Divorce and Remarriage
Emails & Questions
Divorce and Remarriage
Let us start with an interesting subject which cause division in
the body.
DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE. Or should i say Putting away
(G630), Bill of divorce (Ketubah), remarriage.
What is your view on this?
I have spend a long time on this and truly when we study the
hebrew it makes things so much clearer. Starting from
Let's start with your view then work our way into the other things
i will share.
A: Link for more info -- Divorce and Remarriage in the Church
Sharing is always a good thing. Here is what I understand about this subject. Also, an
article I wrote many years ago on Divorce and Remarriage. You can see
what I have and I would be happy to see what you have on this subject.
I entered a Church, many years ago, that taught divorce was not
allowed. When new people would join their groups one of the first
questions would be about their marriage -- had either been married
before, to different people. If so, then the
couple were told that Christ did not approve of divorce
and so they had to separate before they could be baptized.
This was not a problem for most people, back in those days, but it
was for me -- I was married to a woman who had been married
before. The Church elders took down all of my information and her
information from private interviews, the interviews were turned over to the
high up leaders, all the way to the top Elder. It was decided that our
marriage was bound -- something about my (late) wife's marriage was built upon
a lie and because of this her first marriage was not a recognized marriage at
all. This is how it was reasoned out and I was good with it. But later,
in later I saw how families were split up and live torn apart because other
were not so fortunate as I in having their second marriages blessed.
i am telling you this because I want you or anyone reading this,
to know that I know what I am talking about -- you know -- Been there don that,
experience that helps teach.
As my bible studies advanced and I questioned more and more about
the Christian teachings and the teachings of the group I had
joined, this business about divorce and remarriage in the Church kept coming
up, haunting me. My first wife died unexpectedly,
after we divorced. I remarried, but I needed to know the answers to
the question -- is divorce and remarriage allowed for in the Doctrine of
(Mat 5:32) But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except
for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone
who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. NIV
There is a condition that can exist that does allow for divorce
and for remarriage. That condition is given to us by YaHshua himself --
unfaithfulness. Of special note, YaHWeH, Himself, divorced Israel, first,
and later Judah, whom He calls the sister of Israel. He, first, put them
away, and later divorced them.
Jer 3:8 I gave faithless Israel her certificate of divorce
and sent her away because of all her adulteries. Yet I saw that her
unfaithful sister Judah had no fear; she also went out and committed adultery.
(Jer 3:20) But like a woman unfaithful to her husband, so you have
been unfaithful to Me, O house of Israel," declares YaHWeH.
There are other verses but these two make the point and need no
interpretation -- YaHWeH divorced Israel.
When we consider that divorce was allowed among the Israelis --
Deut 24:1 -- we must consider the fact that some of those in the first century,
New Covenant Church, had mixed marriages of couples divorced or one or the
other party divorced and remarried, for the simple reason, it was allowed as
part of the Old Covenant. Even though YaHshua makes the point that Moses
allowed for divorce, it was not a rule from the beginning of creation.
Still, YaHshua gives us the perfect view, and added and allowance for divorce
due to one or the other, or both, being unfaithfulness. There may be a
spiritual application as well as a physical -- something to be considered.
Knowing that there had to have been some divorced people coming to our
Savior in baptism and there is virtually nothing about this being a problem,
like it is among some Christian churches today, then maybe it wasn't? It
was not until several years later that Paul gave his teaching about, now,
sensitive subject. The absence of any special instruction for those first
believer seeking baptism is telling or should be for the truth seekers.
For more information about this important subject go to this link
-- Divorce
and Remarriage in the Church
Okay, so, what say you? Peace, Dan
Question and comments to -- dan@servantsofyahshua.com