shouting His Name - Removing The Fog of Religion

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shouting His Name

His Name Studies > His Name Matters
Shouting His Name

By Your servant, Dan L Baxley

What is His Name? Is it in the Bible? Where Can I Find it, you ask?

Did you know the Book that Christians and the Israelis/Jews carry around, literally "shouts" out the Name of the Living God? Oh, sure, you say, I know that, but do you really?  If you do then tell me what it is?  No, that is probably not right, very few really know or use the “birth name” of our Savior and even fewer know the Name of our Creator, much less the Name of our Heavenly Father.  Is this important?  Well, yes, it is, and here is why --

(Act 4:12) Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
(Rom 10:13) for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Before we go any further let us pose a couple of questions, questions we hope you, the reader, will ask and answer:  What if the name used in today's translations and preached from the pulpits of Christianity is wrong?  What if the true birth name of our Lord and Savior has be replaced, and if replaced, what was His birth name?  And, if His birth name has been with us, you know, given to men (some translations say, found among men), from the beginning, then why replace it, why us a different name?  We hope and pray that you and others will come to a revealed truth that the original followers and professors of YaHshua, our Messiah and Savior, did not have to deal with, at least in the first few decades or first century, as they all knew and used and preache in the Name He was given at birth, YaHshua (Old English, Joshua).  Please, do yourself a favor, as a committed believer, and read this full presentation.  I began looking into this back in the late 60 -- yes, that is middle to late 1960, and hardly anyone knew anything about this or even interested in hearing it.  Today, 2022, it is all over the internet, and it should be expected, I suppose, as our Lord, YaHshua, told us it was bound to happen -- "...many will come in My Name, and deceive many" (Mat 24:5).  Now, that is something we all have to deal with -- you have to decide for yourself -- who are the deceivers?

Some will try to tell you that the Name has been lost, or that you can’t pronounce it because the pronunciation has been lost, etc., etc., all a lot of nonsense.   Make no mistake, it is not hidden and has never been lost – pushed aside is more like it -- actually, replaced with a different name. The blind cannot see, however, and some that do see do not want to see. I am going to list here a few of the Names, by no means a complete list but complete enough to give anyone pause when faced by those who would deny this truth  (Rev 3:9). No, this will not a list of definitions passing for names as some have written, trying to claim that there are many “titles”, thus, many names for the Living God -- taking definitions for what He has done and can do for His many names.  Again, nonsense, He has a personal Name, followed by Titles.   Titles are tiles and personal names are personal names and our Creator and our Savior do have personal NAMES.
   What follows will be a list of names found within the scriptures that "declare" the NAME of the Living God -- you will see His Holy Name.
   But first let me make a small observation. Nearly all scholars of various translations, like the NIV, admit to following the traditions of the bible scholars before them in replacing the revealed Name of the Creator God with a lesser title, thus, in effect, covering the actual spelling of His Name with a title, a title, and titles, that can be applied to anyone of authority. His Name, however, belongs only to Him and no other, but they ignore this in favor of following "traditions of men". Yes, the bible scholars do know and are aware of this truth. So, why don’t they teach it? I will leave the answer to that question up to you.

A Few Details
For example: NIV Preface, xii, "In regards to the divine name YHWH, commonly referred to as the Tetragrammaton, the translators adopted the device used in most English versions of rendering that name as "LORD" in capital letters to distinguish if from Adonai, another Hebrew word rendered "Lord".

Another observation before we get to the list -- The King James Version (KJV) does boldly declare the Name whether by design or by over sight, who knows -- Psalm 68:4 "Sing unto God, sing praises to His Name: extol Him that rides upon the heavens by His Name JAH (YaH), and rejoice before Him".

One other place the name is found and is actually used, unknowingly, by many Christians. This is found in the book of Revelation -- Revelation 19:1-4. A term familiar to many, Alleluia, is seen in the KJV, as a witness to all that say it.  In today's language it is, Hallelujah, as we see in the NIV and other modern translations, and it is in this form that most Christians recognize it. "Hallelu-YaH means Praise to you YaH, not Praise to the Lord, as most suggest. Remember, the term "LORD" has been used to cover up the use of His Holy name of the Living God. By restoring the name of our Father and of His son we take another step in a closer, personal relationship with our Father and our Savior -- HalleluYaH!

