Let's Discuss It
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Let's Discuss, or Exchange Ideas About our God and Savior
Have a Question? Or maybe a correcting comment? Here is a primer, of sorts, to kick start, the questions and the answers:
Who is the Messiah, the Savior that you see so differently from the one taught?
This website began with the idea for an honest exchange of sharing Biblical Knowledge, directed toward a growing Knowledge about Him, our Savior, and discovering how the savior portrayed is not the Savior of the Church He founded -- a completely different image. Baptizing in a completely different name, a different birth date, different time and day for His Crucifixion and resurrection. This replacement savior, is beautiful, and until recently, the past couple of decades, he was depicted as having light colored hair and blue eyes.
Go to this link and discover the many images of the Christian Christ:
Some depictions appear very feminine, all seem to be in love with the idea that he had long flowing locks. If that were really the case they why would one of the Aposltes, who had actually knowledge of His appearance have said --
1Co 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
The next thing is to make him beautiful, the Brad Pit, or George Clooney of his day, when the fact is, it is given to us in the Prophetic Word, that he would not be so handsome as to be desired. He was not physically attractive, by whatever the standards were for men of great beauty, to be so desired by women -- he was not. His appearance captured no one, but His words did, and his healing powers did, not some superficial, flesh and blood attraction -- as the false messiah is depicted.
Read what the Prophetic word has to say about the Coming Messiah --
(Isa 53:2) For he shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: He hats no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
Just the opposite of what the world sees and wants to see, apparently, today, and for the last 1,000 years. Incredible. This is not something hidden. If I can find it, so can you. So, let us help each other find the One True Savior, not this lollipop rendition.
What do we know, then, for certain? He was not handsome, even to the point that he was not desirable in appearance. And, He did not have long, flowing, light colored hair. Of course, some of the more recent portrayals do color his eyes darker and his tint his skin tone, but most of this is not due to the truth in the Word, but due to recent research into the method of Crucifixion, and the discovery of the Turin Burial Shroud, which brought to the forefront the fact that our Savior was a Jewish man. This, however, the Shroud debate, is something I would not consider a true portrayal of our Lord, as the man found imprinted on this Shroud, appears to be sort of handsome, and with long hair. This image on the Shourd appears more like a person that may have been imprisioned for some time before being crucified, considering the evidence of this persona unkept appearance -- scraggly beard, unruly, long hair, and underfed, near anorexia. Yes, he had gone through a scourging, but the extreme under weight and unhealthy appearance of a reconstructed figure from the cloth, just does not fit the discription or the life we see of our True Savior, YaHshua. Depicting our Savior as a starving vagrant is completely in error. For example, the soldiers at the foot of the Cross, were casting lots (throwing dice), gambling is you will, over his Cloak, and who would get it.
If he were such a vagabond, no one would want his smelly clothing, or ragged cloak. No, His cloak was of some value. YaHshua, was denied food, and proper care for only a bried period of time -- His 40 day trial in the wilderness, and soon after that ordeal, the Angels themselves came down to feed and care for Him. From then on, He gathered His Disciples, His entourage, if you will, and by the power of His words and the power He exhibited in healings, healings beyond any kind of razzle dazzle, or staged perfomance, instant results, His fame grew, and His supporters grew, even to the point of the wealthy and influential of surrounding territories and local cities sent out invites to have Him come to their dinner parties -- and guess what? He went. No, our Savior was not a street vagabound, He was well kept and cared for, by both Angels and men. Yes, He made the statement that He had not place to lay His head. This was at a time his physical family, had pretty much turned their back on Him, or He on them, and He was not a property owner, knowing His own future. Yet, He and his Disciples, were not poor, and carried enough cash to see to all of their needs, even having a teasurer, to care fo the money, or the purse, as they called it, in the shape of the man Judas -- John 12:6.
