Sacred Name Bible Reviews
Sacred Name Bibles?
Looking for a Holy Name Restored Bible?
Simple, Quick look - mini reviews Reviews
Names of our Creator and Savior Restored Version Bible Reviews
Presented by fellow believer, Dan Baxley
Please read through this introduction -- There are lots of Bible Translations and some of them are really good -- But, they all have one major error -- They misplace and replace, to a fault, the terms God and Lord, with Yahweh, the Name of the God of Israel, this does not make them useless, and certainly a step in the right direction -- also, the scholarship behind them can be very useful and informative, but you need to know certain things about these translations before you decide which is for you, or, which ones are suitable. Yes, even among the Sacred Names Bibles there is a major flaw, except for the one in trying to restore His Holy Name, the Name the Apostles knew, and preached. But, I am not in the business of selling Bibles so you decide for yourself. Of course, you can scroll down to the Reviews and skip all of these extra words. Either way, it is hoped that you continue to grow in Him as His word and the words of His Apostles continue to feed you.
Looking for a Bible that has restored the the Names of our God and the Birth Name of our Savior? If so, then maybe I can help you with that: First let me say, I do not sell bibles and I do not give bibles out -- there are lots and lots of sources and places you can download or buy, even at reasonable prices, a Sacred Name, or Holy Name Bible, or any Bible. There is a multitude of works making bibles available on request, however, following the advice handed down to us -- owe no man, or women anything -- count the cost and, preferably, purchase or trade, for a copy of your own. Also, with the internet nearly everyone has access to the various versions, styles and types as never before in the history of man. On this site I will list the addresses of the most popular works putting together the Holy Name restoration types of bibles. These are versions I own and the reviews that follow are from my own observations and information provided to me. I hope these reviews will help you to make an educated decision but remember, I do have my favorites and may be a bit biased in my reviews, still, I will be as honest as possible. No matter what, these bibles as well as the many other versions and types do contain the Message of Salvation.
My Introduction:
Over the last few years several Sacred Names Bibles have appeared. The following are my choices but not one of them is without error. I have not found any bible versions, holy name bibles or not, without error. However, the restoring of our Savior's Birth Name to Scripture is an attempt at correcting a grave error nearly all modern translations, from the King James version to the New King James and all the modern translations coming to us these last 100 years.
My personal favorite is -- The Proper Name Version, of the King James Bible -- this version seems to have found the right balance, mostly, while at the same time restoring His Birth Name. This favored version follows the King James Bible, but with the language brought up to date, and His Birth Name restored. You will find more on that version in the reviews below. This Proper Names Version is available online at or at --
Another one of my favorites is the "The Names of God Bible", edited by Ann Spangler. This version, however, uses the the word, "yeshua" as the Name of our Savior, YaHshua, or YaHushua -- Yeshua could be used as a name but it is not complete when it comes to our Savior's Birth Name. The error in this name is found in the dropping "H", this in effect cuts the Name of our Creator in half. It is much better than the false name, JESUS, to be sure, but is still a mistake. This error is slight and in general conversation it would be difficult to tell if someone is saying Yeshua or YaHshua. This Bible, however, goes to some length at placing emphasis on His Name, both in the New Covenant as well as the Old. This is the only bibles that I know of for sale at brick and mortar Christian books stores. It is also available online at
The missing "H" is the leading, and most important error that nearly all sacred Name translations seem to share. Just as the practice of replacing the term "God" in the New Testament (Covenant) with the Name "Yahweh" -- this is a broad assumption that leads to the idea that YaHWeH is the God the Father. The Name, YaHWeH is found throughout the Old Covenant but it is misapplied by those trying to restore His Holy Name -- making the assumption, in the New Covenant writings, that YaHWeH is the Father. Even in my favorite pick, the Proper Names Bible steps over this line in a few (very few) places
One example: 2Cor 6:16-17 -- " God Yahweh has said..." and "...the Lord Yahweh, ...". The Old Testament Name, however, was italicized indicating it is not in the original but placed there by the translators. Other translations do not do this, they just replace the terms, God and Lord with Yahweh, making a self ascribed assumption that it is Yahweh being referenced. The problem, of course, is the possibility that YaHWeH, in the Old Testament is actually our Messiah before He came in the flesh.