The letter "J" does not represent the Hebrew character for the first letter in the Sacred Name, because the pronunciation for that letter has changed -- the letter "Y" is the English equivalent for the Hebrew. The same is true of the Greek "I" -- it does not appear as an equivalent to the Hebrew "Yod" or "Y". When you get a chance have a look at a transliteration chart of the Greek and Hebrew alphabet and you will see the Greek "I" isn't even close to the Hebrew character. A couple of Greek characters that are better suited but not used would be Greek letters transliterated equaling the "h" or the "H" sound. A funny thing, this Greek character for the "h" looks a lot like the Hebrew "Yod" -- both characters have a similar sound and appearance -- ' = h in Greek and ' = y in Hebrew. Another choice in the Greek letter, or character, would be the Greek "v", which is supposed to be equivalent to the character of "y". So, why is the Greek "i" used as the first letter of the Savior's name, and as the first letter of the God of Israel's name when there are better choices? I will let you answer that for yourself. No, I don't want to hear about how the Greek is the inspired word not any more the English, nor the German, and certainly not the Latin.

The misspelling of the name of our Savior by the misapplication of the Greek lettering in using the letter "I" has led to the later use of the incorrect letter, "J", a totally modern letter, whose pronunciation has changed, at least in the English speaking countries -- some in the Northern European Countries still pronounce the J letter as Y, as in Yawn, for John -- this, of course, is a problem when it comes to pronouncing the modern JESUS, as it comes out sounding a lot like, Yazeus.  From the Hebrew/Jewish Y letter to the Gentile I letter to the J letter, corrected back to the Y

From this error in the use of the Greek letter "I" is added to the Latin habit of ending many of its names with an "s", we end up with a double error.  Example: Mark is Markus in the Roman or Latin form. Replace the first letter in our Savior's name and then add the Latin ending and you have the bogus name, Jesus, or Iesus -- remove the vowels and you have Iss, now pronounce that. Did you know that the Egyptian goddess, Isis, number is 666. At least that is what Bullinger's book on numbers says and a lot of scholars think he is an authority on such things. Let's see now, take the vowel out of the name Isis and what do you have? Yes, I know that the mark of the beast is supposed to be the Mark, or the number of a man. Well, who is "Jesus", isn't that supposed to be a male figure? It is not my fault that the name Jesus can be so easily connected to the goddess Isis and her number 666. You might say, he has taken her name, but who is this man? Go to the list of names at the bottom of this page, study on this, think on this, pray on this.

The list of declarations I am going to give will not be corrected to the more accurate form, I leave this up to the reader as a challenge for you to do some of your own personal research. All of the names listed are in the Bible, as found in the NIV, some have a variant spelling when found in the KJV but all have the same meaning and are found in both versions -- actually all versions.

A List of the Name -- His Holy Name, Shouting Out to the World -- Ignored!

Source:  "The Global Concise Bible Dictionary", 1999 by Global Christian Publishers.

The spelling and the definitions are as found in this Bible Dictionary. I have taken the liberty of using capital letters to demonstrate the use of vowels as aides in pronunciation but the spelling remains the same. Remember, vowels are and were never part of His Name but only aides in helping to pronounce the true character of the name, or, Their Names. Try taking the vowels out of your own name and see if you can still pronounce it -- yes, you can. Vowels are a wonderful aide but they can also be used to misdirect.  We have already covered the I, J and Y letter debacle, and the correction is found in this Bible Dictionary by its definition for each Bible name listed.  The J and I letters are properly removed and replaced with the corrected Y, which in Hebrew is called the Yod letter, with Yod, supplying the proper sound or pronunciation -- how the Y letter is to be pronounced, as it is pronounced in the word, Yod -- this avoids the mispronunciation of the English Y as it is used in a word like, Yes.  One thing is most certain -- the pronunciations, whether, YaH or YoH, are no where even close to the false name, Jesus, which in some places on this earth, some countries, is pronounced as HeyZeus -- a calling on a Greek/Roman god, that predates our Lord and Savior, YaHshua.  Now, to the List of names, which we pray, is a help in opening your mind, speaking to your Spirit as it has to ours.  