Knowing these things, seeing these things, has move many to reject the Christian way, on foot in the Holy Word, and the other planted firmly in past Paganism. Restoring His Birth name to your worship, and then realizing how much different your true Savior is to that presented to the world, leads to a certain separation, whether by your own choice or those who cannot bear to have you in their meetings. Your very presence, once others around you understand that you no longer confess anything in the bogus name JESUS, and have made a point that your Messiah and Savior is named after His Heavenly Father, and is not JESUS or HeyZeus, as some pronounce it, but is YaHshua -- YaH's Savior, or Salvation. Once those around you see this, understand it, they are most likely going to ask you to leave, or the membership will begin to shun you. And, as this truth settles into your spirit, with His Spirit, other things, like His true, physical appearance, when He was really born, and the timing of His Crucifixion, it will become evermore apparent that you are in confession of a different Savior than those around you. Eventually, someone is bound to challenge you with -- "So, you are saying that all of my prayer to Jesus, mean nothing? Or that all of my answer prayers in the name of Jesus, are fake? "-- Now you have a problem. Never mind that you can prove the name JESUS is bogus, and not even a Jewish name, and never existed until some 400 years ago. You will have to answer that question, and the answer will be hated just as much as some will come to hate you for even suggesting such a thing -- you will become the heretic. In olden days, not so long ago, if you did not confess the savior they confessed, their forefathers would have burned you at the stake. Oh, wait, past history? True, and as they say, history repeating itself in the future, our future, your future -- Revelation 13:15.
This Website For those Few Being Called Out From the Great Delusion
It is the assumption that those connecting with this website would have already entered their Journey on that narrow path -- that path that leads to the awakening, that then leads to seeing the deceptions in religion. Many have found themselves on the outside of their groups, or churches, or organizations, even their families, for daring to go against what has been taught as truth. Most of religion has developed into "feeling" and "mental comfort", over truth. Once, someone told me, after I directed them to start reading the Old Testament, the Hebrew part of their own Bible, they came back to me and said, "I would not have a God like that". Like what? "Mean and vicious, even blood thirsty. Not very kind." And still, this person went to Church (the building, where similar minds gather, not to be mistake with the ecclesia) and prayed with others, every Sunday.
Some of us see our God and Savior, as one and the same as the God presented in the Old Testament. Some of us do not separate the two. Some of us do not see the New Testament as only a book, or Covenant of Ease, of Love and kindness, filled with tolerance for sin and evil of every sort. Far from it. Yes, how our God does love us, but do we, or they, love Him? Religion says, Yes, we do, then goes about playing god themselves by forgiving sin and allowing it into every facet of life, never asking how the God they claim to worship feels about it. For the majority, to be tolerant and to aoid hurting feelings -- even to accepting mentally ill, or deranged minds as if they are normal and that it is normal to allow these, sick and twisted minds to have dominance over the majority all in the name of love and forgiveness. It is uncanny how many professing Christians can read the New Testament and see only forgiveness and tolerance -- seeing only one side and blind to the other. This may explain, as well, why so many young people, raised in the world of tolerance and forgiveness, avoiding the hurting of the sinners feelings, never seem to be interested in Bible Prophecy, skipping over those parts of the New Testament, that are, well, disturbing to the sensitive minds of the fallen.
Attempting to "live at peace with all men", as we are instructed (Heb 12:14), is not a liberty to be approved, it is something a believer is, or should be, striving to do. But, this is not to say, we must then approve homosexual activity, or the strange desire for gender mutilations. I believe they call it, Gender reassignment, as if this is a normal thing, as if it is something we, in our human goodness can forgive and allow, because we love them.
As nutty as that may sound to some, just look around. The love humanity has for itself, becomes greater than the love humanity has for their Creator, and look where it has gotten us -- love allows for things even nature teachers us -- gender bending, or ignorant claims against one's own physical birth, is a twisted love, a love that is more hate in disguise for sympathy, expanding beyond natural creation. Has taking this path brought about more peace? If anything, it has produced more anger, more guilt, more chicken hearts, running for their loving, sensitive lives, while allowing for the twisted thinking of some who should actually be committed for their atrocities against all mankind, both male and female.
It is proven, we do not have more love in the world? Can mankind be more loving than their Creator? Apparently, this is the common consensus, as Russia Attacks Ukraine, killing thousands of people, and the USA send billions to Ukraine to kill thousands of Russians, and various countries applaud support for one side or the other. And in all of this love, the churches are virtually silent, in their love for being sensitive to those teaching and practicing the promotion of doctrines of devils and demons.
How is mankind's love for mankind working out?
His Love is not the same as our Love, that is, without His Spirit. Even the heathen love their own, but that is the the Love of our Creator. Our Creator, our Savior have a love for us all, that is so encompassing, that as individual we can receive as if it is only for us.