Another example: Nearly every occurrence where the word or term "God" appears, most of the Name restoration translations, replace with the name Yahweh -- God then becomes, Yahweh, and is assumed to be the Father. This is wrong for a couple of reasons, the first being that it leads to a mistake and misunderstanding about who our Savior is -- as previously mentioned -- He is not and was not God the Father, the One whom He said He came to reveal -- John 1:18, a must read, followed with, Matthew 11:27 -- He is our Creator -- Eph 3:9, Heb 1:2 --, operating under and by the Power of the One called his Father, even "our Father" -- The Son is our redeemer -- Isaiah 44:24. YaHshua and YaHWeH are One and the same. The One the Son calls the God The Father, is the One whom He came to reveal. Exciting, right? There is a God the Father, and God the Son -- Gal 1:3, Php 2:11, 1 Cor 8:6. God is a generic term, it is not a name, just like Lord is a generic term and not a name -- so, which god is your god, or your lord your lord? Ps 82:6-7, Yes, the chosen people were called gods, being the creation, a spiritual creation of YHWH, God and creator of all Israel.
Simply put, if you read the following verses you will see that YaHshua before He came in the flesh was our Creator -- He was not THE FATHER, but He was our CREATOR and identified Himself to Moses as YaHWeH. John 1:3, 14 -- Heb 1:2 -- Eph 3:9 -- Col 1:16 -- To then take every occurrence in the New Covenant, in reference to God the Father, and "assume" this should then be translated as YaHWeH is not correct and can lead to a huge mistake in identifying our Heavenly Father, or for that matter, even not identifying the Son properly -- after all -- the Son existed before He came in the Flesh, and, in fact, is the Creator of all things -- (Heb 1:1-2 & Eph 3:9 & Jn 1:3 & Jn 1:14 & John 17:5). This to, then, in an offhanded way, ends up mis-identifying our Savior as The Father -- He did not Father Himself, as the following quote demonstrates:
(John 6:27) Labour not for the meat which perishes, but for that meat (food) which endures unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for Him has God the Father sealed. KJB (also, Gal 1:1, 3; Eph 6:23; Php 2:11; ITh 1:1; 2Ti 1:2; Tit 1:4; 2Pet 1:17; 2Jn 1:3; Jude 1:1).
Looking at one of the Holy Name Bibles, as an example, we have the following from the Hebraic Roots Bible (HRB), which is typical of nearly all other "restoration" name bibles making the assumption that YaHWeH of the Old covenant is the Father -- notice how this liberty is take, changing the Greek for God, that is Theos, into the Name YaHWeH, without any support at all, only an assumption:
(John 6:27) Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give to you; for YAHWEH the Father sealed this One. HRB
How is it, then, that this is an assumption? Assuming that YaHWeH, of the Old Covenant, is GOD THE FATHER? By reading the verses referenced above we can all agree that the FATHER is not YaHshua, He did not father Himself and it is the Father that sealed Him and "preserved YaHshua", and it is YaHshua that sits, now, next to the Father. So, if YaHWeH of the Old Covenant is not the FATHER then who is He? (Eph 3:9) And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God (the Father), who created all things by YaHshua the Messiah: (also witness, Col 1:16; Jn 1:3; Ps 124:8). YaHshua was YaHWeH, the Creator of all things, but not the original Author -- all things were created by YaHWeH on the Authority of the Father whom YaHWeH came as YaHshua to reveal (Matt 11:27).
Even if you do not agree with this observation or need more time to think about it or study it, one thing is sure -- there is room to question what is assumed and not a literal proven fact as most of these Holy name bibles replace the translation, God the Father with the YaHWeH the Father. They should not take such a liberty, and for that reason I do not endorse any other those translations following that practice anymore than I would endorse any one particular translation, whether Holy Name or not. All contain the Message of Salvation and most of the Holy Name varieties identify the one true Savior, Praise YaH.
I have written some of the editors of the works review and as of this date, none of them hear me. The originals that nearly all New Covenant translations originate, the Greek and the Aramaic, on down through the Latin and then the English do use a term like "God" or "Theos", with out applying a name, so "God the Father": is never supplied a Name -- the workers/editors of these Holy Name bibles take it upon themselves to change the translation from "God the Father" to "YAHWEH the Father". Still, if you do not see this at least there should be some doubt raised and it would be better not to just assume the Father's Name is YaHWeH, seeing the New Covenant writers, when referring to "God the Father" never called Him YaHWeH, but did call Him Father. They all seem to make this mistake, this assumption.
