinions can be part of His Body, His ecclesia (called out ones) -- no one can know all things, save our Savior and our Heavenly Father, from beginning to end.  A new believer, called to YaHshua, will crawl before learning to walk and this is true of us all -- some are babes in Him and others are adults, spiritual adults -- we are not all exactly the same but we are all United by the Same exact Holy Spirit, the Spirit or the Father, which is Holy above all.

4. We are not listening to any other writings as "inspired" other than the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian writings we know as the New Testament -- Jer 23:25, Col 2:18, 2 Pet 2:3, 2 Pet 1:20, 2 Tim 3:16)

5. We are not writing new doctrine -- 2 Pet 1:16-20, Titus 1:14, Proverbs 30:5-6, Jude 1:3 "...once delivered...")

6. We are not trying to save the world -- Rev 22:11 (Mark 16: 9-20 is a later addition -- 11th century AD -- the only people called to the Great Commission, in the first place were the Apostles of YaHshua -- Even YaHshua prayed for this to be theirs accomplishment, not ours - John 17:20)

7. We are not Roman Catholics nor any part of her daughters the Protestant Christians, nor any religious group giving value to Roman Traditions and customs inherited from pagan religions tracing back to Babylon, the original Mother Church -- these things have no power over us -- Col 2:8, Mt 7:13, Mt 15:3, Mk 7:9 -- And He said to them (Pharisee and Scribes - religious leaders of the day), "Well do you to set aside the commandment of YAHWEH so that you may establish your own tradition?"

8. We are not any better or worse than anyone else -- Gal 3:28-29, Lk 20:21

9. We are not looking to join the crowd -- already been there, done that -- 1 Cor 1:12-13, 2 Cor 6:15-117, Eph 5:11, Rom 12:2

10. We are not going to tell you how to live -- Rom 1:5, 1 Cor 7:20 -- we are not all called to the same purpose, time or place.

11. We are not going to judge you in your calling -- we may disagree and we may read the Scriptures differently -- we too are only human (dirt) -- Rom 3:23, Rom 5:12 Our unity and Head is YaHshua only and no other -- man or spirit (Eph 1:22, Col 1:18, 1 Cor 1:12-13).  He binds us to the Father (John 17:21, 1 Cor 10:17; 12:13, Rom 12:25).

12. We are not ever going to speak for our Creator outside of His Written Words -- outside of His word we can use intelligent speculation and occasional opinion, but we let His word be true, and by comparison, every man a liar -- Rom 3:4

13. We are not going to tell you God is talking to us and we seek no fortune but Eternal Life -- Jer 23:25-27, 2 Pet 2:3, Titus 1:11.

14. We are not followers of the Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM) -- those attempting to restore the Old Covenant -- we recognize the need for a change and for the patience to await the return of our Savior to restore what needs to be restored -- Heb 8:6-13, Heb 7:12, Jer 31:31-33

Who we Are:
1. We believe there is only ONE NAME, representing the One and Only power by which we MUST be saved (Acts 4:12, Acts 2:21, -- His Birth Name is not Jesus but YaHshua, a Name Given Him by His Father -- John 17: 11, Acts 4:12, Luke 4:18 -- YaH YaHshua is Father and Son and the Father has given all power to the Son -- Mat 11:27, John 3:35, Col 1:16, Eph 1:20-22 -- He is the only door anyone can ever or will ever pass through to receive the "gift' of eternal Life -- John 14:16. YaHshua having established a better covenant, a New Covenant -- it is this Savior and this New Covenant we honor -- Hebrews 7:12; 8:13 -- and this New Covenant will encompass all of Israel when He returns -- Hebrews 8:6-12, Zech 12:10-14 and Ezek 37:11-13  -- and at that time no one will need to teach anyone about YaHshua as Savior and King.

