Trinity - Removing The Fog of Religion

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Emails & Questions

Q:  How can you say there is no TRINITY?  Read 1 John 5:7-8 and John 14:16-18 and wake up!

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A:  Please understand, it is not my purpose to excite anger but to seek and present the truth.  The "trinity" doctrine has become very popular within the last 40 years, it was not always so readily accepted by the Christian Churches, apart from the Roman Catholic Church.  I have dealt with this Doctrine in previous email -- Q&A: Holy Spirit  

While I do not believe in the Trinity Doctrine, as taught -- three personalities in one Head?    

Eventually the Protestant Church Fathers saw this connection and rejected it?  A Doctrine that says the the God of the Hebrew/Christian Bible is three beings in one?  ONE GOD, as is taught today by nearly all of the Christian communities, becomes a "proof doctrine" for who is and who is not a true Christian -- the One God with Three Faces.  Based on a couple of sayings from the New Testament (1 John 5:7-8), and it is not that difficult to see how our Creator appears as three images in a single mirror, looking back at us.  With just a couple of verses, mind you, can shape other verses, in the minds of the translators, and like magic, you have a doctrine that in the wrong hangs could mean life and death.  On the surface, for some, this may not be that important or of interest to some -- BUT, wait a minute, we are talking about our Heavenly Father, the ONE that sent YaHshua to us -- we should wake up, this is a big, it is a really BIG deal --  to say, as many in the profession of religions do, this doctrine is a proof doctrine of who and who is not a disciple of the Christ.  This is a pretty big knife in the heart for those who have accepted YaHshua as Savior, First Born of the Living God, only to find out that most of the Churches, groups, or congregations do not accept, as believer, anyone who denies the Triple God Head, that is taught as the Trinity Doctrine.  

Most Christian Churches have already, gravitated to, and have included this false doctrine into their Confession, their Creed.  Most, now, upon baptism require a person's acceptance, or confession in this Trinity God or baptism is refused.  Notice, in the Book of Acts, 3,000 people were baptized in one day, and a day later 2,000 more, and not one was required to confess a triple headed god.  The requirement?  Repent of sin, and accept the One He sent to save us -- our confession would be in His Name, Identifying the Son as our Savior, and His Father as our Father.  Some call this being Born Again, others the Adoption of sons and daughters into the God family.  This means that His Name, the Name we call on, the Name we confess that identifies the One Savior, is very important.  (see Looking for the 7,000)

Many thousands of bothers and sisters in the past have gone to the torture stake, even to the burning, dying a horrible death, rather than to bowing to the demands from the Pagan Christian leadership, to confess this doctrine.  Historically, not that long ago -- Foxes Book of Martyrs, points out that those not conforming to the Pagan Christian authority and false confessions, were still burning people at the stake in the 1800s, not much more than a couple of hundred years ago.  It should be noted, as well, that this was a process of control the Roman Church exercised for over a 1,000 years.  This is not hidden information, go into any online encyclopedia.  Or, check out books like, Two Babylons, by Hislop, or the book by Hunt,

Religion and Belief is a serious business, a life and death business.  Pick your battles, or ask yourself, which hill are you willing to die on?  This is one of those hills, as more and more Evangelical groups fall in line, without a fight, concerning this false doctrine.  (See also -- Trinity Proven? Part 1 and Part 2)   

(John 14:16-18)  And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever-- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

In the fullness of the context what are we reading?  That He, YaHshua, will come to us -- He will live in us.  Initially, we are told that this Counsellor, is The Spirit of Truth, but it is YaHshua, and as you will see, the Father that comes to be in us as well -- get it, in us, their Spirit, Their Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Truth are one and the same.  The Spirit of Truth will be with us forever (Their Holy Spirit), after all what has truth to do with the spirit of lies (Satan)?  By this gift we are able to determine what is real truth and what is fake truth -- fake truth is, sometimes, a truth that has been inherited, you know, accepted without validation, accepted because our parents said so, or our Pastor said so.  Lets's read what our Savior has to say, as He reveals to us a "truth" that only He and our Heavenly Father can or will reveal to those to whom they have Called --

Mat 11:27  All things have been committed to Me by My Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.

A truth revealed, and who revealed it?  Notice, no mention of a separate entity, a third person, only the Father and the Son, and those chosen.