You have already read the verses above, indicating YaHshua as the Father of Creation, but not THE FATHER -- His Father. There was another identified at the time of creation and our Savior came to reveal Him -- Mat 11;27. Now, to repeat, if you go to the following verses you will see clearly the Father and the Son are two separate individuals, united in Spirit, true, but two separate beings, one of whom, until the New Covenant, had remained in the background. Gal 1:1, 3 -- Pjp 2:11 -- 1 Pet 1:2 -- Jud 1:1 -- and many other verses demonstrate this same truth. In YaHshua's previous Glory He was known as YaHWeH, but He did not father Himself, no, there was another, One whom YaHshua told us He came to reveal. YaHshua longed to returned to the Glory (as Creator) He had before -- (John 17:5) And now, O Father, glorify You me with Your own self with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
So, do you really need a Sacred Name Bible? Yes and no, you do not really need one to see and understand the truth, to gaining and understanding the message of Salvation and to understanding the New Covenant or the prophetic word? Having a Holy Name Bible is of great value in all of these areas of study and if you do not have one, get one -- restoring His Birth Name is a key to opening and understanding, a virtual revealing into the word as never before. If you are looking for the prefect Bible you will not find it -- sorry but true -- but still a blessing, as it forces us to study what the Word is saying, what it is really saying, or, not saying. Even the many Holy Name Bibles (Sacred Name Bibles) that are appearing in greater number than ever before. Some stay with the King James Version and restore the transliteration, Yahweh, for the God of the Old Testament, and YaHshua for our Savior in the New Testament -- while another uses the actual Hebrew characters in both the Old and New Covenant writings, letting the reader decide on what the pronunciation of these Hebrew characters should be.
Our Savior's Name in the New Covenant writings is presented in various forms but all agreeing on the Hebrew/Jewish nature of our Savior, moving away from the corrupted Greek/Latin/English. Others have a completely different translation of their own, favoring other translations to base their translation on, like the Aramaic/Peshitta, even then there is the Eastern and the Western versions. Some find the wording in the Aramaic versions difficult to read as well -- same complaint with the King James version. In the end we want a version that restores His given Birth Name to as close as possible. This is important for many reasons, as you will discover as you read His Words and the words of His Apostles as they preach and teach in HIs Name. Many scriptures coming, literally alive -- (Act 4:12) Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
I am personally comfortable reading any of the modern translations and mentally or in writing replace the false identifications with the true. For example, when reading the KJV and I come across the false name JESUS, I read it as YaHshua - restoring His Birth Name. When I write I will change this to YaHshua - again, restoring His Birth Name. When I read the Old Covenant and I see LORD in large caps, I then read, YHWH, or YaHWeH (YaHuueH ?). If, however, you want a bible with a closer tie to the original, then consider one of the following. The following websites will take you to the sites and places you can obtain the version of your choice. I hope these mini reviews help in making a right choice for you.

I really like this Bible -- the quality of this Bible is top of the line. The cover is the soft imitation leather and feels very nice. Gilded (gold) page edging is a nice touch. The spine binding all of the pages is not stitched but glue, in an effort to keep the cost down, I assume. In contacting the Publisher about this they said they do have plans for a true leather cover with pages stitched version. However, saying that, the modern glues and paper qualities does add to value of this, and other Bibles offering a fair price. Truly, in the end, it is how you treat your bible and how much you use it that really determines how it holds up.
The text is easy to read and in a single column, but unlike a "novel" format it does not cover the whole page, from edge to edge, but is positioned to the right of the page while a large margin created to the left of the text contains some cross referencing, and leaves plenty of room for your own notes and references marks. This is a well thought-out format. I personally like the smaller, dual column bibles for ease of reading, but found this to be a very nice compromise and find it easy to read, without a lot of eye movement.
The publishers of this version -- Name Publishers, LLC -- do not give credit to any editor or editors and there is no bio, which is strange, but from a purely religious view, understandable, in not wanting credit for doing "the Lord's work", as the saying goes. I am guessing this is to keep from placing undue emphasis on themselves, or the person, which is admirable, but by some standards will cause some to be suspicious of its origin -- it shouldn't but it does -- good or bad, the publisher should supply the name or names of its editors -- the readers will be the final judges. For this reason I wrote the Publisher and they were kind enough to supply me with the following information --
Eventually I would like to see this version come out in a true leather version with the stitched binding. The paper quality is nice enough and the binding good enough at this price and well worth adding to your collection or even for serious Bible Study.
In a recent email exchange with the publisher they provided additional information concerning this version -- go to this link for this exchange -- email answer
This Holy Name Bible restores the Birth Name of our Savior, in its proper form for the modern reader in these times of confusion.