a. He said He came to REVEAL the father -- Mat 11:27 "All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knows the Son, but the Father; neither knows any man the Father, save the Son, and He to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him". --. and -- (Heb 2:12) "Saying, I will declare your Name (the Father's Name) to my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise to You".
b. He Said He came in the Father's Name -- John 5:43I am come in my Father's name, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. (And this has happened -- Christians call on "another name")
c. Our Heavenly Father's REVEALED Name is not JESUS -- How can it be, that name was invented around the 15th century and before that it was IESVS, nowhere near His true birth name, the Name His Father gave Him, Naming our Savior after Himself -- YaH-shua. Mat 1:21, Luke 1:31 -- If you can grasp this one point, that His Name is not JESUS and never was, that name never existed when our Savior was named, but the name he was named did exist and was a name found among men (Acts 4:12) and it was a name one of the Books of the Old Testament was name, Joshua, or, in today’s phonetics, YaHshua.  If you can take hold of that one simple truth, everything will change for you and the word will open up as never before, and you will clearly see the deception that has gripped the world. (Joel 2:32 - the same prophecy Peter called on at Pentecost -- John 17:26 - and John 11:25-26, "YaHshua said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Believe you this?"  That is the question, Do you Believe what He just said, to you?  Will any other calling or confession in different names do?  

If, as we know, His Name, His Birth Name has been changed, then is that changed name the one we confess or call on?  Where does He say, "Call on me by any name and you will be saved?  No where does the Word say that -- not in one single place.  In fact, we are told that at one time our Creator winked at humanities silliness, stupidity, lack of real knowledge in things that truly count -- He looked the other way, but today and for the last 1900 years?  Nope, the time for no accountability is over and has been over since our Lord and Savior, YaHshua, went to the Cross for us -- (Act 17:30)  And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commands all men (and women) every where to repent: -- Our Heavenly Father did not bring His First Born Son to the Cross in vain.  It does not matter if a person believes that there is a God, a God of Judgment, a God who holds us accountable, a God that is keeping records --  Acts 3:17, Acts 14:16, Acts 17:31-33 --  It is a fool that says there is no God -- Ps 53:1; 14:1.  The world does not seem to be short of fools.

d. No one knew the Father until YaHshua came and made Him known- John 5:37; 6:46; 1:18; 1 John 4:12, Mat 11:27 -- Believe Him -- Believe what He said.  Who is the real liar?  
e. His Name, the Father's, was glorified in YaHshua back in the first century, and will be glorified again -- John 12:28, John 17:1, Romans 15:9

2. We are few and with little strength and have not denied His true Name -- Rev 3:8

a. As in the days of Noah only a very few survived the Wrath of God in the failed first world -- Matthew 24:36-38, Gen 6:6

3. We have not changed His Name, replaced His Name or denied His Name -- It is under the banner of His Name we have Salvation -- Rev 3:8, Acts 4:12

a. There are many gods and many lords -- What is the name of your god? 1 Cor 8:5-6, Proverbs 30:4

4. We support no worldly organization as the Work of YaHshua -- Eph 2:19-22, Heb 9:11-15, Gal 5:1, John 4:23-24, Php 3:3 -- the Work -- John 6:29 -- YaHshua said, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."
5. We believe in the simplicity of the Work of God -- John 6:28-29, Eph 2:10, Mat 11:30
6. We believe that whatever you do, whether of special days, or all days alike, then do all in Honor of Him being fully persuaded in your own mind and spirit -- Rom 14:5 -- Col 2:16-22 -- Gal 5:1-5 -- We are of the same Spirit but not of the same gifts (1 Cor 12:4-6).

What We Will Not Do:
1. We will not pester you for anything other than your time to consider what is presented, praying He is guiding you always.

2. We will never spam you, or try to sell you anything -- an occasional email, perhaps, to notify you of another study or article we feel you may find of interest -- Keeping it Real, as the truth is not fantasy, nor fables.

3. We will not put you on any other mailing list -- If you want to use our site for study and information you do so without restriction -- bookmark it, use it -- Questions and opinions and corrections are humbly invited, after all, we are all still growing in Knowledge of Him, right?

4. We will not engage in hate mongering, but it is the duty of the believer to point out the wolves, the fakers, and the errors a pastor might fall into.  It is your duty to hold the teachers feet to the heat, so to speak -- keeping them honest -- remember, they are to be servants, not masters.

5. We will not pretend to be something we are not -- we are not Jews -- we are not Israel -- and we are not trying to replace Israel or be Israel -- we are the Free Children, Children of the Promise.

6. We will not hassle you endlessly -- the seed is tossed out for the benefit of believers feeling alienated, or not. You may water the seed of truth that you find at this website in service of YaHshua's earthly body -- water all you want, share with others -- the purpose is to grow, even outside of any group or self-proclaimed leaders -- our Head is YaHshua as Messiah and Savior, He is the one and only just as our Heavenly Father has determined and there is no other.  A minister or a pastor, priest, whatever that becomes more than a servant should always be suspect, especially if they make you uncomfortable and attempt to pressure you to obey them as opposed to the Word of our Heavenly Father and His Son -- even the educated servants are to be humble and willing to grow in truth and understanding -- no one has all of the truth or understanding in a complete package and must be willing to accept change as new truth is revealed or comes to them -- lay members and pastors alike.

