Dominion theology
Dominion Theology
Take Over the World -- For Our God
Presented by Your servant, Dan L Baxley
There is a modern day movement that actually has it’s origins from the second century Christian Church even though a couple of men are given credit for this teaching of “dominion” from the 1960s and 70s -- it really began in the second century AD, maybe even sooner but the obvious and historical pattern of the Church points to the second century. That alone should alert the Bible student with any interest bible prophecy. Our Lord and Savior YaHshua did forewarn us --
(Mat 7:22-23) Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name? and in Your Name have cast out devils? and in Your Name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity.
The following is a Wikipedia presentation and is brief but to the point.
General Definition – Wikipedia:
Dominion Theology is a category used by journalists, scholars, and religious activists to classify theological systems with the common belief that society should be governed exclusively by the law of God, as codified in the Bible. The two main movements most typically labeled as Dominion Theology are Christian Re-constructionist and Kingdom Now Theology. Though these two movements differ greatly in their general theological orientation (the first is strongly Reformed and Neo-Calvinistic, the second is Charismatic), they share a post-millennial vision in which the Kingdom of God will be established on Earth through political and (in some cases) military means.
Dominion Theology and the Kingdom of God
Reading the brief definition above we see two approaches to this making the world into the Kingdom of God. One is more of a mainline Protestant origins and the other is a Charismatic type, the speaking in tongues and all of that. If something were to happen and one or the other were to gain control of the world and force the world to live by the Law of God (however they define that) then what would happen to the other. Would the one be gobbled up by the other? Now wait a minute, did you see that? Did you recognize the emphasis of this theological approach? Sound familiar? Sounds like the Islamic religion to me. Right, a third contender, who, without any shame at all, uses force to make people bend to the Law of their God. We also have the back history of the Roman Catholic Church, and its undeniable outreach into Europe and newly discovered lands of the World, forcing populations to bend to their will, to their view of what the Kingdom of God is supposed to be, even, at times, on penalty of death. Religion, if given unlimited civilan authority can be and has proven to be very dangerous, even muderous. But you say, we are Evangelical and Charismatics in the Christian Religion, we are peaceful, that can never happen to us. Yes it can and in a spiritual manner it already has. For example, the belief in the Trinity Doctrine, many, if not all, by now, have this doctrine written into their Creed, and it is used as a test doctrine to identify True Christians. If you do not believe in that doctrine then you are not a Christian, not one of them. Given enough power and authority within a community of professing believers, those who would express doubt at this doctrine would be ousted, put out of the community, or worse.
The Charismatics, may carry this same doctrine but for them an addition, something they call speaking in tongues must be demonstrated by the initiate or you do not have the Holy Spirit. You either speak in tongues or you are not really one of them, and because of this pressure is put on everyone to prove they have the Holy Spirit by babbling in what they call Tongues -- no tongues babbling -- no Spirit. They too, if given enough power would force everyone to either speak in the language of Angels or be put out of their church.
Tak a look at the Mormon compounds -- closed communities where those living within these compounds hand their lives over to men claiming to be Prophets as if they are gods themselves with absolute control over individuals and the community. To many people these are backward thinking people, trapped in a belief system from which few escape. But for this article, we are talking about a movement that is gaining ground today, out in the open, in a free society, an old movement gaining ground in these modern times, among modern thinking people, religious people. It has more than one title, some call it Dominion Theology, others know it as Kingdom Now, and still others know it as Reconstruction Theology. There is a fourth, one overlooked, and in some cases like the Mormon groups, called Fundamentalist, we have the Hebrew Roots Movement, practicing Dominion over their flocks both small and large. Those closed groups, however, do not pose much of a threat to the general population. Dominion Theology, finding its way into the general populations of the greater Protestant and Ecumenical memberships pose the greater threat to those teaching Peace in the Christ, as opposed to Kingdom Now, or Reconstructionist teachings -- all in the Dominion Theology frame work -- working to take over governments from within.
