In or Into His Name
IN or INTO His Name?
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Q: Are we getting crazy changing words beside His name, which we need to get right. Is it wrong in your opinion if it is done either way? Would God say, "you were baptized in the name and not into the name, depart from me."?
It seems to me that there is so much confusion going on and I realize that this is not the work od Yahwey. There is a group saying that His name is pronounce Yahwah, not Yayweh, more confusion. I realize that if I am always open God will continue to work in me. Thanks for taking the time to read and look forward to hearing from you and what you think of what I wrote and asked. Tom
A: Tom, your email is very timely – I have received an email from another person who is berating me for not getting into this nightmare soup of words. The world is filled with pagan courted words and names. Our God is going to come and restore what needs to be restored and one of those things will be a pure language. Until them we can determine His Name as He reveals it but to be overly concerned with pagan names and titles is a waste of time. For one thing, all names of adoration and titles of greatness belong to our Creator, YaHWeH/YaHshua, it is the praises and grand titles that have been abducted and place over stone and wood and the minds of men. We must not become so obsessed in this sea of sin to drown in fear of pagan words. All language is corrupted with pagan symbols and meanings but our God and His true identity cannot and is not hidden and we should not make it any more difficult for us or others by insisting we cannot use terms also applied to our Creator, because those terms and titles, as mentioned, belong to our Creator originally. Terms like Lord and God are terms and titles, not names and if they ever were names they are not the same today. God used to be Gut, not the same and LORD used to be Baal, again, not the same, but some insist, lord, and god are pagan names and must not be used. It is how they are used and their application that matters. If they insist these are names then they should not use them, but as titles these terms can be used to point to false gods or to a True God.
Being baptized in or into His Name seems to be the same to me and is interchangeable – the following verse demonstrate this –
(Rom 6:4) We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as the Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
(Act 2:38) Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of YaHshua the Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
(Col 2:11-13) In Him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of the sinful nature, not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ, having been buried with Him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God (the Father), who raised Him from the dead. When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with the Christ. He forgave us all our sins,
There are many other verses demonstrating the meaning of being baptized "in" or "into" has the same meaning, to be brought into the Holy Spirit of Unity with the Father and the Son. We are sealed by His Name, sharing in His resurrection as our promise of what it to come in reality, right now but a shadow of what is to come.
When working with our Creator’s Name the simplest and rightful form is only four letters, YHWH, anything added is not part of His Name. Vowels have been added by men to help pronounce this Name, but the fact is, you do not need any vowels to pronounce His Name, YHWH, say it just as you see it, and that is it. Too many think the added vowels, like the "e" and "a" are part of His Name but they are not. This holds true for our Savior’s Name as well – keep it simple. When you see YHWH, as YH WH then you can see the Name of our Savior pointing to the Father – YH shua, the last part can be presented in any number of ways all meaning "savior", or "salvation", while YH or YaH remains constant. See it? Any arguments over His or Their Name seems to always circle around the last half, the half that is the definition of what He is doing, For example: YH WH, YH is YaH while the WH has a meaning, "to be" or "causes to be", or "will be" – in other words, the "Creator" – so, we have, YaH the Creator, or YaHWeH. In the Name YaH-shua we have, YH-savior. YaH is Savior. His actual Name, YH remains constant and never changes and is indefinable. To describe what YH is doing you need the last part added to His Name.
See how very simple? So simple the world is blind to it. Even those in the Sacred Names movement and the Hebrew Roots Movements are blind to this and argue among themselves over the last part, not being able to see the forest because of all the trees, so to speak. The truth is staring them in the face and they cannot see it because it takes an act of YaHshua to open their blinded eyes.
(Mat 11:27) All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.
I like your perception concerning what others claim to be the "short form", what a joke, right? They drop one letter, cutting His Name literally in half and call that a short form. Yeshua, they say is the short form. I know, I know, some try to say YaH is a short form also, but as you have already seen from the previous explanation, it is not the short form, it is THE Name itself, whole and complete. YaH causes to be, equals, YHWH and YaH is Salvation or Savior, equals, YaHshua, or YaHushua (YH u shua
Let me demonstrate:
In Isaiah we see YaH and YaHWeH used together. Unless you understand His Name this makes no sense and the translators have a real problem with it. Here it is in the KJV followed by the Hebrew translation:
(Isa 26:4) Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal. KJV
(Isa 26:4) Trust in YAHWEH forever, for in Yah YAHWEH is an everlasting rock. HRB
But that is not all, how about a second witness?
(Isa 12:2) Behold, El is Y'shua* (My salvation)! I will trust and not be afraid, for my strength and song is Yah YAHWEH; yea, He has become to me Y'shua*.
We know Israel used the term "EL" like we use the term "God" today. Notice the Y’shua and know that in the Hebrew it is "yeshua" which means "salvation", it is not a name, but an explanation. For instance you could say, "My yeshua is YaHshua", which is to say, "My salvation is YaHshua." Now, read that verse again. "El, or God is my salvation … my strength and song (joy) is YaH YaHWeH, yes He had become to me salvation"
YaH were a short form, why do we find it used in this manner with these two prophetic verses pointing to our Savior, to our "yeshua", YaH YaHWeH. This not only identifies YaH as our Savior and Salvation but as out Creator also, and it points to the Father and the Son, whose Name our ‘yeshua’ said He came in.
Well, Tom, thanks for writing and giving me the opportunity to respond in an exchange of ideas and teachings. I pray our Lord and Savior, YaHshua continues to work with you and to teach and guide you into His truth.
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