7. We will not be responsible for your salvation -- that is your job and your responsibility -- We present only the truth as it is revealed to us -- Php 2:12.  All have suffered in one way or another when turning from the easy flow of peer pressure.  They may ask you to leave, or kneel before their demands, but as a Child of the promise you must stay true to Him, YaHshua -- He is the Head.

8. We will not act as man pleasers to gain anything from you, except to bring you to the truth of YaHshua as the Christ (The Anointed) -- Gal 1:10

9. We will not tell anyone they must be like us, or believe as we believe in every detail -- Knowing we are called for a different purpose, at different times and for different reasons -- 1 Cor 12:4-7, Rom 7:4, Gal 5:22-25, Php 1:11, Col 1:10,

10. We will not support or recommend any demonization, or church or group but one -- the Spiritual Body of the Christ, the body only He and the Angels see, wherever they, or we, may be -- 1 Cor 1:10-18

11. We will not keep silent concerning self-proclaimed prophets and teachers and evangelicals when they speak lies or engage in deceptions misdirecting the "flock" of YaHshua, which, like salt is spread over the earth -- scattered -- Eph 5:11, Mat 5:13
When I use the term "we" I mean a few people known personally, a few met on the internet, and a few that we know are there but have never met personally -- our Lord, YaHshua, knows who they are. He sees the body, lightly salted around the earth, waiting patiently His return -- James 5:7-8

Pagan Christians -- Following the doctrines of Babylon?

Christians, are they part of the body? Yes, most are, not all, but we are guessing, however, we know that for the last 1,900 years Wolves have entered and devour whomever they will -- Mt 7:15, 10:16 & Acts 20:29-31 -- make no mistake, not everyone who calls Lord, Lord are true -- Mt 7:22-23.  Let's explain -- After much soul searching and prayer, finally the answer in the words of our Lord and Savior became clear. In the Book of Revelations, chapters 2-3, we see the Seven Churches listed, each includes a personal message, just for them as individual parts. The Christians for the better part of the first century AD were Jews, the majority in the Church (Ecclesia), then dating after the first century, shifted to the Gentile believers, eventually overshadowing the Jewish believers in all things concerning the Church. The first Christian church (Ecclesia - called out ones - assembly - congregations) were divided, Jews and Gentiles and while they were to be as one they were not, physically, that is -- thus, just as our Lord YaHshua said, we entered the Times of the Gentiles.

We presently live in the "times of the Gentiles" (Luke 21:24) but a time is coming when all Israel (Jews and Israelites) will be restored, and converted by a changing of the mind and heart, accepting YaHshua as Messiah and Savior (Ezek 11:19, Ezek 36:26, Zech 12:10) To be a Jew coming to YaHshua as Savior, does not mean they stop being Jews or abandon the Jewish Faith to become like Gentile Christians -- remember, salvation began with the Jews, and a Jew (John 4:22, Rom 3:9; 3:29; 9:24; 10:12, Rom 11:24, Eph 3:6), or an Israelite and remain just that and when they accept YaHshua as Savior their faith is enhanced and better understood and they will embrace the New Covenant made with them -- they are our brothers and sister in common with One Savior, YaHshua (Eph 3:6).  Nowhere is a Jew told to stop being Jewish and the Gentile is not told to become a Jew (Rev 2:9; 3:9).  We all become Children of God through the New Covenant which is based, not on the Torah Law but on the Promise made to Abraham -- Romans 9:4-8

Many of the Christian institutions have embraced pagan practices, customs, and traditions, the Roman Catholic Church the biggest proponent of such a pagan religion, inherited from the original Mother Babylon, a religion and a city that once sat on the river Euphrates. Baal (LORD) worship is rampant in the Christian Church, just as it was with Israel in the days of the Judges and then also the Kings. This is not to question the heart or sincerity of those seeking truth and accepting the message of the Holy Bible, not at all, but it is understood that many are trapped inside of the Daughter of Babylon from whom this Baalim worship comes.

YaHshua has His people where He wants them, some here and some over there, some with this group and others with that group, but few indeed, and it appears that the more one aligns themselves with the Truth of the Word the more separated they become from those they once fellowship with, a problem even the First Church had to deal with (1 Cor 10:21). Even YaHshua questioned if He would find faith upon His return (Luke 18:8) -- think about that for a minute -- to repeat -- Our Lord YaHshua was questioning if He would find Faith at His return.

When YaHshua walked this earth He did not take issue with the individual but with the collective body of religious leaders and teachers, the Rabbis, Scribes, and Lawyers of the Book. YaHshua never went after the government of Rome, He never once voted for or against the Roman system, and He paid His taxes (Mat 17:24-27), it was the religious systems and hierarchy that YaHshua faced off, those claiming to be the representatives of YHWH, leaders of His chosen. We do have a record of individual conversations in the testaments and not everyone liked what they heard, but His condemnation fell on the heads of those claiming to be something, claiming to be the leaders and setting up rules to suit themselves and to build their own power and glory, making everyone responsible to them as keepers of the LAW. We see this same sort of thing within the Christian groups today, small and great, people willingly handing over their souls to men, men seeking to be something. Not all, of course, but enough, after all, if the wolves were gaining access to the Church in the days of Paul and Peter how much more today -- after all, 2,000 years of wolves invading the body, then how much more today? (Mat 7:15, Mat 10:16, and Acts 20:29 -- and they have)

For now we await our true citizenship which YaHshua will be bringing with Him at His return -- we live as strangers on this world awaiting the Kingdom of God, whom citizens we are (John 15:19, Php 3:20, Eph 2:20-22). This, however, does not exclude us from claiming our citizenship in the flesh in whatever country we live in, and we see this example with the Apostle Paul in claiming his Roman citizenship by birth (Acts 22:27-29), but still, for the most part, the world does not recognize us Heb 11:13, by example, 1 Pet 2:11), we live as strangers among the dead and dying.

In the Message to the Churches, the seven Churches of Revelation 2 and 3, we have only two where anything is mentioned concerning our Savior's true identity -- Rev 2:13, 3:8 -- proving His Name was not lost and, or, denied. This would mean the other 5 Churches or ages of the Churches, either lost this information, or had already rejected this truth. This would mean certain eras of the Church this truth would be lost, or only a small number of believers would have this truth. Having this truth, the true identity of our Savior, while important, is not the sign of the true believer as opposed to a false believer. Not everyone is given this information at the same time; some will receive it after He returns. Not all of the elect have this information, it is only to those whom YaHshua chooses to reveal it (Heb 2:12). With this in mind it is not our position to look down on or call other believers anything but brothers and sisters in the faith. The fact is, our Savior said many false teachers would come in His Name and deceive many (Mat 24:5). We must stay on guard, keeping His word between us and the world (Romans 3:3-4).

There is a great number of believers searching for the truth, changing their lives and life styles accepting the Savior of the Bible and setting their hearts on the Kingdom of God. They are few in number compared to the total population of the various groups claiming the Holy Bible as their guide. Even fewer in number, of course, are those seeing the truth concerning our Savior's birth Name and how important this is and to whom the Father is revealed. It has not been given to all believers to see this truth but when a believer does, the understanding of the word is multiplied. There will always be and have always been a certain number of believers possessing this revealed knowledge. Even among the general population of professing believers a salutation is proclaimed, shouted out, giving Him glory and Praise -- but they do this unknowingly -- when anyone calls out, "HalleluYaH", in song or praise they are literally saying, "Praise you YaH". We hear Christians using this praise often, in song and in general and most do not really know what they are saying. Yes, it is a term of endearment toward our Creator and Heavenly Father, but if asked the Christian will tell you it mean, Praise the Lord, but in fact it means, Praise you YaH (HalleluYaH, Allelu-iah). So, even in ignorance people struggling to understand the word and longing for truth and a desire for the Savior, sing praise to Him unwittingly. What a miracle that is, just think about it, the Father and the Son are praised around the world by a population that hardly know them – for now, that is.  

For some Christians this truth is a real test and some refuse to see it, to accept it, denying Him, and some are offended, and this is a sad thing. Too often we tend to fight against what we think is nonsense and refuse to even try to see the possible truth of the matter, being so grounded in our bias toward others. When YaHshua opens a believer to this knowledge we hope to be part of the solution to a balanced growth in this understanding and the greater knowledge of Him. We do not think to set ourselves above anyone that has not yet come into this truth. It is a shame some within the Sacred Names Movement do not see this clearly and to some degree become elitist. Wolves are plentiful; we all need to be on our guard, relying on His words and the words of His Apostles. If we can accomplish anything it is to encourage those coming to YaHshua to continue in His words and rely on Him for your growth and understanding. Not having any one teacher but many, with YaHshua being your headmaster.

There is a group, or groups, teaching the TORAH, as Law teachers, making themselves Jews in manner and custom. Some of these groups associate with what is being called the Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM). These various groups should be approached with caution. You can learn much from them, but they take onto themselves something that is reserved for our Savior when He returns, and that is the "Restoration", the "regeneration", the renewing belongs to Him. In their zeal they teach "circumcision", a euphemism for the LAW. Reread Galatians Chapter 5, again. This is, of course, why some of these groups have tagged the Apostle Paul as a Heretic. When they cannot argue against his teachings as an Apostle of the Thirst, YaHshua, they turn to calling him a false Apostle, and a Heretic. Peter, however, does not agree with them -- 2 Pet 3:15.

If you are new to all of this but have accepted the truth of our Savior's Identity it will not be long before you run into those attempting to restore the Old Covenant, under the guise of restoring the Jewish Christianity of the first century -- ignoring the Change in the Law (Heb 7:12) in their attempts at restoring the Laws of Moses as binding and necessary for a true believer to follow after. Be prepared for such attacks in the form of strong arguments by those so zealous for the Law they miss the target of YaHshua, our true Savior. Over shadowing Him and His sacrifice for us for the Law. YaHshua and only YaHshua, is our Salvation in whom we have the singular hope of His return and our quickening into Eternal Life -- HalleluYah

(Luk e19:37-38)  And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen; (38)  Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.
(Luke 19:39)  And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke your disciples.
(Luke 19:40)  And He answered and said unto them, "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."

A special note:  In verse 37 we see, "... the mount of Olives..." mentioned.  What is interesting about this is that the word, "olives", is actually, Eli-yah.  The following is the word from its transliteration to its phonetic value --
    Transliteration: Elaia
    - Phonetic: el-ah'-yah
But, how is it handled as a translation?  Here, we can see this, from the Strong's Greek Dictionary:
  Strong's: Feminine of a presumed derivative from an obsolete primary; an olive (the tree or the fruit): - olive (berry tree).

Notice, within this definition from and accepted authority, the word, "presumed".  In other words, not a fact, it is only presumed they know or understand what this word from the Aramaic/Hebrew, into Greek and then English, what this word really means.  It is "presumed' to be a "berry".  They do not know, or if they do, it is another form of denial.  Restore this word to its true meaning and then see how this verse adds to what is going on, adding to its true meaning -- It should have been translated, "...the mount of EliYaH...", and if we remember how the Prophet EliYaH carried out a battle over which of the Lords (Ba'al) the prophets and priests called on with the deciding Fire From Heaven, declaring it was YaHWeH.  We may call it the Mountain of Olives, today, but it was originally called, the Mountain of Elijah, or, Eli-YaH.  In the Phonetic: el-ah'-yah, the translations would be, God the YaH -- el, is the Hebrew or Semitic for the word, God.  The small two letter word, "ah" is used as we might use the word, "the", or "is" -- God is YaH.  Why isn't this seen?  Because His Holy Name, and the Birth Name of our Savior, is covered up, is changed, even denied.

Peace in His Name, YaHshua, we do pray and confess to be the First Born Son.  We hope that you, the reader, will see this truth and correct this deception in your own life.  

(Php 2:11)  And that every tongue should confess that YaHshua the Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
(1Jn 4:14)  And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
(1Jn 4:15)  Whosoever shall confess that YaHshua is the Son of God, God dwells in Him, and He in God. (His Birth Name Restored)

Make no mistake, the following words, from the very first Apostolic Sermon, told us that there was "...no other Name .. "

(Act 4:12)  Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Remember, the false name, JESUS, never existed, not until around 1,500 years after those words were spoken and recorded, but the true Birth Name did, then and now -- YaHshua -- a transliteration of His Birth Name.  In Old English, this transliteration was, Joshua, and is still found in your Bible, to this very day.

Send Comments to email: dan@servantsofyahshua.com

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