AdoniJah = YaHWeH is Lord
Adaiah = YaHWeH has adorned
Amaziah = YHWH is mighty
Azaniah = YHWH has heard
Azariah = YHWH has helped
Azaziah = YHWH is strong
Concaniah = YHWH has founded
Dodavahu = beloved of YHWH
EliJah = YHWH is my God
Elishia = God is salvation or YH is the God of Salvation
Elishah = God is Salvation
Elishua = God is salvation (like - YaHshua)
Ezrah = YHWH helps
Gedaliah = YHWH is great
Gemariah = YHWH has accomplished
Hananiah = YHWH is great
Harhaiah = YHWH protects
Hasadiah = YHWH is kind
Hashabiah = YHWH has taken account
Hezekiah = YHWH is my strength
Hoshaiah = YHWH has saved
Hosea = YHWH has saved
Hoshea = YHWH has saved
Igdliah = YHWH is great
Iphdeiah = YHWH redeeems
Irijah = YHWH sees
Isaiah = YHWH is salvation
Ishmaiah = YHWH hears
Izrahiah = YHWH shines forth
Izziah = YHWH purifies
Jaazaniah = YHWH hears
Jaaziah = YHWH strengthens
Jahdai = YHWH leads
Jahzeiah = YHWH sees
Jediah = YHWH has favor
Jedidiah = beloved of YHWH
Jehdeiah = may YHWHm rejoice
Jehiah = YHWH lives
Jehizkiah = YHWH strengthens
Jehoiachin = YHWH will establish
Jehoiada = YHWH knows
Jehoiakiw = YHWH raises up
Jehoiarib = YHWH contends
Jehonathan = YHWH has given
Jehoram = YHWH is exalted
Jehoshapha = YHWH has judged
Jehosheba = Yahweh is abundant
Jehozabad = Yahweh gives
Jehozadak = Yahweh is righteous
Jehu = He is Yahweh
Jekamiah = May Yahweh establish
Jeremiah = Yahweh lifts up
Jeriah = Yahweh sees
Jeshaiah = Yahweh has saved
Jeshua = Yahweh is salvation
Joshua = Yahweh is salvation
Jesus = Yahweh is salvation (added for emphasis-- actual -- YaH is Salvation)
Jezaniah = Yahweh hears
Joah = Yahweh is brother
Joel = Yahweh is God
Johanan = Yahweh is gracious
John = Yahweh is gracious
Joiada = Yahweh knows
Jokim = Yahweh raises up
Jonadab = Yahweh is noble
Jonathan = Yahweh has given
Joram = Yahweh is exalted
Jorim = Yahweh is exalted
Joshah = Yahweh's gift
Joshaphat = Yahweh has judged
Joshibiah = Yahweh causes to do well
Joshua = Yahweh is salvation
Josiah = Yahweh supports
Josiphiah = Yahweh adds
Jotham = Yahweh is perfect
Jozabad = Yahweh has bestowed
Jozadak = Yahweh is righteous
Kenaniah = Established by Yahweh
Kolaiah = Voice of Yahweh
Kushaiah = Bow of Yahweh
Maadai = Yahweh is an ornament
Maaseiah = Work of Yahweh
Mahseiah = Yahweh is refuge
Malkijah = Yahweh is King
Mallothi = Yahweh has spoken
Mattaniah = Gift of Yahweh
Matthias = Gift of Yahweh
Matthew = Gift of Yahweh
Mattenai = Gift of Yahweh
Mattathias = Gift of Yahweh
Mattithiah = Gift of Yahweh
Meshelemiah = Yahweh repays
Mica = Who is like Yahweh
Micah = Who is like Yahweh
Micaiah = Who is like Yahweh
Mikneiah = Yahweh possesses
Nedabiah = Yahweh is willing
Nehemiah = Yahweh comforts
Nethaniah = Gift of Yahweh
Noadiah = Yahweh assembles
Obadiah = Servant of Yahweh
Pedaiah = Yahweh has redeemed
Pekahiah = Yahweh opens
Pelaliah = Yahweh judges
Pelatiah = Yahweh delivers
Pethahiah = Yahweh opens up
Raamiah = Yahweh has thundered
Ramish = Yahweh is upon high
Reaiah = Yahweh has seen
Rehabiah = Yahweh has made wide
Remaliah = Yahweh adorns
Rephaiah = Yahweh heals
Sarai = Yahweh is prince
Seraiah = Yahweh has prevailed
Sheariah = Yahweh considers
Shecaniah = Dwellers with Yahweh
Shelemiah = Yahweh is recompense
Shemaiah = Yahweh hears
Shemariah = Yahweh keeps
Shephatiah = Yahweh is judge
Tob-Adonijah = The Lord Yahweh is good
Tobiah = Yahweh is good
Tobijah = Yahweh is good
Uriah = Yahweh is light
Uriel = God is light
Uzzia = Yahweh is my strength
Uzziah = Yahweh is my strength
Uzziel = God is my strength
Zebadiah = Yahweh has bestowed
Zebedee = Gift of Yahweh
Zechariah = Yahweh remembers
Zedekiah = Yahweh is my righteousness
Zephaniah = Yahweh has hidden
Zerahiah = Yahweh has come forth

comments and questions:
In the list of Names we see our Creator's Name prominently represented, here and in Scripture. His Name is literally SHOUTING OUT at us. A couple of points with regard to this is the Name of our Savior, YaHshua. I would like to point to the name ISAIAH, presented above as and, as in all of the other names, when defined, read from right to left, as it is in the Hebrew. Let's have look at the Name ISAIAH transliterated from the Hebrew into modern English --
Hebrew: Yesha?yahu (“God Is Salvation”) From the Encyclopedia, Brittanica -- Isaiah
We read from left to right, "God is Salvation", of course, and, of course, the scholars seem to have no clue when it comes to the Name staring them in the face. In the example, turning the Hebrew transliteration around, to read from left to right, as we are accustom, we then have, YaHu Yeshua. YaH = God, and Yeshua = Salvation.
What has wrongly been misconstrued as a name, is the term "yeshua", this means "salvation", it has been used as a name on occasion, but is mistakenly applied to our Savior as His Name. This is not correct, it is, however, a part of His Name, by definition. Let's have a look at this word in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary, a definition that is also witnessed to in AMG, The Complete Word Study Dictionary of the Old Testament --
H3444 --
Feminine passive participle of H3467; something saved, that is, (abstractly) deliverance; hence aid, victory, prosperity: - deliverance, health, help (-ing), salvation, save, saving (health), welfare.
You will notice it is a word of "feminine" qualities, and does not contain the Name of our Creator. In order to apply to our Creator you must include His Name -- YaH is salvation (yeshua), would be, as a Hebrew transliteration, YaH is yeshua. Using "yeshua" as His Name is not correct. I know, it is acceptable in certain venues as an expression of faith in the Son of God, but it is technically not a name, but a title or discription. You could say, for example, YaH is yeshua, which is to say, YaH is salvation, or YaH is my yeshua.
The lack of understanding concerning our Savior's birth Name, a Name (Shem) given Him by His Father is evident in other terms and names used in different ways all being given the same definitions. The following names are an example of this --
Jeshua = Yahweh is salvation
Joshua = Yahweh is salvation
Jesus = Yahweh is salvation
Only the name "Joshua", when pronounced in the Old English, where the "J" is pronounced as we pronounce the "Y" do we get a sense of the missing letter, "H", as it is pronounced as Yoshua, nearly Yahoshua. And this name, YaHoshua, or YaHshua, means, YaH is Salvation. The other two examples do not convey this but all are missing the letter “H”, the dropped “H” cuts our Creator’s Name, His Holy Name in half and changes it to something else. As pointed out previously, "jeshua" or "yeshua" mean "salvation" and does not include the Holy Name of our Creator, YaH. The Name is excluded in these definitions. The last example, "Jesus" is nothing, it means nothing, it is not connected to any of the Hebrew/Aramaic word or terms other than in the imaginations of men. If pronounced in one of two ways it in no way turns out to be an equivalent of any kind – Geezus, or Heyzeus (the zeus – the irony in this cannot escape truth). It, the name JESUS, does not contain the Name, and in English, does not mean "salvation". In English we already have a word for "salvation" and it is not Jesus. It's pronunciation in today’s language makes this term, as a name, suspect also, as to the possibility that this is some kind of worldwide deception. Let me repeat: In most parts of the world it is pronounced as, Hay - Zeus, others, Hey sous, or Hey sis the latter coming out to sound very much like Isis. Nothing anywhere near His Birth Name, a Name by and through which salvation is to be recognized (Acts 4:12).  There is no other, and another irony is that this name is found in the Old Testament transliterated in the Old English as JOSHUA but is not used in the New Testament?  Why didn’t the translators of then and today use JOSHUA as their best understanding of the time instead of substituting the bogus name, JESUS?  Remember, the name “Jesus” only came into being and use about 400 years ago, this name is foreign to the Apostles and they never taught nor baptized in this bogus name.  If you could sit down with one of the Apostles today they would not know who you were talking about, but I bet they would correct you immediately.

YaHushua, or YaHshua
There is a small dispute put forward by some, especially those following Hebrew as a language. First, some forget the Hebrew we have today is Modern Hebrew and is not what our Savior spoke, much less His disciples. It is pointed out the Name, YaHshua is not found in the Hebrew text, but YeHoshua is. So, this becomes, "a case of the missing O", or is it "U", or the addition of the “o” or “u” into the Name. The following is a small work up demonstrating the "O" or the "U", which ever you prefer, is not in the Name at all, but is added, much like the vowels "e" and "a" are added and not part of the actual Name as some teach.

NOTE: Some insist YaHshua is not found in the Hebrew Scriptures, while YeHoShua is, or is it YaHuShua? For me I am not too concerned with this seeing both of these names contain His actual Name. But when you look at the Hebrew for YaHshua (old English Joshua) we discover something -- the "O" nor the "U" is found in the spelling. In other words, the experts telling us this are supplying the "O" or the "u" as neither is in the original, nor in the Modern Hebrew.  These are vowels and were once vowel points added by the translators to aid the reader in pronouncing His Name as they wanted you to pronounce it or not.  For example, the dropping of the “H” to favor the title, “yeshua” as a name is a favorite con of the old Pharisees, in order to keep you from saying His true Name.  The Messianic Jews have fallen into this trap and promote this title as a name and many in the Christian community have bought into it too.
YaH - shua -- the Hebrew characters read from right to left. First letter = Y, Second letter = H, Third letter = V, Forth letter = SH, and the Fifth letter - A. There is no "U" and no "O". These letters, one or the other, has to be supplied by the read --which is the Hebrew expert bias. That's right, it is added by the Hebrew Scribes when presented in the English. If we remove this bias we have -- YaHshua.  The Hebrew Letter they jockey into position to represent the “U” is the “W” and when we go to the Original Name presented to Moses, YHWH we see clearly the W with the H as WeH and not U by itself.  Again, remember, the actual NAME is YH with the descriptive title found in WH meaning to “cause to be”.  Just as we see in the name of our Savior, YH Shua, or YaH is salvation or Savior.  Thus, you could read, YaH is my yeshua, now that would be correct.

Here is another thing to consider, and it is disturbing, very disturbing when we consider using the term "yeshua" as His Name. It gives the Jewish deniers the opportunity to make disgraceful reference to the Messiah our Savior. When these Jewish teachers, not all, but enough, say "Yeshua' when referring to the Christian Messiah, they say, "Yesha", or “yeshach”. Why is this so disgraceful? First a look at Strong's Hebrew Dictionary --
From an unused root meaning to gape (as the empty stomach); hunger: - casting down.

Nothing unusual here, right? But this is not a complete definition and this for the sensitive out of fear of being called anti-Semitic. I'm guessing, of course, but when we go to the enhanced definition we have this, from The Complete Word Study of the Old Testament --

H3445 -- yesah: A masculine noun denoting emptiness: dung (?). It is a strong word used to illustrate the corrupt, immoral condition of God's people because of their failure to be His moral, ethical, just people. Their excrement will be among them (Mic. 6:14; KJV, casting down: NASB, vileness; NIV, empty). The exact meaning is not yet clear, but its sense is evident in the context.

When the enemies of our Savior YaHshua use this name, yeshua, saying “yeshach”, or “yesah”, it is difficult for a true believer to tell the difference of what is being said, and the joke on the unaware is that the "enemy" is actually insulting the believers of YaHshua, calling Him, "yesah", meaning "empty" or at the worst, as "dung", or as the KJV uses this word, "cast down", none of these choices are flattering and carry a sense of denial concerning our Lord and yeshua, YaHshua.
I have met religious Jews, Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox that do not do this and actually attempt not to use His Name at all, but because the man, Joshua (YaHoshua) son of NUN is found in the TORAH, this is nearly impossible to do. They then push or encourage the use of the term, yeshua, as opposed to YaHshua, or YaHoshua, because the Name of our Creator is ever present in that Name, adding to the claim of our Savior as the Savior and Messiah from YaH. Some, when printing this Name will present it as Y'shua, as opposed to Yeshua. This indicates they, those using this form, recognize the missing letter, but those using the term “yeshua” as a name replace the full Name with a vowel, the "e" which is not part of His Name, and this dropping of the “H” cuts His Holy Name in half, actually destroying His Name.  Of the Jews using Y’shua, they say they are honoring the Name of their God by not presenting His Name to the eye but the reader knows the proper pronunciation.

I must add here to avoid any misunderstanding. I am not anti-Jewish, or anti-Israel and if you have read any of my articles you will see this. It is my understanding that the day is coming, at the return of YaHshua when the people of all Israel will have a change of heart and will call on Him and trust in Him. Israel, the people of Israel and the Jews of the world have a fantastic future just over the horizon. A time is coming when they will weep in tearful repentance (Read these verses: Jer 32:37; 33:8, Zech 13:1, Zech 10:12, Zec 12:10 and Ezekiel 37:11). For now, however, the majority are so entrenched in hard hearted feelings against this YaHshua that they are blinded by their own bias and it will take an act of our God and Savior to open their eyes and to give them a new heart. We are talking about the whole of Israel not the few Jewish converts of today. We must remember, too, that the first 3,000 converts were Jews, and when we consult the record in the book of Acts we find that years later it was the Jewish brethren, which included some Pharisees, still had not fully accepted the Gentiles, eventually making the decision not to burden the Gentiles with the Law of Moses. Read this in Acts 15 and realize this meeting with the Jewish Council head quartered in Jerusalem took place some 17-20 years after the Apostle Peter stood up on the day of Pentecost, declaring the Gospel leading to the immediate conversion of the 3,000 Israelites which grew to 5,000 within the week (Acts 2:41; 4:4). Paul, it was decided, would be the Apostle to the Gentiles, not Peter.

Even though, Paul did not bother to remind them YaHshua had already given him this job many years earlier (Gal 1:18, Acts 2:1 -- Acts 22:21, Gal 2:9). Three years after Paul is confronted by YaHshua on the road to Damascus he goes to Jerusalem and meets only with Peter, then fourteen years later, he and Barnabas go the Jerusalem for a decision concerning the handling of the Gentile converts, as the Pharisees that believed were insisting the Gentiles be circumcised according to the Law (Acts 15:1-5).         
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