A Religious Scolding
New Years and Christmas Scolding
Read, hear, listen to what Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate Mehmet Görmez, had to say -- where are the Christian, religious leaders on this? A Christian Nation, and nations, have to listen to a scolding, it seems, from an outside source? Something "ain't" right, what is it?
"Christmas and New Year celebrations are events where both pagan rituals and capitalist drives are intertwined, the head of Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate Mehmet Görmez said in a statement released Dec.26.Görmez warned people against what he called the “cultural and identity erosion” that the “Christmas economy” can inspire in children through movies, marketing and products.“What I will most object to as the religious affairs head is the Christmas consumer economy that causes cultural and identity-related erosion in children,” Görmez said. “Universities, scientists, teachers and intellectuals should think about this.”
Does the following sound familiar?
Jer 10:1 Hear the word which YaHWeH speaks to you, house of Israel!Jer 10:2 Thus says YaHWeH, "Don't learn the way of the nations, and don't be dismayed at the signs of the sky; for the nations are dismayed at them.Jer 10:3 For the customs of the peoples are vanity; for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe.Jer 10:4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it not move.Jer 10:5 They are like a palm tree, of turned work, and don't speak: they must be carried, because they can't go. Don't be afraid of them; for they can't do evil, neither is it in them to do good."
Of course, this was addressed to the people of Israel -- those chosen people, to represent the God of Heaven on Earth. Doesn't the Christian communities claim to be the people of the God of Heaven, and to be founded by the One and Only Savior of and for mankind? If the message to the first chosen, why would the message be any different, much less pushed aside to accommodate pagan/heathen practices?
It would see that the Christians, knowingly and unknowingly, are the some of the biggest hypocrites on Earth. For the sake of being a hypocrite myself, I confess that I go along with all of this, only taking occasion to mention such things among those closest to me, seeking opportunity to share the truth with them, otherwise I might as well be hidden under a basket, or twiddling my thumbs in a cave somewhere. No, as the strangers that we are, living among those blinded by the fog of their own religion, some of us, strangers, even aliens carry a dual citizenship, as we await the return of our Lord, YaHshua, to restore those things that need to be restored, and discard those things that need to be discarded, or destroyed. But, for now, let us reason together -- how is it that the thing found in the Word are discarded, by the religious communities, for things so obviously pagan in origin? There is an enemy, and he has invaded, and by slight of hand has virtually taken over those claiming to follow the Word and words of the God of the Hebrew/Christian Bible, all the while, following and practicing the Pagan ways of the past -- Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day, Easter, just a few of examples.
I watched a slew of Christmas movies this year and could not get over the stench of paedophilia. A ranch in the further-est place, fill with child elves, and a big, fat, ugly man among them. This gross individual is pictured as jolly, and ready to give gifts to little kids, like candy, lots of candy. This individual creeps into the home, and with the help of the parents, convinces the little child that this is something they should want, in order to get gifts. The parents are complicit in this lie. They make this Santa Claus into a god, with miraculous powers, and the parents continue in this lie. Who is it that benefits from this, most of all?
The biggest sales boom of the year is Christmas Time, and while the word, "Christ" and "mass" are mashed together, originally meaning, The Mass of Christ, a religious meeting, it has come to mean, Money, Money, Money. Some say that the US economy could not survive without it. I could though, really, just by ditching the pagan ways for the ways of the Christian Bible, a book with many religious holy days and festival, like Passover (not Easter, with eggs and bunnies). What follows this solemn occasion of one night, is a week long celebration, and this is only one of the eight, religious holy days, that if incorporated into the Christian societies would be bigger blessing, in economic terms, than the Pagan practices of today.
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