Name of Your God
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth"
(2 Timothy 2:15)
What is the Name of your God?
(You are not alone in searching this truth)
Looking for the 7000
Wakeup Call -- A Great Earthquake (Worldwide) is coming
Are We Gentiles Called By His Name -- Acts 15:17-19 -- Or are we Israelis ignoring His Name?
Update: Since this Website began in the 90's there has been a movement afoot, the Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM) and is gaining ground and influence among the Sacred Names Movement that has stalled in its knowledge and understanding but having some agreement with the HRM are coming back to life in teaching and the revelation about our Savior true Identity. However, they assume we are to become Jews, or Israel. This is a new spin on and old theology -- replacement theology -- the Christians replacing Israel as true Jews of today. Hebrew Roots Movement claim they are restoring the original Church by restoring the Old Covenant and its requirements. Their gentile preachers dress in Hebrew, or Jewish appearing clothes and caps. Be aware, they are very knowledgeable in the ways of the world and in claiming to be something they are not. These men teach a theology that feeds the physical desire of the flesh to be bound by the Law of Moses. Be very careful when you listen to these men as they tear are the Cross of our Messiah. The people may be sincere but are being mishandled and encouraged to act like, or become Jews. They do not say it exactly like that but by their actions and teaching it becomes obvious. From these come spin-offs attempting to build "cultic" followings -- nothing good will come from these groups -- please beware. If you think I am with them, or part of them, or have come out of them, please go to About Us and be sure we are like you, not a Jewish cult or any type of personality cult and we want nothing from you except to know you are not alone in these last days. We believe YaHshua is Savior, the only Savior, and He is the Head of the Body which is spread out over this Earth and seen only by Him and we wait patiently for His return as witnesses to the truth of His Word and words.
This site is not for everyone, it is, however, for those feeling alienated -- especially for those believers seeing a truth others in the Christian Community , deny, downplay, refuse to see, claim it does not matter, or just ignored --and that would be? The Rejection of His personal Identity (His birth Name), favoring another name that did not exist in the first century. In these days, as we approach ever closer to His return, a name has been accepted without question. The Biblical scholars have withheld the true identity of our Salvation by their traditions and have given to the world a false name, a false identity directing those called, those coming toward the Kingdom away from their salvation. Man has given to man a false god, a god that tells them what they want to hear, not what they should hear and with other spiritual influences preach and pray in the false name JESUS.
Through a process of man's traditions a different name has evolved -- a name of modern creation -- the name "Jesus" is another name accepted, not His Name, but another's -- John 5:43. This verse is applied to the Jews of the time, His audience at the time, but it is a principle teaching against false gods and false names accepted in place of the true and faith God of all Creation and our Savior.
His real Name, His birth name, YaHshua, ignored, refused and denied by the general Christian population. Another Name and another Gospel -- Galatians 1:6-9; 2 Cor 11:4 -- even another Messiah is accepted and preached.
If you have seen this truth please take courage, you are not alone. Those in doubt? Ask yourself a simple question, "Was our Savior given the name "Jesus" at birth?" If He were born today what Name would be entered on His birth certificate? Would His family records or the records the Romans kept for tax purposes have the name "Jesus" written out? Of course not, how could it, the name "Jesus" is a modern deception, a lie believed by nearly everyone -- a name that did not exist then. The name JESUS is barely 400 years old and was not found among men at the time of His birth nor after as is stated in Acts 4:12.
We are told by most teachers that the name "Jesus" is the modern equivalent of the original Hebrew/Aramaic birth name. This is not correct, the modern equivalent would be"YaHshua". The name "Joshua" is the equivalent in the Old Testament portion of the KJV Bible. Some say Yeshua from the Hebrew Scriptures and others point out the name "Yeshua" as the Aramaic equivalent and all of these are close and no where near the false name, Jesus. Most, if not all, Biblical scholars today recognized the Savior's birth Name as YaHshua (some minor variations), but this is not what they teach from the pulpit. It is admitted in many bible dictionaries that the bogus name "Jesus" should be Yahshua. Israel made this same mistake, calling Baal, LORD and later calling the many Baal's, Lord. Baal, by difinition means, "lord" -- Lord worship, pushing the Holy Name of our Creator and Father aside.
Here is a small sampling from the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Jesus -- je¯´zus, Ie¯sou´s, for, yeho¯shua?):
We see a simple example of what nearly all resources do when dealing with the bogus name, JESUS, a name that never existed until around 400 years ago. The scholarship goes blind and simply slips the invented name, Jesus, right past all reasonable understandings of what a "transliteration" is and ignores the rules of translation making the reader believe this made up name is an equivalent of YeHoshua, or YaHshua, which it is not. You will see this over and over again, with an occasional admission of this error along the way. No one, not one person had ever heard of the name JESUS until after the King James Version Bible's first revision. The fact is, the original KJV, printed in 1611, presented the name as IESVS and in a later revision it became JESUS.
The lie -- Jesus -- Je-zus (Inoous, Iesous, replacing Yahshua and,or, Yehoshua), is our Lord's Name.
The truth -- YeHoshua, or Joshua, or YaHushua, or YaHshua is the "birth Name" of our Lord and Savior, not the bogus name, Jesus, not even close. The birth Name or equivalent Names are "transliterations" of the original Hebrew while the name Jesus is not, it is from a Greek/Latin name, later changed from IESVS to JESUS by the English pronounced as He-Zeus in most of the world outside of those speaking English -- the English pronouncing this false name as Geez-us. Why would the translators us a bogus name like Jesus, or Iesvs, when the more appropriate and honest transliterations are available? Even the name Joshua (should be pronounced -- YaHshua) is closer and a better choice than the false name, Jesus. Go to this Link -- The Name Origin
How does Ge-zus become Yehoshua? It doesn't and just because they say it does you can see with your own eyes it does not, you can hear it with your own ears it does not -- Jesus and YeHoshua or YaHshua are completely different. The "transliterations", Yahshua and Joshua (Old English) are not equivalents and are "transliterations" of either the Hebrew or the Aramaic -- and these are not translations either, they are "transliterations". Notice the first choice in the Greek attempt -- Inoous -- later changed to Iesous -- has no connection other than some say the Name Jesus is from this bogus name and this is from the Hebrew, which it is not, and when this does not work they then say Jesus is a 'translation" from the Hebrew/Aramaic, and when that does not work either they resort to saying this false name, JESUS, is an "equivalent", which anyone with eyes and ears can see and hear it is not. It is important for our spiritual growth and our salvation that we know whom we call on and who it is that is calling us.
Some have tried to down play this and while admitting the error, resort to the Jewish use of the Name Yeshua, while close is just as wrong. You will notice the "H" is dropped from the name. They print YaHshua as Yeshua, leaving the "H" but which is a vital part of our Heavenly Father's Name. I have read and hear some Jewish scholars and Ultra Orthodox try to explain this away, but it has been uncovered that when "consonants" are dropped it is to protect the holiness of the word and it is expected of the reader to mentally replace the missing consonant, in this case, the missing "H" and when you do this you come up with a completely different name than the one the Jews would prefer the Christians coming into this new Knowledge, would use. According to the Strong's Hebrew Dictionary, the word, used as a name, Yeshua, is to be pronounced as -- YaH-shoo-ua or YaH-shoo-ah. This is a far cry from Yeshua, pronounced by the masses as Yes-shoo-ua.
