Giants on Earth?
Book of Enoch Exposed
Giants on the Earth?
The Nephilim -- Giants -- Titans?
Giant Bones Found ?
Sorry, this is a photoshop image, all fake, every photo like this are fake.
“…Giants in those days…” -- Genesis 6:4
Presented by Your servant, Dan Baxley
First, a reality check:
In Genesis 6:4 a word is used (giants) that has been used as the kick off to a Jewish Fable that has found fertile ground in this day and age of the fantastical movies and fantasy books, bleeding throughout latest generation -- reaching into the adult ages from 20 to 50, an over lapping and combining with the gamers still playing Combat in fantasy wars and other software centered Xbox fantasy projects, leaving the modern mind in a fog of fantasy thinking that seems reasonable -- you know, what was once thought to be fiction based, is becoming reality -- at least in the minds of the last couple of generations, the generations of imagery -- cameras, movies, computers, cell phones. It is easy for this generation of men and women to live in the world of fantasy.
Giants, Nephilim and the Titans
Back to the word, GIANTS, mentioned in Genesis 6:4. If you read the context carefully you can see that it says that there were GIANTs -- yes, GIANTS IN THOSE DAYS -- it does not say that these were people or Kings -- no where does it say anything like that, it is suggested only, by those pushing this Fabled doctrine. Reason, common sense and a little spiritual sense, let us remember that the Hebrews did not have a word for Dinosaurs. That's right, the word they had for a giant animal is "nephilim", which means, in English, "giants". Yes, this could have been applied to abnormally tall people, like some basketball players of today, but the context does not suggest that this it about people or persons. Replace the word with Dinosaurs, a word we use for "giant animals" from the past.
Note: Genesis 6:4 is the first place where the word "giants" appears.
Another common sense point -- the use of the word, Giant, and Nephilim is being replaced by some using the word Titan. This gets around the counter argument that giant and nephilim are not names of people or persons but animals. By trunig this word into another word like, TITANS, we have the video and movie media imprint that Titans are massive rulers of great size. Okay, so, what does it mean when we talk about the gaints in our own history, the Titans of Industry, for example? Does any think that Henry Ford or JP Morgan, were massive humans with their heads sticking up in the clouds? Of course not, they were men of standard or normal size, physically, but giants of industry of banking giants. They are actually called, Titans, in an historical context. Still, none of this changes the CONTEXT of Genesis 6:4.
The next point of reasoning and a return to common sense comes from an unlikely source and, as well as being informative is humorous as well. Following this bit of humor and truth we will look at what National Geographic turned up concerning the pictures of "giant" human bones, supposedly found all around the earth. For now, lets consider the possibility that Giants or Nephilim could ever have survived on planet Earth.
Some time ago someone asked the people at Popular Mechanics magazine if it is possible and animal like Godzilla could ever have existed. The answer was no, that the size alone would prohibit an animal of that size surviving this planets gravity. What does this have to do with Giants or Nephilim having walked the earth, preflood? Everything, as the teachers of that non-biblical doctrine, a doctrine some call the Titans, others the Nephilim and those before those theorist, Giants, as in Giant men, or Titlans whom the people came to worship. All of this comes from the Books of Enoch, ancient fictional, fantasy writings. In those writings the Giants or Titans or Nephilim, were up to 240 feet tall. Now, here is a small piece of the research carried out by the guys at Popular Mechanics about and animal not that large, possible existence. If an animal the size of Godzilla could not exist then neither could a man or woman.
Source: Popular Mechanics Magazine -- This post was originally published in May 2014. It's been updated for 2019's
Godzilla: King of Monsters.
Weight ProblemsGodzilla would weigh 164,000 tons, according to our keen analysis of the 2014 Godzilla toy and a formula developed by paleontologists to work out the mass of bipedal dinosaurs.* We found out he would surpass the theoretical weight limit for land animals—110 to 1100 tons. The heaviest dinosaur, the 100-ton Argentinosaurus, stood 70 feet tall, was 115 feet long, and had four limbs to distribute its enormous heft.
This information should demonstrate how impossible it would be fore the Giants of Genesis 6:4, those Titans, or Nephilim of old could not have been what is claimed. It would be physically impossible for a creature of the sizes mentioned and suggested and as the Book of Enoch says -- the source that is used by most for their proof, as if the Book of Enoch is Scripture. So, let's get a quote from the Book of Enoch and then we will move on the the National Geographic expose.
Book of Enoch, Chapter 71 And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms 2 and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they 3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed 4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against 5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and 6 fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.
How tall is 3000 ells in the Book of Enoch?
In 1 Enoch, they were "great giants, whose height was three thousand ells". An Ell being 18 inches (45 centimetres), this would make them 4500 feet (nearly a mile) tall (1350 metres).
But wait, even the simplest of minds can see how ridiculous and totally unbelievable this would be. So, let's be more reasonable and say this is not 4500 feet, but 450 feet. Still, this is an impossible size. Also, contrary to our own Bibles, the sin, or fall of mankind is not man but the result of bad acting Angels. Remember, the other studies, into how large an animal could exist and survive, tells us that the 70 foot tall, 1100 Ton dinosaur, largest of all the giants, was a midget compared to Godzilla at 164,000 tons and our, fallen Angel babies, growing into such a mass make their existence impossible and a fantasy of the mind -- a work of fiction. To get into this a little more, I have a pro and con argument posted at this link -- Book of Enoch Exposed.
But wait, what about all of those carvings in stone that show these Giant or Titan Kings and small, wee people, serving them? Well, if we take those etchings in rock as proof then what about those very small, even tiny statues of people and kings found in the Egyptian sands? Are we going to say that because these carvings or chiseled in stone, miniature priests and kings are a representation of their real size? Where it the Doctrine of the Little People? The Ancients expressed themselves much in the same was as we do. The historical Giants or Titans of our modern history are, many times, men short in actual, physical stature, but big, even huge in accomplishments. Railroad giants of the past, the Titans of Wall Street, Godzilla and King Kong. Maybe, just maybe, Godzilla is really a god? After all, his name has G-O-D in it. It is time for a mind check, believer or not, with or without a Faith Base, it is really time for a reality check and to stop the insanity and only you can do that, one person at a time. Even in the very end of man's rule, there is to come a time that the deceptions will be so convincing to the modern mind that if our Lord YaHshua were not to return, all, that is all, even the very Elect would be lost.
(Mat 24:22) And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.(Mat 24:24) For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Notice, it is not false atheist but Prophets and Messiah's -- false Christs. The word Messiah is actually a rare word in the Old and the New Covenant. It only appears twice in the Old Covenant, Prophecy writings - Dan 9:25&26. In the New Covenant writings it is used by some translations in place of the word, Christ. The actual meaning for the Word Christ is The Anointed. True, very true, the word Christ is not a name as many believe, in the fog of their own minds, that the word, Christ, is the second part of our Lord and Savior's Name. I suppose, however, that it could be, for them, and others in the same deceptive mind fog, but for a person called out, the word Christ means, The Anointed One. See how words can shape shift your thinking. Now, read the above quoted words -- For there shall arise false Anointed ones, and false Teachers -- and these will even be able to demonstrate with great signs and wonders, even to the point of deceiving the Elect, those chosen by the Father and the Son. The deception and deceptions will be so convincing that if not for the Power of their Spirit in us we too could become part of the deceived. Hey, this end time scenario is still on the horizon but has had its moments, from time to time in the historical past. Remember in Star Wars -- The Force is strong in this one ... says the Jedi Knight. This could just as easily been translated -- The Deception is strong in this one ... says the false anointed ones.
For now, however, continue let's continue with this article, as National Geographics exposes the pictures flooding the internet, posing as actual photos of Giant people -- kings or titans that people worshiped as gods. All fake, as you will see.
National Geographic Magazine, Presenting, the Expose (Lie) -- a Great Big Photo HOAX
NG presents pictures of Giant human bones, presented by others as proof that Giant humans, the Titans or Nephilim walked the earth -- but, for NG this is all exposed as a hoax, a hoax that is being perpetrated on the weak minds of humans and willingly ignorant people, eager to believe a lie rather than do a little research and see the turth. National Geographics exposes this, as do others -- Fake photography. Here is the link to this award winning publications own research --
Giants The Children of Angels? What a Lie!
What a subject, right out of the pages of fables and fairy tales -- and -- the Bible? “Fe-fi-fo-fum, I smells the blood of a English man”. Children’s story books coming to life as fact? Possibly inspired by something from the past, from a world before this one, perhaps? Nah, not really. The inspiration for the giants of story book land in childhood fantasy books may have come from the Hebrew Bible, or tales told by ancient holy men but the idea that there were giant humans of a class known as the Nephilim, or “giants”, as a species spawned by the Angels of Heaven having sexual relations with human women is, to say the least, nuts. No, wait, I misquoted – angels marrying human women?
We humans are so wonderful and beautifully made that the gods want to have sex with us, to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh – the fallen angels, of course, and I am speaking sarcastically in the hopes the reader might snap out of the spell of the NEPHILIM. Sometimes I wonder why it is the man gods that lust so mightily for human women? Why are the men left out? I guess all of these lusting angels are males but at least they do not ravage and rape -- they make honest women of the women they take by marriage. The stupidity of all of this nonsense would not mean so much to me except this teaching misleads the weak and does violence to our Savior's coming in the flesh. If spirit beings, like Satan, can procreate then our Savior's coming in the flesh is not big deal. Hum, now that brings up another thought, if Satan and his rage tag band of angels can coupulate with human women and have babies, well, are we then surrounded by their offspring? Where are these nephilim today, icopulatef they ever existed before the Flood, what about now?
This kind of stuff is being taught by some pretty high ranking Christian athors, is nothing but doctrines of devils and demons (1Tim 4:1). The attraction, for some, is that gods would dare have sex with humans. For some strange reason this appeals to certain individuals as some kind of romantic fantasy. Where does this notion come from? This business about sleeping with gods, or priests, or preachers, supposed men of god? And let's not forget the romantic fantazy of sleeping with beasts, either -- