His Holy Name
His Name Studies > His Name Matters
His Holy Name
by your servant, Dan L Baxley
We should start this off with a popular pronunciation for the name JESUS first -- to better understand what we are dealing with and to quiet the mouths of those who say, "There is not connection between the name JESUS and a Greek god known as The Zeus. The following link will prove that it is only the English speaking people that have a different name, also a name that never existed until about 400 years ago. The other false name, The Zeus has existed even before YaHshua was born. Go to this link for the proper pronunciation of this false name, no matter how you say it -- saying the name Jesus, for real. Once you hear this reality, you can and should better understand what these Bible Dictionaries are saying -- truth of lie?
What the Bible Dictionaries have to say
Old Testament:
His Holy Name Identified in Scripture by Strong's Hebrew Dictionaries:
H3068 - YaHWeH (replaced with LORD)H3091 - YaHushua (Old English Transliteration, JOSHUA)The LORD H3068 - "LORD" is a common replacement for His Holy Name, YaHWeHLORD In Strong's Hebrew Dictionary = H3068: יהוה YHWH - YaH WeH(the) self Existent or eternal; YaHWeH, personal name of God, our Creator.
Joshua H3091 -- YaHoshua -- Savior’s name - Same name as that of the man that led Israel into the Promised land.H3091: יהשׁע יהושׁוּע yahôshûa - yahshûayah-ho-shoo'-ah, yah-shoo'-ah YaHWeH-saved; YaHshuaYaHshua YaHoshua Savior’s name -- YH or YaH is the Name,m all other letters are for definition as to purposeH3091 יהשׁע yahshûaYaH-shoo'-ah YaH-saved; YaHshua
IAM that IAM
(Exo 3:14) And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt you say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent Me unto you. KJV
Same verse with the Strong's Hebrew Dictionary word tags, identifying the definition for each word in the English back into the Hebrew with definition. We will look at the Great I AM, for its meaning from Hebrew, transliterated nto English:
(Exo 3:14) And God H430 said H559 unto H413 Moses,H4872 I AM H1961 THATH834 I AM: H1961 and he said,H559 Thus H3541 shalt thou say H559 unto the children H1121 of Israel,H3478 I AM H1961 hath sent H7971 me unto H413 you.
I AM:H1961 Original: היה -- Strong's and Brown - Drivers - Briggs: Transliteration: Hayah -- is to say, The YaH, Ha YaH.
(Exo 3:15) And GodH430 saidH559 moreoverH5750 untoH413 Moses,H4872 ThusH3541 shalt thou sayH559 untoH413 the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 The LORDH3068 GodH430 of your fathers,H1 the GodH430 of Abraham,H85 the GodH430 of Isaac,H3327 and the GodH430 of Jacob,H3290 hath sentH7971 me untoH413 you: thisH2088 is my nameH8034 for ever,H5769 and thisH2088 is my memorialH2143 unto all generations.H1755 H1755
LORD:H3068 - Original: יהוה -- Strong's and Brown - Drivers -Briggs: Transliteration: Y@hovah
New Testament, Thayer's Mistake:
JESUS -- the replacement name for our Lord's brith name, YaHshua (Old English Transliteration, JOSHUA)
(Mat 1:21) And G1161 she shall bring forth G5088 a son, G5207 and G2532 thou shalt call G2564 His G846 Name G3686 JESUS: G2424 for G1063 he G846 shall save G4982 his G848 people G2992 from G575 their G846 sins. G266
G21424 -- Original: Ἰησοῦς- Transliteration: Iesous- Phonetic: ee-ay-sooce'- Definition: Jesus = Jehovah is salvation1. Jesus, the son of God, the saviour of mankind, God incarnate2. Jesus Barabbas was the captive robber whom the Jews begged Pilate to release instead of christ3. Joshua was the famous captain of the Israelites, Moses' successor (Act_7:45, Heb_4:8)
My Comments, about the above Definitions:
a. We see the Transliteration is not even close to the name JESUS, or Geezus as pronounced in the English, a pronunciation that is not even close to the way the Thayer's Greek Dictionary says then fake name JESUS is supposed to be pronounced -- eeaysooce -- again, not even close to the true Hebrew/Jewish name our Savior was named, which, in the Old English was and still is, JOSHUA, with the Letter J pronunciation correction, YaHshua. None are anywhere near the false pronunciation, Geezus, or Eeaysooce.b. The Phonetic pronunciation is clear, it is not JESUS, or GEEZUS, it is Eeaysooce, and how it is pronounced in one third of the world -- HeyZeus -- that is, The ZEUS. Nothing even close to His actual Birth Name.c. We first see this name JESUS called a Definition of the Greek. The actual name, Jesus, is a made up name but under the heading, as a difinition it is said to be equal, by definition, to Jehovah is Salvation -- that is an clear and present lie.d. Line item #1 the fake name, JESUS, is then said to be the Son of God -- Jesus or Iesous, ee-ay-sooce, or the Zeus, which is it?e. Line item #2 another individual with this name? Was Barabbas actually called JESUS or HeyZeus?f. Line item #3 Joshua (YaHshua), the Hebrew, is identified as having this very same name as our Savior (Acts 7:45 and Heb 4:8, corrected in modern translations like the NIV, proving that His Birth Name has never been lost, only replaced. So, which is it, Joshua or Jesus or Iesous?
Jesus is pronounce by the English as GeezUs while the Latin languages say, ISIS and in the Spanish, heyZeus -- still, nothing even close to His Jewish or Hebrew birth Name, YaHshua or YaHushua or YeHoshua, all small variations of His actual Birth name. Coincidence? Or planned? Planned, obviously.
Pronouncing His Name in Latin, from whom the name, JESUS is derived, and mispronounced by the English speaking people, LISTEN
Why? If the name our Lord was named at birth, existed hundreds of years before His birth and the name Jesus has only been in existence for the past 400 years, as Geezus, then why would the translators of the English Bibles use this made up name? Doesn't the Bibles have the name JOSUHA in them, a name that even one of the Books is named? So, why would the translators replace that name with a different name? One reason, that might answer that question, would be this -- The Roman Catholic Church changed it to a more popular god of that first century, the god known as Zeus -- and this is the name they used, and use, even to this very day -- How to pronounce JESUS in the Roman or Latin language -- click here, if you haven't already -- How to say His Name in Latin, yesterday and today.
The Latin Church of Rome is the originator of this bogus name, IESVS. The Latin name handed down to the English, as we can see Iesvs, later in the English translations changed to Jesus. The changed Greek, as seen above, was also a completely different name from what our Lord was named at Birth, a Name that was given to Joseph and Mary to Name Him. Remember the names used from the Greek to the Latin and then to the English never existed when our Lord was Name, but the name He was Named did exist at the time of His Birth and His presentation at the Temple on the 8th day.
The Middle Letters:
I have received emails from scholars who teach or have learned Biblical Hebrew. They have all attempted to correct the use of YaHWeH as not being in the Bible but YeHoshua is. This is looking through the fog, once again. After some discussion and pointing out that the O or U were added, just like the A and the E in YaHWeH -- by itself His Name is YHWH. After pointing this small detail out these scholars in Biblical language stopped communicating. It is difficult for the experts to trash centuries of mistakes, even simple ones. Yes, according to the name, JOSHUA, transliterated into English, it is presented as Yehoshua. The E letter is a vowel that has been added as is the O letter -- corrected -- Yhshua, but realizing that His Name is all consonants the true correction would be -- YHshua. To help pronounce this name, then, placing and A letter or and E letter may help -- YaHshua, or YaH shua, or YaHoshua. Funny thing, if we look, is that few if any place the O letter in the middle, as do the Hebrew Bible teachers or translators, no, they replace the O with the U letter -- YaHushua. So, who cares? We shouldn't but some blind themselves over a single letter that has no real, legal part of His Name. Because the experts say that Yehoshua is correct and YaHshua is wrong and by this they side step the totally incorrect, replacement, JESUS name. Amazing, but then the veil is still over the minds of the Jewish people -- that will one day be removed, but that day is not today -- Isayah 25:7-9
YaH WeH or YaH VeH? Does it matter?
Looking at these added middle letters -- waw w,o,u vav v,o,u -- added letter, letters changed, does any of it make a real difference?
These are not true parts of His or Their Name. Way too much arguing over the WaW and the VaV all leading to the U and the O, or UU and OO. The WaW is representative of the W, O or U while the VaV side of the argument is representative of V, O or U. See the problem? All of this is a diversion from His True and Holy and Eternal Name. The Name He clarified for Moses to deliver to the people of Israel. IAM that IAM, is a mistranslated (Exodus 3:14-15) and when you look this up in a Hebrew Dictionary you find that IAM should have been translated as HaYaH, which is to say, The YaH. Later, in verse 15, He tells Moses to tell the People His Name is YaH-WeH (YHWH), from The YaH to YaH Weh, which is to say, YaH who causes to be. No matter if the WeH or VeH, the expression of each of these variation says that YaH is the One Who Causes to Be and Who Will Be and Is always. YaH Shua is to say, YaH is Savior or YaH Salvation. The scholars believe their own teaching that the Name YaH is the short form of YaHWeH, and this just is not so. The only thing that makes it seem so, in all of the text books is that they say it, not that they know it is so, only that most of them believe it ans so they quote each other and by this, then, it must be true. However, it is not true. YaH is His Name, His Holy Name, the very Name He gave to His Son. One thing is positively true, the name JESUS is not and could not have ever been the name He was Named, because that Name is a modern invention from those same translators and scholars that tell us that YaH is the short form of YaHWeH.
Letters have been added and names changed, but the truth is still before us. Every time you hear anyone saying HalleuYaH, you are Hearing, Praise His Name YaH, that is exactly what is being said when anyone say or sings this phrase, HalleluYaH.
There is another point to consider in the arguments surround the origins of His birth Name. It is evident that a good one third or more of the world population do not say JESUS, pronounced as GeezUs by most English speaking people, while those of other tongues, it is pronounced as HeyZeus. Spanish people, for example who have named a child as JESUS do not say, GeezUs, but they say, HeyZeus. Does this mean that the name JESUS comes from the Greek god Zeus?
The following quote is a clip from www.eliyah.com, making the point that this is not the case, that the false name, JESUS, is not from the Greek name, Zeus. They are technically correct, but keep in mind, what are the odds of such a coincidence. Perhaps a coincidence, until you realize that there is a Devil, known as Satan and for him and his demon agents this is a convenient coincidence. In the circles of criminal investigation, it is said -- there are no coincidences. How ironic, that the name chosen to replace our Lord's Birth Name, just happens to match up, by pronunciation, with the name of a Greek God -- ironic and a coincidence?
The following reasoning is sound, but misses the greater point -- from the Eliyah.com site:
In fact, the Greek language spells Zeus (#2203 in the Strong's Lexicon) as Ζευς and doesn't even have the same letters (Zeta/epsilon/upsilon/sigma) or sound as the second syllable in "Iesous," which is Ιησους (Sigma/Omicron/upsilon/sigma). First of all, the Ζ in Ζευς produces a "dz" sound, not an "s" sound as in "sous." Also the ευ combination in Ζευς sounds like "eu as in feud", a letter combination not found in any form of Ιησους / Iesous. So is Ζευς is actually pronounced "Dzyooce" and not "Sooce". These things alone make it quite impossible that Iesous comes from "Zeus". Look at the first page of the Greek Lexicon in your Strong's concordance if you want confirmation of the sounds of these Greek letters.
It is agreed, there is no direct connection between the word JESUS and the Greek God Zeus, none, or so it seems, but my goodness, how is it, then, that the name placed on a Spanish or Mexican or South American person at birth is presented as JESUS, their language and in English but is pronounced as HeyZeus? The other, more correct pronunciation in the actual Greek is HeySous and still nothing close to His Birth name, a Name He was named by His Heavenly Father and delivered to both Mary and Joseph by the Angel Gabriel?
If you follow the progression of His Name change from the Greek, to the Latin and then down to the English you see a pattern in this change, almost immediately, away from His Jewish/Hebrew Name, placed on Him by His Heavenly Father. Make no mistake, from the Hebrew to the Greek an immediate change away from His Hebrew or Jewish origins took place. The Greek replacement for His birth name began very soon after the last Apostle disappeared, soon after the First century. The Greek pronunciation and spelling was nothing like His Birth name, as you can clearly see from the definitions above. Moving on to the Latin we see how they took the Greek mistake and improve upon it, moving even further away from His true identity. The Greeks wanted to make Him a Greek God, just as the Latins, or Romans wanted a Latin God not a Jewish god. The Roman Church introduced the Latin form and in some quarters this Latin influence came out sounding like ISIS or IeSIS to IeSVS. In speech it sounds very much like the Egyptian goddess ISIS. Guess what, as it turns out, the Egyptian gods all had numbers or number values favored and guess what ISIS number is? If you said 666 you would be right. Another coincidence, but no real, direct connect, right? After all, the Latin Bible, and third century scholars of the Roman Church, wrote about Iesvs, a pronunciation that sounded a lot like Isis in speech, even to this very day, if you listen to the priest of Rome speaking in Latin prayer. From this Iesvs, the English made further improvements for their own ethnic reasons. The King James Version of the Holy Book, was a government authorized work, a State Bible. The original edition used this Latin version, IESVS, but in the first revision of this government endeavor, the English Bible name was changed again to JESUS, pronounced as Geezus.
See the pattern? It is correct, no direct connection can be made between Zeus and Jesus and certainly not with His Birth Name, YaHshua. But what a coincidence, right? The fact is this -- the name JESUS is pronounce as HeyZeus by a large portion of the civilized world. If you ever hear a Roman Priest in Rome praying or whatever in the name of their god it very often sounds like they are saying Isis or Iesis. Maybe it is only a coincidence that the Vatican has an Egyptian obelisk standing as a center piece in from of the Vatican, not to mention the other Obelisk stationed all over the City of Rome. There are more Obelisk in Rome than in Egypt. The Devil must be laughing at us. Peace, His servant, Dan
Comments to: dan@servantsofyahshua.com