There is enough Scripture to suggest that the Holy Spirit is our Heavenly Father, that He comes to us in the Name of our Savior, that the Holy Spirit lives in us and is the same Spirit of the Father that is in, a part of, YaHshua -- it is not a separate person.  Think of it like this -- Only One Spirit can truly be Holy, in and of itself and that is the ONE we call the Father, the One that gave us YaHshua.  The Father is The Holy Spirit.  Other beings can be created by Him and can be called holy, to and for Him but He is THE HOLY SPIRIT.  To have the Holy Spirit, His Holy Spirit, we must accept the Father as well as the Son then they will live with us.  The Holy Spirit is called Holy, and the Spirit of truth and what is truth if not our Heavenly Father and YaHshua and what is a HOLY Spirit if not our Heavenly Father?  To say our God is three separate gods roled up into one single god and then say that is a proof doctrine is a misunderstanding of the power of our Heavenly Father.  He is above all and is not equal partners with anyone.  You cannot put Him in a box.  Consider the following verses --

(1Jn 2:1)  My little children, I write these things to you so that you may not sin. If anyone sins, we have a Counselor with the Father, (and) YaHshua the Messiah, the righteous.

And --

(1Jn 4:13)  By this we know that we remain in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit.

And --
(John 14:23)  YaHshua answered him, “If a man loves me, he will keep my word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make our home with him.
And --
(2Co 1:21-22)  Now it is God (the Father) who makes both us and you stand firm in the Christ. He anointed us, set His Seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.  (A downpayment, a deposit, a tiny piece of Him)
And --
(Col 1:27) whom FATHER was pleased to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is the Messiah in you, the hope of glory;
And --
(Eph 2:22)  And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.
And --
(1Jn 4:13)  By this we know that we remain in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit.
And --
1Jn 5:7  For there are three that testify: 1Jn 5:8  the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. NIV

That last verse is a quote from the NIV translation, a translation that has corrected the KJV, removing the accidental, or on purpose insertion of words suggesting a Trinity god.  The three that bear witness, in the correct context is the Spirit of the Father, the water that flowed from our Savior's side when He was punctured by the Roman spear and the Blood that flowed from, emptied from his body -- proving that He truly came in the Flesh -- and to live again?  To return to life without the water and the blood?  Certainly, the Spirit that would bring Him back to life would be the First to testify in agreement about what happened in this mystery revealed.  A promise, by and through Him, that we too can live or have life again beyond the flesh of blood and water.  

For the average reader of the Bible, not a student, but one with a loving heart toward others, seeking only to live at peace, all of this can be confusing, and just too much work.  It is much easier for people to just depend upon their Pastor or Priest to tell them what the truth is.  No matter how sensitive a person might be, to ignore certain warnings and sayings and accepting only what sounds good or feels good, while rejecting the hard sayings and warnings and teachings the Bible has for us, will not change those hard truths.  We are even told that there would be those who chase after teachers who tell them only what they want to hear, not what they should hear --

(2Ti 4:3)  For a time will be when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own lusts (desires), they will add to themselves extra teachers according to their own desires; (The desire is not to hear the hard things but only the easy, the sweet -- tell us only what we want to hear)

The Trinity doctrine is embedding its way into Christian thought, thanks to teachers that should know better, teachers following and teaching the doctrines and customs and traditions of men.  In fact, the Roman Church laughs at the idea of "By Scripture Only", because it is by "tradition" they teach, not by the Holy Bible.  Even the Pope is granted the right to over ride or to define what is to be, no matter with is written in the Holy Bible.  While the Roman Catholic Church no longer exercises power over her Protestant Daughters, her traditions are still embedded and the Evangelical churches and the Churches of God and Assemblies of God are slowly caving in to the pressure of identifying false Christians or true Christians by those who accept or reject the Trinity Doctrine.  Those teachers and leaders in the Church are all too willing, for some reason (?) to make this arguable teaching a pillar among the accepted doctrines of the Church, much to the satisfaction of the Roman Church.  We can disagree but to use such a doctrine, as mentioned before, as a test doctrine for who and how is not a real Christian, is evil.  