This version does not get tangled up in arguing over a single letter or letters of not benefit to His Birth Name and it's pronunciation. Recognizing that the letters most argued over by other is the O and the U, both vowels spliced into the middle of His Birth Name, YaHshua -- examples; YaHoshua and YaHushua. Either would be fine but unnecessary in common use.
This Holy Name Bible does not overstep its bounds by assuming every time the term "god" or "God" appears that it must or needs to be translated into the generic Hebrew El or Elohim. Too many seem to think that these Hebrew terms are names.
If we are to accept El and Elohim as names then they should certainly not be used at all because -- as names -- these two terms found their way into the Hebrew Language from the Canaanite people, whom they displaced. El was a god they called the father of all mankind, it is only later it became a generic term that could be applied to any god. Thankfully, this version does not do that.
This version does not replace the term God with Yahweh every-time it occurs, under the assumption that this it the name of God the Father. Nearly all other Holy Name Bibles, when it comes to the New Covenant writings replace the term God and God the Father with the Name, Yahweh. Thankfully, this Proper Names version has not done that.
This version has updated the language in a careful and thoughtful way without changing the wording to fit some kind of bias. It is a pleasure to read and to hold. This has become my favorite Holy Name Bible for reading and study.
I have one point of disagreement, however, and that is in the Preface where the editor states that YaH is the short form of YaHWeH. I do not believe that to be the case. I have heard the argument before but in reality the sacred Name YaH stands on its own, and in reading Isaiah 12:2 and 26:24, after unwinding the translators efforts at dealing with His Name, caused by their inserting LORD and Adonia in place the original language never used these terms, we read -- YaH YaHWeH, and YaH YaHWeH. Two Names repeated together, and this should give us a hint about the Father's Name, joined with His Name. And, we find this Name, YaH, standing by itself some 49 times in the Old Covenant writings. Other than that, this is, as I said, my favorite of all the Sacred Name Bibles to date.
2021, Update: The publisher has expanded their choices in this Bible and the pricing is very competitive -- -- You can get this fine production in 10 or 14 point print, in leather or imitation leather and with stitched binding, top quality -- see for yourself -- Also available at
NEXT, Hebraic Roots Bible, by Congregation of YHWH, NJ 07008:

This translation is based on an Aramaic version, as opposed to being a copy of the KJV with names restored. This website offers a free download of their free version into a PDF file, or you can order a copy. If you use e-sword bible software you can also get a bible module for this software for this bible -- -- for the software, and it is free. Or go to the first link, above, and order a copy. They do not deal in credit cards only personal checks and money orders, so it will be $30 plus whatever the shipping will be. This makes it more difficult to obtain and while it appears on Amazon it seems to always be out of stock?
With all of that said, this version is a bit different in many places and to assume that just because it is a closer translation to the Aramaic branch of Christianity it is more accurate or without error would be a mistake. Some may find this version a bit hard to read, even though the language is updated. Below is a picture of the cover on this version.
The Scriptures, by Institute of Scripture Research

This version, in an effort to avoid the various agruments in which letters to use ot not use for His Name they have elected to present His Holy Name in the Hebrew Characters and then each reader can read it as they see fit. This approach finds support in Hebrew writings between the Two Temple periods, where a practice the scribes used when writing copy or even making translations of the Word. Every time a scribe would come to the Holy Name they would reproduce it in the original Paleo Hebrew -- that is the Hebrew Moses spoke, a Hebrew that is lost now, only to be rediscovered in bits and pieces even in the preserving of His Name that He spoke to Moses, YHWH, this being the English equivalent. In this Version they have elected to reproduce the Holy Names in modern Hebrew, following this same pattern followed by many in the later centuries BC. Thus, you can use the pronunciation best suited to you.
Restoration Study Bible, by Yahweh's Restoration Ministries, Holts Summit, MO

YRM is YaHWeH's Restoration Ministry and they have a Holy Names Bible based on the KJV, the "Restoration Study Bible". It is unique in that it has keyed every word to the Strong's Hebrew and Greek Numbering system and in the newer updated revision some improvements have been made, one of them is to include the Strong's Hebrew, Greek Dictionaries as part of this Bible. So, it is the latest revision you want, not the first published edition. This version makes the same error as the others in translating the term, "god" or "theos" in the Greek New Testament as "Yahweh" in every case, and this is not correct and leads to an assumption that Yahweh is the Father. YaHWeH is the Creator but not the Heavenly Father -- if you read the verses given at the introduction you will see this. We are told plainly that our Savior YaHshua was and is the Creator of all things by the power of God the Father, whom He came to reveal. I will list, again some of the verses revealing this truth -- ignored by the YRM Restoration Study Bible -- Eph 3:9 -- Heb 1:2 -- Col 1:15 -- After reading these three verses then go to John 1:1-3,14 and it should make a lot more sense. YaHshua existed before He came in the Flesh and while He created everything He did it by the order and power of another, THE FATHER, the One not really known about, nor seen nor heard before. Most know of the Father but misidentify Him.