Next is the use of John 5:43 by those of us saying our Savior came in His Father's Name. We are told, especially by Jewish converts preferring to use the name Yeshua, telling us this verse is being misunderstood by those objecting to the dropping of half our Heavenly Father's Name. They insist it is the name Yeshua that was so popular in the first century, and so it is only reasonable for our Savior to have been name Yeshua instead of YaHshua or even YaHoshua. We know from Matthew 1:21 the name given to Mary and Joseph to name our Savior came from an Angelic Messenger and not from some neighbors or family members, so, was the name delivered in Aramaic, or Greek, or Latin? Some say this name, Yeshua, is the Aramaic form of YeHoshua, and other that Yeshua is the contracted form, or the shortened form of the Hebrew -- but wait -- read the account of Paul and the message he received from a heavenly source where he identifies the language (tongue) he is hearing and it is Hebrew (Acts 26:14 "...I heard a voice speaking to me, saying in the Hebrew Tongue..."). I think we can safely assume the Name delivered was in the Hebrew and would then be YaHshua. Which, as pointed out earlier, is the true pronunciation of Yeshua, we are merely restoring the missing "H" and thus restoring His Name and the Name of His Father. When we understand this, then what John records is not some mistranslation or being misunderstood when our Savior says --
(John 5:43) I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. KJV (Is the Father's Name Jesus? Hardly, and you know it, the Father's Name is found in our Savior's Name, a Name given Him by His Father, Named after His Father, John 17:12 NIV -- how difficult is this? Why does the Christian community deny this? Could our Savior say it with more clarity? And He was right, there is "another" being accepted having come in "another" name)
(1Jn 3:21-23) Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him. And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Yahshua the Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us. NIV (Birth Name restored -- remember, the name JESUS is not the Name given our Savior at birth and the Name Jesus is not a "transliteration of his Hebrew/Jewish name -- a Name by which we must all be saved, Acts 4:12)
Please, let me make this very plain -- what I believe -- I believe Scripture tells us every knee will one day bow to the possessor of the Name, YaHshua, and everyone will call on that Name in declaration or denial of our Savior. Everyone, great and small, will kneel to the Name and the person of YaHshua.
(John 3:18) Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
(Php 2:9-10) Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of YaHshua every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, ... ("every knee, in heaven and on earth and under the earth" ... ? Under the earth would be the dead, they will be raised back to life and have the opportunity to kneel before the Savior of all)
I did not write those words and while you may not agree with me, you need to come up with an answer concerning what the Apostles taught regarding the Name of our Savior, and the Name they were talking about, teaching about, calling on and baptizing in was NOT the name, Jesus. Like I said, "This web site is not for everyone". Certain truths are not given to everyone at the same time, but it should not take much of a study to question what you have believed or been taught.
This site is for those already understanding the deception at work in this world and looking to grow in the knowledge of Yahshua and our Heavenly Father. It is not my purpose to call your "salvation" into question, that is your job -- work out your own salvation (Php 2:12)-- that is your responsibility, not mine, not your pastor's, but your responsibility. If the information you find here helps you in your search and journey in the Word of our Creator, then I will be happy knowing you have received some encouragement from my efforts in sharing what I believe has been shown to me and others, in a world turned upside down in its thinking. Broad is the path to destruction and narrow is the way to Salvation -- just the opposite of what the world and its teachers tell you (Mat 7:13-14, read it and then read it again).
Do you have to agree with what I see and what I believe to gain salvation? Absolutely not, and I do not say you have to know the true identity of our Savior either, but one day, when He returns, you and everyone else will bow to Him as Kings of Kings, and those that hung him on the stake will weep, and those that have not known Him by Name, small and great, will bow to the possessor of the Name, YaHshua. The name "Jesus" will be revealed for what it is, a modern invention, a deception, a bogus name. There is salvation in no other name (Acts 4:12, Rom 10:13, Acts 2:21, Zech 13:9, Ps 79:2)
(Rom 10:9) That if you confess with your mouth, "YaHshua is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Today's Body of the Messiah:
Few in number -- strong in faith -- weak in the flesh -- strong in the spirit -- rejecting the lie -- accepting YaHshua's birth Name as the truth -- believing in His person and His Name (Acts 2:21), setting Him apart from all other Christs and Messiahs -- rejecting any other name (John 5:43, Acts 4:12) -- refusing to believe or accept the lie (2 Thes 2:11). We remember all that call on His Name will be Saved (Romans 10:13, Acts 2:21). Be of courage, YaHshua has made this known to you for His own purposes, be of good cheer. We have an "open door" set before us, a door "no man can shut" -- some believe that door is the Internet -- I believe that Door is the Christ, our Messiah YaHshua -- you decide (John 6:44, John 14:6, Rev 2:3, )
Who says His Name is not found in the Bible? Who says it is not Important?
The following verses prove the Name of our Savior is in the New Testament and begs the question, "Why did the translators use the correct Name in some places but not in others -- implanting the bogus name "Jesus" for our Savior's birth-name, YaHshua (Joshua)"?
(Act 7:45) Having received the tabernacle, our fathers under Joshua (YaHshua) brought it with them when they took the land from the nations God drove out before them. It remained in the land until the time of David, NIV
The preverted KJV-- notice the incorrect name usage which was correct by the NIV, above--
(Act 7:45) Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David; KJV
(Heb 4:8) For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. NIV
(Heb 4:8) For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. KJV
(Luke 3:29) the son of Joshua, the son of Eliezer, the son of Jorim, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, NIV
We see where the Hebrew/Aramaic equivalent is restored by the NIV (Other Modern Translations correct this error also but, like the KJV fail to follow through by restoring Joshua and trashing the bogus name, Jesus). The modern translations remove the confusion concerning these verses by not following the KJV in translating (transliterating?), incorrectly, His name as "Jesus" (the orginal KJV of 1611 used the name, IEVUS, later revised to IESUS, then another revision and the name is changed to JESUS -- never using the available and correct transliteration of HIs birth Name, Joshua). The name, Joshua, is a close transliteration of His Birth Name into English and this name is found in the Bible, just as quoted in the verses above, so, why the change to "JESUS"?
The "J" used to be pronounced as "Yah" and not "Jah" (as in Jaw) as wrongly pronounced by the English speaking people. Still in many European countries today the "J" is still pronounced very close to "Yah". The American English followed along with the language of England in corrupting the Name of our Savior, turning the Name given Him at birth, by His Heavenly Father, YaHshua (Joshua) changing into something completely different and strange to both Hebrew and Greek. First the Greeks then the Romans, then the Roman Catholics (perverted Latin) and then the English Churches. The English scholars appointed by the King of England were following in the foot steps of the Roman Church in corrupting the Name of our Savior -- following the traditions of their Mother Church the Protestant daughters continued the corrupting of His Name, the only Name under heaven by which we must be save (Acts 4:12). Make no mistake, the Protestant Churches were born from between the legs of the Roman/Greek Church. The Protestant Churches are the daughters of the original Babylonian religion, calling on IESUS, pronounced, Hey-zeus, a Roman/Greek god.
(Mat 10:22) And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
(Act 4:12) Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
(Mat 18:5) Whoever receives one such little child in my name receives me,
(Mat 18:20) For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.
(John 10:3) To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
(Joh 12:28)Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorifyit again. (A prophetic statement)
(Php 2:9) Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
This is but a sampling of verses having to do with His Name and the Name of our Heavenly Father. I will not try to quote them all -- I don't want to take all of the fun out of your own search. John 12:28 is very interesting, notice, it is stated, that His Name "was glorified", as in a time before and then He says, "and I will glorify it again", as in a future time. Doesn't this suggest a lapse or gap in the "glorifying" of His Name, indicating a future time to be "glorified again"? I believe we are moving into that time, when His Name will be "glorified again" -- the Name of our Heavenly Father and that of our Savior, once glorified and to be glorified again. This understanding points us to another statement of our Savior, a prophetic statement uttered and quoted by many without the full meaning -- He is requesting His Father glorify His Name and the answer returned to Him is telling us of a time still to come when His Name will be glorified "again". We know this is to be still in the future because, as we have seen, it is not happening today. The Jew/Israelites have failed in this preferring to hide His Name and the Christians do the same by replacing His Name and that of His son by another and this will has led to a time of deception leading those wanting to enter the Kingdom into believing the LIE.
Sad to say but the revelation, once again, of our Savior's Name and that of the Heavenly Father -- His true identity -- will be used to lead many into deception by the use of this end-times knowledge -- the true identity of our Savior. Through a prayer YaHshua forecast a time when His Name and the Name of His father would be "gloried" (recognized), a time when many would understand this truth but instead of rejoicing they will use it to deceive many. Not my words but His.
(Mat 24:5)For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ (Messiah); and shall deceive many.
I take this verse seriously, as should those attempting a restoration of the Old covenant -- some claiming to be Jew when they are not. YaHshua is telling us that many will come in His rightful Name and deceive many -- a prophetic statement -- a future event spoken by our Savior -- something to happen from the time of His death ,in the flesh, to now. We know His true identity was lost and replaced by the modern name, Jesus, making what He said very unlikely (Matthew 24:5). Now, in these days, we see the ever growing knowledge and debate swirling around the religious communities as this knowledge becomes undeniable. Now and on into the future His words, "...many shall come in my Name..." should ring loud in the ears of all believer, followed by, "... and shall deceive many."
We see this restoration of Name and traditions under the banner, The Sacred Names Movement. Many well meaning people searching for truth and knowledge come into this truth and immediately assume the teachers with delivering this knowledge have the secret to life seeing these teachers as Apostles or Prophets of the Living God when they are not. YaHshua soon becomes secondary, in many cases, to the Old Testament and service to the Laws of Moses (YaHshua called the Torah, Laws of Moses). You must read Gal 3:8-14 and be aware of this attempted redirection from YaHshua as Savior back to the Law as savior.
Most of these groups are attempting to restore Old Covenant worship, the covenant made with the people of Israel, not the original with Abraham. In this they do crucifying our Lord and Savior again. Please understand this, Abraham was not a Jew nor an Israelite -- he came before the creation of the people of Israel. Out of Him Israel and the Jews did come as he fathered Isaac and Isaac fathered Jacob from whom the twelve sons came making up the nation of Israel. But, do not forget, Abraham had other children, many other children whom he sent away into the East as a precaution and protection of his first born Isaac. The restoration these people of the Sacred Names Movement attempt is that of Israel, not of our Father in the Faith, Abraham.
It is not for us to "restore" anything, that is what our Messiah will do when He returns and then we can be sure it is done right. These restoration ministries, whether they call themselves that or not, are attempting to retstore what Israel lost. The covenant of Abraham was handed down from one to the other (Acts 7:32) but another covenant, an additional covenant was made with the people of Israel and it came to be known as the Law of Moses (Mk 12:26, Lk 24:44).
This restoration of Israel is what our Savior will accomplish, not some individual or group of individuals. Look at the two witnesses of Revelation 11 -- the world hates them, they restore nothing, they die alone in their mission of preaching the True God and Savior. Yes, many will come in His Name, as prophesied by our Savior, but the two witnesses will be the only true Witnesses prior to our Savior's return. Yes, even today, not only among the Christian Communities but also among the Sacred Names groups we see claims being made about doing the work of the EliYaH (Elijah), and others claiming to be the "two witnesses", and others having this truth of our Lord's identity recklessly taking things to themselves that do not belong to them. YaHshua is going to restore what needs to be restored by and in the authority of our Heavenly Father.
Claiming to be Jews
Come out of these false groups, have nothing to do with them, they are deceived in their own minds, and those surrounding them only feed the flames. (1 John 4:1, Luke 21:8, 2 Timothy 3:13, 2 Peter 2:2, Titus 1:10-11, Revelation 3:9) There are those attempting to be Jews and in their error, attempting to restore what is not theirs to restore -- the Old Covenant. By their actions they are saying they are Jews but they are not -- they are deceiving and being deceived themselves. They will be made part of the house of Satan -- strong words -- not my words, but His and we should listen. In my understanding the words of Revelation 3:9 apply to those saying they are Jews, those attempting to restore the Old Covenant, and those claiming to be the lost tribes of Israel. This applies equally to those claiming they are the Elijah, or one of the Two Witnesses and to the Christian community.
In today's world we have many of the Protestant denominations teaching what is known as "Replacement Theology". The basic idea is that Israel has been replaced by the Christian Church. This has been taught since the formation of the gentile and pagan Church of Rome formed, and is a concept the Protestant Churches, breaking away from their Mother Church of Rome, applied to themselves. There is another body of Christians teaching what is called, "British Israel-ism", and this is a teaching that most, if not all, people of European descent are the lost tribes if Israel. Then there are smaller groups applying the Old Covenant as though they are Jews, and or Israelites in an attempt at restoring the Old Covenant, a Covenant our Creator has reserved for Himself to restore, to make new with the true people of Israel. So, we see, there is no shortage of those claiming to be something they are not.
The New Testament has a lot to say about names -- research it, find the verses in your own bible -- verses shouting the importance of His Name, His Identity. The Old testament is not silent on this either. The Hebrew portion of the Holy Bible is more than a record of the Old Covenants, it is for our benefit, a learning tool, a prophetic tool, a tool in how our Creator God thinks and deals with man. It is the Hebrew Scriptures that testify YaHshua is who He says, and said, He is. The Apostles of the Messiah taught from the Hebrew scriptures, as did our Savior. The New Testament was not put together until many years after the death of the last Apostles. There are no originals of the New Testament writings, only copies. The New Testament is the message of YaHshua as taught from the Hebrew Scriptures and it is the purity of the Old Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures that preserves the authority and reliability of the New Testament.
(2Tim 3:16) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
My friends, when this was written there were no other "Scriptures" but the Hebrew Scriptures. When the Apostles taught they taught from the Old Testament, that is to say, they did not teach the only from the Old Testament but also from the Words of our Savior. They taught from the Hebrew Scriptures and only rarely mentioned the writings of others. But we need to keep in mind that they were taught about the Kingdom of God by YaHshua personally for 40 days before He left Earth and He taught the 12 Disciples for 3.5 years before they had received His Holy Spirit of the Father (John 20:22) and of these things they would recall later (John 16:4) and then passed on to us in the Gospel writings and their own personal writings and letters to the Churches. We have the benefit of this extra knowledge, knowledge tied to the New Covenant bringing a change and having authority over the Old Covenant. The Old is changed, not abolished but changed -- Jer 30:31, 2 Cor 3:6-9, Heb 9:16-17, Heb 8:6-13
(Heb 7:12) For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.
If you have a concordance look up the word, "scripture" and see how many times they are called on the Hebrew bible. When someone tells you the Old Testament is done away, or abolished, or finished, or removed, you can know the truth is not in them as the Apostles of the Living Christ freely quoted from them as did our Messiah, YaHshua. Yes, there is a New Covenant and there will be another Covenant our God will make with Israel in the future when YaHshua will give all Israel a heart of flesh, removing their heart of stone. Today, and since the sacrifice of our Savior, all believers enter into the New Covenant under the banner of our Savior, accepting His life in payment for our lives that we might enter into the Kingdom to come. The time is coming when the "old" will be made "new" and the new will be made old.
OLD TESTAMENT Cries out --
The Book of JOSHUA (Yoshua, YaHshua, YaHushua, YeHshua, Yeshua) bears the Name of our Savior. Joshua lead the people of God into the Kingdom -- a forerunner of the coming Messiah when He will return and lead His people into the Kingdom.
The following is a verse declaring the Name of our God. It is presented in several quotes from different translations and in each it remains the same. If you can know the name of the God of Israel, you can know the name of your God and the Name of His son, your Savior.
Psalm 68:4 Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH and rejoice before him. (KJV) (Pronounced as YaH, not, Jaw),
Psalm 68:4 Sing to God! Sing praises to His name. Exalt Him who rides on the clouds -- His name is Yahweh -- and rejoice before Him. (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
(Psa 68:4) Sing to Elohim! Psalm to his name! Extol him who rides on the plains, by his name Yah; and jump for joy at his face. (ECB - exegese companion bible)
(Psa 68:4) Make songs to God, make songs of praise to his name; make a way for him who comes through the waste lands; his name is Jah; be glad before him. (BBE - Bible in Basic English) (JaH is actually pronounced, YaH, not, Jaw)
(Psa 68:4) Sing to God! Sing praises to his name! Extol him who rides on the clouds: to Yah, his name!Rejoice before him! (WEB)
(Psa 68:4) Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: cast up a highway for him that rideth through the deserts; his name is JAH; and exult ye before him. (RV)
(Psa 68:4) Sing ye to God, Make music of his Name,—Lift up (a song), to him that rideth through the waste plains,—Since Yah is his name, exult ye before him. (Rotherham)
(Psa 68:4) Sing unto Elohim, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name YAH, and rejoice before him. (RNKJV)
If you would really like to know how often the Name of God is mentioned in the Old Testament go to the library, or Christian Book store, and look for a copy of the Jerusalem Bible. The translators saw fit to restore (actually, transliterate, from the Hebrew) the Name of the God of Israel -- YaHWeH. There is also the Emphasized Bible which, like the Jerusalem Bible, has been around for many years -- not lost, merely ignored. The New Holman Bible uses the transliterated Name of the God of Israel also, in certain key verses. The Holman Bible is a relatively new translation and must be congratulated on having the courage to restore, if only partially, His Holy Name back into the Scriptures. All, however, miss the mark completely when it comes to the New Testament where the false name is dominate. Again, not hidden but ignored, it does not really take too much research to discover our Lord and Savior was never named the name, JESUS.
Return to the New Testament, Revelation
Rev 19:1 After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "Hallelujah (pronounced, Hall-El-u-YaH)! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God.
Rev 19:6 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. (Hall-el -lu - YaH, is to translate -- Praise our God YaH, or Praise Elohim Yah)
What does Hallelu-Yah mean? It means "Paise to you God YaH" or, "Praise EL (God) YaH" -- This shout of Praise to YHWH (YaHWeH) is heard in song and shouts of glory throughout the Christian community without understanding. The Name of our Creator is shouted out in assemblies around the world without understanding. The Christian community, unknowingly sing and shout out praise to our Savior and our Heavenly Father -- amazing.
Do any other Translations agree? You be the judge!
Rev 19:3 And again they said, Alleluia. (KJV)
Rev 19:3 And a second time they say, Hallelujah. (RV)
Rev 19:3-4 And a second time they said, Hallelujah. And her smoke goes up to the ages of ages. And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and did homage to God who sits upon the throne, saying, Amen, Hallelujah. (Darby)
Rev 19:3 And a second time they say, Hallelujah. (ASV)
Rev 19:3 And again they shouted: "HalleluJah! ..." (NIV)
Every time you see a name in the Holy bible with the letters, "iah" you are looking at, and saying the Name of your Creator in the Greek form. Jerem-iah, Isa-iah, Zephan-iah, Eli-iah, or EliJah. With the name Elijah you can see the mistake of the translator, while using "iah" in other names they use "Jah" as in Elijah's name, here is seen the association the letter "j" has with the Greek "i", a letter as a transliteration of the Hebrew/Aramaic "y". All of these, and many others are pronounced as "Yah", JeremYah, IsaYah, and EliYah. (The Greek influence is unmistakable, "i" replacing "y" and "j". If you do any research at all you will see the relation "i" and "j' have, once being the same, only later changing with the "j" finding its own pronunciation, especially among the English speaking people). The next time you say, or sing HalleluYah, think about what you are saying, and to whom. Want more? Click this link -- Shouting His Name
Names do not matter? (LINK)
Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (KJV)
Rev 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. (KJV) (If your name is important, how much more His?)
Pro 30:4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, and descended? Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in his garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou knowest? (ASV)
John 17:12 While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. (NIV)
Heb 13:15 Through Yahshua, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that confess his name. (correct name restored -- NIV, uses the bogus name Jesus)
(Php 2:9-11) Therefore the FATHER also highly exalted him, and gave to him the name which is above every name; that at the name of YaHshua every knee should bow, of those in heaven, those on earth, and those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that YaHshua the messiah is God, to the glory of the God the Father. (WRNV)
(Heb 1:4) Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
(Rom 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
(Act 2:21) And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
(Php 2:9-11) Therefore God has highly exalted Him, and has given Him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Yahshua every knee should bow, of heavenly ones, and of earthly ones, and of ones under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Yahshua the Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. MKJV
(Mal 1:11) For from the rising of the sun even to its going in, My name shall be great among the nations; and everywhere incense shall be offered to My name, and a pure food offering. For My nameshall be great among the nations, says YHWH (YaHWeH) of Hosts. MKJV (Do we see this today? No, but we will, one day)
(Eze 43:7) And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and My Holy Name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places. KJV
A Change is Coming
There is a change coming and we must, as believers, be ready for it spiritually. The political systems as we see them today are all going to change. There is coming an event which will usher in the "end days" for the rule of men and Satan, but it is only a beginning of an end. Click on the following link for more information on this worldwide event, a prophetic event no one will be able to ignore -- The coming Great Quake.