Even the Roman Church violates their cherished Trinity Doctrine by elevating Mary to the status of Queen of Heaven and encourage her veneration and prayers to be directed to her as the intercessor between God and man.  This makes Mary a fourth part of the God Head of the Catholic Church and a blaspheme among the angels of Heaven and a Blaspheme of the Holy Spirit, as well.  (Mary, the Queen of Heaven -- Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994 Edition, page 274)

The average reader, believer, can, however, discover the things that bring this doctrine into question.  The verses upon which this doctrine is sitting are nearly all questionable and most Study Bibles reveal this within their notes.  First we will look at the verse the person who sent this question used and asked about.  We have already seen that some of the Bible Translations have corrected this error, but it lives on in the KJV.

(1Jn 5:7)  Because there are three who bear witness:

Believe it or not this doctrine was never taught by the followers of YaHshua --  three separate gods making one god?  The verse quoted, 1 John 5:7, does indeed say, or rather suggests, that there are three in the God-head, or so it seems when take out of context.  With a little investigation you will notice nearly all modern translations place a footnote in their margins concerning this verse -- some even remove the offending verse. Here is a quote from just such a
footnote found in the NIV: " Late manuscripts of the Vulgate testify in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. And there are three that testify on earth; (not found in any Greek manuscript before the sixteenth century)".  The verse quoted was apparently inserted by some scribe or priest or translator to support a doctrine they believed and want you to believe.

Simple reasoning will reveal the truth.  The Father is Holy and his Son (the Word - John 1:1-3,14) is Holy and they are the ultimate Spirit (John 4:24).  They are the Holy Spirit -- just as you and I are of the flesh, of one blood, but all of us are different, sharing in the same (physical) life, so are they of the Spirit -- that is a mystery revealed, believe it or not, we are the living, physical example of that world unseen, but it is eternal, while we are only temporary, but still a mirror of what is truly real.  We are told that our life, in the flesh, is in the Blood (Lev 17:14), and all humanity, to repeat, are of the same blood, the same life, but different person.

Further more; to suggest there is a Holy Spirit apart from the Father and the Son borders on blaspheme -- they are "Holy" it is their Spirit that is Holy, a Life that originates with the One we call the Father, and can be shared with those to whom He chooses, it is not a separate personality, it is Him, it is them.  If the Holy Spirit is a separate  "entity", as so many say, then why isn't this separate "entity" mentioned in the order of things given in 1 Corinthians 11:3-11?  In the order of Headship, as these verses point out, it is first the Father, then the Son, then man, and then the woman.   How is it possible that the only "unforgivable sin" is that of blaspheme of the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28-29), unless, of course, this Holy Spirit is our Heavenly Father -- can you understand this?  This Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and His Son and it is the very Spirit He places in us to mark (seal, Eph 1:13) us as His and belonging to the "first-fruits" of YaHshua -- YaHshua being the First Fruit, suggesting more Fruit of the Spirit of the Living God, to come.  The Son said that He would send the "Comforter", and He has.  While He, the Word, was on this earth He was the "Comforter" and His leaving led Him to tell His followers that He would send another, indicating the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.  What did Peter say when he stood to speak under the guidance of the newly acquired seal of the promised Holy Spirit?  Read it for yourself in Acts 2:14-18.  What Spirit does he say is poured out?  The Spirit of THE God, The Ancient of Days, The Spirit of the Father -- that is the Holy Spirit, the Comforter identified as our Heavenly Father, a part of Him, a piece of Him, of His Life to be shared with us, the same Spirit that raised YaHshua, the First of us, back to Life.  

If you still cling to the idea of the "Trinity" doctrine then tell me the name of the Holy Spirit?  I know the Father's name, and I know the Son's name, so tell me the Holy Spirit's name if you can.  Certainly the followers of their god and gods must know their names. There is only one place, I know of, where a god with no name is mentioned, the "Unknown God"  whom the Apostle Paul identifies and it is not any of the gods the Greeks or the Romans were worshiping (Acts 17:23).  Paul pointed out they worshiped this God in ignorance, not in knowledge or understanding but accidentally by setting up a place for a God they admitted they did not know.    

Modern day Christian Churches are falling for this false Trinity doctrine because they are lazy and refuse to study the word for themselves or are afraid to challenge bible teachers and professing teachers that have infiltrated the various Churches in favor of this false Doctrine, and then add insult to injury by claiming that all those who do not believe in this Trinity Doctrine are false Christians, or antichrists -- just the opposite is true, however.  The Christian Churches are so filled with pagan practices and traditions that I find it hard to call myself a Christian.  The real Savior was not name JESUS, He was given the name of YaHshua (Joshua, in the Old English transliteration), He was not born in the middle of the winter, the darkest of nights, but in the early fall, at the harvest time, at the sounding of the trumpets, on the Feast of Trumpets.  He was not raised Sunday morning as the sun came up, for it was yet 'dark' and they found the tomb empty.  YaHshua said He would give not proof but the sign of Jonah, and that as Jonah was three days and three nights in the great fish so would the "son of man" be in the tomb -- by the Christian tradtions, you cannot get three days and three nights from a Friday crucifixion to a Sunday morning resurrection.  Our Savior, the true Messiah, was cut off in the middle of the week and raised three days and three nights later.  As you can see, there are many differences between what the Bible really teaches and what the Christian Churches have accepted from the Roman Church by tradtions inherited from the pagan world.  Even the Vatican is built upon the graves of pagan worshiper.  The Vatican is called the Vatican because the goddess of the dead, Vaticanus who ruled over the dead upon which the Romans built their temple.  The Roman Vatican is built upon a grave yard of pagan heritage, literally.  It is from this Church of pagan traditions most, if not all, the Christian churches have received their Doctrines, customs and traditions.

 How can I say there is no Trinity?  I can't, not really, as there is a "Trinity" doctrine and it is being taught in virtually all the Christian Churches.  It is a false doctrine, however, that leads to a different image of our Creator -- for the devout Catholic the Image is nearly obliterated by the image and worship of Mary (the fourth part of the God head).  But there are other false teachings as well.  The Name the Christian Churches have chosen as the name for the Son, as mentione previously, is bogus and did not come into being until around the 15th or 16th century -- some small variations during this period, from IESVS to JESUS -- His true birth name completely ignored and replaced by a name that never existed during the time of the Apostles -- actually, the name JESUS is only about 400 years old, and that is a fact.  Think about it; the King James, government authorized bible, came into being in the year 1611AD.  In this English version the Name of our Savior was written as, Iesus.  So, in 1611AD, Iesus, was the Name given our Savior, a hand me down from the Latin Iesvs, then a few years later the KJV went through a revision and the Name of our Savior was changed again, this time to JESUS.  None of these names are pronounced the same as His birth name and no one asked why?  For the last 400+ years this deception has been embedded into the Christian communities so that everyone accepts this lie as the truth.  His birth name has always been visible in the Hebrew Bible as JOSHUA, this is the Old English transliteration of His real Name, the Name He was given at Birth, so why did the translators change His Name, why didn't they use, JOSHUA, instead of JESUS?  They translated and transliterated it properly, for the time, in the Old Testament, as JOSHUA, so why did they choose a different name for the New Testament?  This is a deception of the highest order and is followed by nearly all translations following in the vernerated King James governement approved bible footsteps, and some, in their Preface, even admit to following the "traditions" of their fathers when it comes to the Holy Name -- a name by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12).

Concerning the teaching of the Trinity we see the same Christian community and scholars responsible for the KJV bible giving support to this truine god by way of translation bias.  Understand, the Trinity is three equal one -- bad math, bad faith, good deception.

But, and I mean this, if you are not convinced and if you enjoy the sound of, " the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit", then why not?  After all, they are one, aren't they, one Spirit, one IN the Father.  The Holy Spirit, that Spirit of Truth comes on our Savior's Name, just as we are told, and our Savior comes in the Father's Name, just as He says.  The Holy Spirit lives within us, our Savior lives within us as does the Father and we are all then united in Him by HIS SPIRIT.

(Rom 8:11)  And if the Spirit of Him who raised YaHshua from the dead is living in you, He who raised the Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.

Our Heavenly Father is HOLY, above all, and nothing can become or be Holy without HIM.  The Holy Spirit is given to us, His Spirit is Holy, He is the HOLY SPIRIT.  

See also Holy Spirit in Q&A for more on this subject

-- HalleluYaH.


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