The Dominion preachers, put in the simplest of terms, want you, the believer, to become politically active and to eventually take over the world, establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth by whatever means necessary. No, the Christ does not have to be here, maybe in spirit, but not actually here – according to them, we are to make the Kingdom Come now. This, of course, is nice for those not really wanting to deal with our Savior face to face. For me, and others, our great anticipation is getting to meet Him face to face, but apparently the Dominion brothers and sisters had prefer He stay away while they enforce the Law of God. Gosh, I just cannot get the Muslim/Islamic thing out of my head, how is that going to work. The Muslims see the Law of God differently from these Christians, unless, of course, the Dominions are talking about restoring the Old Covenant Law, the Law of Moses which parallels the Muslim Law pretty closely, and even, the Hebrew Roots Movements.
The basic idea of Dominion Theology is said to have originated from a few verses found in Genesis –
(Gen 1:28) And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.
Well, that is a command from the Creator, right? But anyone just a little familiar with the Bible has to know what happened to those people given the Dominion these teachers claim for themselves. Those first people claiming Dominion went too far, apparently – the pre-flood people did dominate the earth but without God, even though YaHWeH was among them, they became violent and terrible -- the whole Earth became filled with violence, is that the Dominion our Creator meant? They had dominion and YaHWeH had to take it all away from them because they were doing it without Him, doing it their way, and their way, apparently was violent in nature. Modern Dominionist ignore this all important fact and are comfortable having their God stay away, while they, like their ancestors before Great Flood did it -- you know, their way.
This is nothing new, not at all. Our Savior told us the Kingdom would be fought over and some would try to take it by force, but all would come to nothing -- Mat 11:12. YaHshua will establish the Kingdom Himself. The Dominionist, like the Islamist seek to do it for Him as though He is not strong enough to do it Himself. They, in effect, are saying their god is a weak god and has to have man’s help. So, we can save ourselves? Really? Not so, and this is not why our Savior came to us, He did not come to give us the Keys to the Kingdom, because the Keys belong to Him, it is He that opens and no man can shut, not us.
(Rev 3:7) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the Key of David, He that opens, and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens;(Rev 3:8) I know you works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.
I think pretty much everyone that is anyone in Bible Prophecy recognizes that we are living in this era, or at least very close to it, to this the Philadelphia era, and maybe we are in it now. This being very possibly the case just where does it say He gives the Keys to the believers? Where does it say this era, just before the last era an era that has deluded itself and deceived itself, giving anything, much less the Keys to the Kingdom? If we have a Key, it is YaHshua Himself and our professing of Him by His rightful Name -- having not denied His Name.
It does not have to be complicated and it does not take a master mind to see what is going on with this kind of teaching. The rulers within this kind of religious movement, seeking political power and authority need people to believe this message of dominion, taken out of context and worked into a theology that actually denies the coming of our Savior to save us and the world. To follow them is to follow their self-appointed leaders and political appointments and their government, not unlike what Satan wants. What? Offended by that remark? Satan has power on this Earth, make no mistake about that, and if you believe you can believe in a Creator God but not in a Satan is the father of liars, you are kidding yourself.
(Luke 4:6) And the Devil said unto Him (YaHshua), All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me (Satan, the Devil); and to whomsoever I will I give it.
The following explanations will take us to the root of this Dominion Theology and then you will hear from me and my opinion, which I believe to be a common sense view. One step at a time, and we will see this is all about “power” and “authority”, not for the God of the Bible but for men – you’ll see -- about man taking charge. Satan already has this power over the Earth, just as we read. He, Satan the Devil, does not need you to give him power and authority, but he is happy to help men in their rebellion. Of course, they do not see it as rebellion but as taking charge, as they say they are commanded to do.
Wikipdia: Most of the contemporary movements labeled Dominion Theology arose in the 1970s in religious movements reasserting aspects of Christian nationalism. Ideas for how to accomplish this vary. Very doctrinaire versions of Dominion Theology are sometimes called "Hard Dominionism" or "Theocratic Dominionism," because they seek relatively authoritarian theocratic or theonomic forms of government.
The Assemblies of God rejected this type of teaching in 1949.[citation needed] George Wood, warned Assemblies of God churches about this in a church wide letter sent out in 1981.[citation needed] Today, George Wood serves as the General Superintendent of the World Wide Assemblies of God which is based in Springfield, MO.
Servant's Comment:The 1970s is not really the origin of this type of Theology -- this doctrine of world dominion. The origin of Christianity actually began as early as 325 AD when the Roman Church eventually came to power due to Emperor Constantine, around 325 AD, called the First Council of Nicaea, effectively creating the Roman Catholic Church and ultimately leading to the Western and the Eastern Christian Church. Constantine passed an edict that granted religious freedom throughout the Empire -- ultimately making the Christian Church the Religion of the State. After some conflict, through the next 100 years, the Roman Church took the reins of power, taking “dominion” over the world by the authority of the New Covenant, or so they postured. The fact is they used the Christian faith to continue with the Pagan Rome, inherited from the Babylonian religions -- giving them the right, as they saw it, to force baptism on everyone, even to the point of setting up or taking down Kings. The leadership from Rome renamed pagan fixtures and supposedly blessed them in the name of Christ, even going so far as to adopt pagan festivals and introducing these once offensive customs and festivals of gaiety and debauchery into the Christian faith, masterfully working the paganism of the old Babylonian/Greek religions into the New Covenant, binding and twisting the word to fit what the pagans already accepted, thus making baptism into the Church of Dominion easy, and where it was not easy, then force was used. The aim of the Roman Church was then and is now to take “dominion” over the whole earth. The Roman Catholic Church clothed in fine linens of red and purple, calling priests “fathers” and their leader, Pope, or Papa, the Italian for “father”, all contrary to the words of our Savior YaHshua (Mat 23:9 -- And Call no man father upon Earth ...). They have changed the Name, or are responsible for the changing of His Name to a Latin name, IeSuS (Jesus), that just happens to be pronounced as “the Zeus”, or “Hey-Zeus” throughout the Roman Empire. Later the English changed this bogus name to Jesus, pronounced as Geez-Us, moving our Savior’s true identity further into the shadows.
Once we see this history we can understand that the modern view concerning this Dominion Theology is not new at all, but found its footing again among non-Catholic leadership. But why? That is the question, and I hope to answer it, but first let’s go to the next step in uncovering what is really beneath this idea of “dominion”.
Wikipedia:An example of Dominionism in reformed theology is Christian Reconstructionism, which originated with the teachings of R. J. Rushdoony in the 1960s and 1970s. Rushdoony's theology focuses on theonomy (the rule of the Law of God), a belief that all of society should be ordered according to the laws that governed the Israelites in the Old Testament. His system is strongly Calvinistic, emphasizing the sovereignty of God over human freedom and action, and denying the operation of charismatic gifts in the present day (cessationism); both of these aspects are in direct opposition to Kingdom Now Theology.
While acknowledging the small number of actual adherents, authors such as Sara Diamond and Frederick Clarkson have argued that postmillennial Christian Reconstructionism played a major role in pushing the primarily premillennial Christian Right to adopt a more aggressive dominionist stance.[2][3] According to Diamond, "Reconstructionism is the most intellectually grounded, though esoteric, brand of dominion theology. ”Kingdom Now Theology is a branch of Dominion Theology which has had a following within Pentecostalism. It attracted attention in the late 1980s.
Servant’s Comment:Now we are getting to the real reason for such a teaching. This guarantees the rule of men over the Church under the guise of God’s Law. This varies in degree to what is being taught. Some say all the Law others say only certain portions of the Law and because this is so confusing for new believers they turn their spiritual lives over to these man made leaders and they assume authority over the group, or groups declaring it is their right as orderly “dominion” demands. There are many variations on this theme but all have in common this law of leadership dominion over the body of believers willing to give them that authority. I say willing because it is not a commandment of our Lord to turn your spiritual life over to any man save one, and that is our Lord YaHshua. Leaders are to be the “servants”, a concept our Lord taught. If a “servant” then they are there for the benefit of the body and are to cater to the needs of the body, not the other way around. As an extreme example just look at the Catholic Church, how the big and the little fawn over the Pope. This same kind of adoration is sought and taken by other self-appointed leaders, claiming dominion over your, and telling you that this is how God meant for it to be and that with your support you can take over the world – you can become the Kingdom of God on Earth. And this takes us to the next portion of this common sense approach to a complicated issue which is not complicated at all.
Wikipedia: Kingdom Now Theology states that although Satan has been in control of the world since the Fall, God is looking for people who will help him take back dominion. Those who yield themselves to the authority of God's apostles and prophets will take control of the kingdoms of this world, being defined as all social institutions, the "kingdom" of education, the "kingdom" of science, the "kingdom" of the arts, etc.[6]Kingdom Now Theology is influenced by the Latter Rain movement,[7] and critics have connected it to the New Apostolic Reformation,[8] "Spiritual Warfare Christianity",[7] and Fivefold ministry thinking.Kingdom Now theology should not be confused with Kingdom theology, which is related to inaugurated eschatology.
Servant’s Comments: There is the defining statement – “Those who yield themselves to the authority of God’ s apostles and prophets will take control of the kingdoms of this world.” This is what the Dominion Teachers want you to do – if you will yield to their authority, to those they have placed in position of authority, claiming Old Testament Law and a few verse from the New Testament to solidify their leadership role of having dominion over you. It is not really the God of the Bible they want you to follow, no, it is them, those claiming these titles of authority for themselves.Let me inject a Biblical revelation concerning the time of our Lord's own and rightful coming to be the ultimate King, excercising true Dominion. Be prepared to see that even under His complete and authorized authority, given to Him from and by our Heavenly Father, that He does not use military force or force baptism of anyone.
(Zec 14:17) And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King,YaHWEH of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.(Mic 4:4) But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of YaHWeH of hosts hath spoken it.(Mic 4:5) For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the Name of YaHWeH our God for ever and ever.
See the difference in this rule of our Lord YaH, during His Kingdom Rule? He has the Keys to the Kingdom but He is not using military force, He is not using His Power to force anyone to accept Him. He will use the weather to bless or not to bless, but no mention of any kind of military of political force. Reading Micah we get the timing -- when everyone is sitting under his own property, at peace, and see what is allowed? All people will walk every on in the name of his god? While those who believer will walk in the name or YaHWeH/YaHshua. Do you see this allowance? No one is forced, it is all voluntary.
This is a much more complicated issue, to be sure, but only in the minds of men and in the minds of those wishing to defend this misplaced assumption of “authority” within the body of believers. Of course they have to have a following willing to give up their rights under the Christ of the New Covenant and become little robots following the dictates of their prophets and apostles as they all march off the cliff to their own destruction. So, who is at fault? Why you are, of course, if this is your part in a religion that is very similar to what Satan himself would design. Take over the world, establish a no holds barred enforcement of the Old Testament Laws, as the apostles of his church would demand, bringing everyone into force obedience on this Earth, without the physical presence of our true Lord and Savior, YaHshua. How happy would Satan and his minions be if this could be accomplished?
More to Come:
I am studying a book that is defending this position of “dominion” and will do a follow-up of this subject. This current presentation skirts around many of the issues the defenders and the critics raise. However, I really do not see the need to go any further with this as common sense and simple truth presented here cuts right to the real purpose of what this all means. But, I will endeavor to do a follow-up allowing for the defenders to be heard. Still, in this brief look, so far, into this book and subject about the “authority abduction" under the cloud of following God’s Law, is very visible.
Looking forward to a Part 2 – for now I hope this has been of some benefit to someone. Peace, your servant, Dan