The Names of God Bible, by Revell, a division of Baker Publishing, Grand Rapids Mich.

This bible can be found at your local Christian Book Store or you can find it at Amazon. This version was originally based on the GW (God's Word) version and is available along with a newer version based on the KJV. As mentioned before, I really like this Bible and now that it is out in KJV all the better. Most study aids are based on the King James translation so this makes a good study bible and is reasonably priced.
This is the only Holy Names version, or Sacred Names restored bible I have found in the Christian Book stores for sale and being published by a recognized Christian publisher.
This Version is loaded with information and studies about the Sacred Name and other Hebrew Names of significance. The Name of our Savior is presented as "Yeshua", an obvious Christian/Jewish, Messianic influence. Even though this is not truly the correct presentation of our Savior's Birth Name, It is a much better and closer to His true Name than the false name, Jesus, that the translators from King James 1611 AD to the present use to REPLACE our Savior's Birth Name, given to Him from His Heavenly Father.
Still, this is a very nice translation with the Name of the God of Israel restored and the attempted restoration of our Savior's Name. With all of the notes and bible study assists I really like this version and for those preferring the King James Version, as mentioned earlier, this bible is now available in the KJV.
The Scriptures, online, digital version available:
An online choice -- just that, you can go on line and read this version.

Other Holy/Sacred Names Bible?
There are others but these are the versions I would suggest looking into. There is a KJV called the Holy Name Bible that has been around since the since the early 60s edited by A.B Traina -- look on Amazon for this version ($40, leather cover). These can be expensive because of their rarity so shop around.
When it comes to these translations with the Sacred Names restored the main criticism many have against those doing this but with some very questionable treatment of some verses to align with a group doctrine by those publishing these Name Bibles. This has been a complaint all along but in reality the changes made are few and those critics favoring the accepted modern version fail to recognize the huge mistake of these version having replace our Savior's Name with another name.
This, of course, should lead us to question the critics own sources for comparison, right? What the critic usually means is the few changes do not agree with what they believe and their intention is to side track the real issue -- should the true and rightful names of our Creator God and Savior be put back in the Scripture or not?
In most cases the changes mentioned by the critics is in comparison to the King James Version. This version, however, is rife with embedded bias from Christian believers coming out of the Roman Catholic Church.
There is not and are no perfect translation -- not one! The message and offer of Salvation is universal message and is found in all translations but these Bible and Holy writings are flawed, the Message is not, but the few errors in the transfer of the Covenant among languages is few, while the errors in words and form are many. A quick example in the KJV is how in many places the verse numbering system breaks a sentence in the wrong place, and even a chapter, in a few other places, begins right in the middle of a discussion -- actually a very chopped up work -- it may not have started out that way but by the time verse numbering began this has been the case.
Do we need other translations? Yes, we do. Some to improve on the language for modern readers and readers of languages other than English. Most modern translations have included notes to mark questionable verses and some verses and scribal notes that ended up in the text. A good, and one of the biggest examples of this is found In Mark 16:9-20, were we discover that these verses were added to Mark's account some time in the 11th century.
Still, some think the KJV bible, a government approved and produced bible version, is God breathed and without error. When an error is pointed out, the true KJV believer will tell you that the Holy Spirit inspired that error and so it is now part of Scripture. It is difficult to converse with this kind of reasoning -- with the spiritually blind.
You will never find the prefect version. If there were a "perfect" version, handed down from Heaven, most would still say it was a forgery a false hoax of men, etc. -- and the reason? If it were prefect it must certainly be a forgery. The truth, however, is found in every translation produced -- like it or not, even the worst of translations carries the message of Salvation.
Satan does exist and he does see the threat to his domain. He recognizes that he cannot destroy message, the offering of a New Covenant, a way for man to survive and walk into eternity so he does the next best thing, he goes after the One that brought us this offering, this New and better Covenant. This is why we find a universal error that is connected with Salvation --
(Act 4:12) And there is salvation in no other man, for neither is there any other NAME under Heaven having been given among men by which we must be saved.
Salvation is connected with His true Identity. However, while Satan has seen this and has managed to influence men to change or cover this truth he, Satan, does not really understand the Salvation offering or, or, he has not been allowed to touch the Message, the Covenant offering but has been allowed to influence the changing of the Name bound to salvation of all mankind. If that is the case, then why? Just as a guess I would say it is to actually preserve His Holy Name, and the Holy Name of our Father in Heaven, keeping if from the lips of the wicked. Look at how the false name, Jesus and god, are used in profanity? Satan and men can plan and twist but in the end our Lord and our Heavenly Father always are able to turn it around making a negative into a positive.
ALL Scripture is Inspired but we are still required to "rightly divide the word of truth" (1Tim 2:15), no matter what translation we favor.

There is little to no information about how and who developed this translation. The Bible study aids are nearly nonexistent. A brief one page introduction explains their approach. At the bottom of the Introduction page, there is this message in all caps -- FREE- NOT FOR RESALE. This is not entirely true. I attempted to get one of the free copies but could not ever get a free request to go through. I later, just paid the fee for a copy and received it via postal delivery. Of course, it is free for any donation, so long as the donation is above a certain amount. This is not an unusual thing, however, among religious organizations. But, this is not a review of the suppliers but the Bible itself.
This version used the Paleo Hebrew -- a very old language, a lost language. This Paleo Hebrew is very old, but relatively new to the modern world and just how it all works with modern Hebrew has taken decades to iron out, not to mention translating into English. The key was, and is, the Tetragrammaton -- the four letters representing the God of Israel's Name. This people behind this version have decided to use the Paleo version of His Holy Name and for the Name of our Savior -- which is odd, when you consider that Paleo Hebrew was not used during the First Century, nobody was using Paleo. There were some Priest using Paleo in their translations, but for the name only, much like what this Halleluyah Scripture is doing, everything was translated and transliterated into the language of the area and time, but the scribes, under the oversight of the Priest would hand copy text and deliberately leave or copy His Holy Name in Paleo characters. However, there is not examples where this was done in any New Testament text for our Lord's Name. The transliteration of His Name into whatever language being translated would use the letters and characters to produce the same sound as best known for the original. In Old English this transliteration was JOSHUA, the J letter was pronounced differently than it is today and would be, Yoshua, if the KJV were reproduced accurately today. However, we have more information than ever before and the corrected transliteration for His Name is YaHWeH, and this is the same sound, the same phonetic reproduction of the Paleo. Using the Paleo is speaking in a language not understood and few, very few, even know what they are looking at when they see it, let alone pronouncing it. There is a New Testament rule for sorting this out.
Paul tells us --
(1Co 14:13-14) For this reason anyone who speaks in a tongue (language) should pray that he may interpret what he says.
For if I pray in a tongue (language), my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful.(1Co 14:16) If you are praising God with your spirit, how can one who finds himself among those who do not understand say "Amen" to your thanksgiving, since he (or she) does not know what you are saying?
The objective is to be understood and how can you be understood if you are speaking in a language no one can understand? Who really knows Paleo Hebrew?
The translation is confusing because they do not stop with using His Name in strange characters, with no pronunciation available, but they transliterate many other Hebrew terms. The best explanation for why they do what they do is found on their website --
HalleluYah Scriptures Translation : HalleluYah Scriptures HalleluYah
I can find nothing to review on this version that would make it better than other choices. There is a real work to get these Bibles into the hands of as many people as possible. It remains to be seen if this creates more confusion, when it comes to our Confession in His Name, or not.
YaHshua Servant's Reading Bible
Here is a PDF LINK to a the YSRB2018 a Bible with names restored, based on the 1901 American Standard (ASV) The American Standard Version, is said to be one of the best Translations ever put into English. This version is based on the ASV, with some of the wording brought up to date and Name for the God of Israel transliterated into English and our Savior, the Son, having come in the flesh, Name, also transliterated into characters that would reproduce the same sounding out of the Name given to Him at Birth.

YaHshua Servant's Reading Bible (YSRB) -- PDF
Hope this helps in your quest for the perfect answer to imperfect versions -- YaHshua is our Head our teacher as is our Heavenly Father and as we search through the Words of truth they will lead us into all truth as we can receive it. Having more than one translation to resource is of great advantage and will help expand your understanding. A great deal of scholarship has gone into the Modern Translations to unscramble some of the mis-wording and misunderstanding in cultural differences and phrases, all to our benefit.
Peace, your servant, Dan email: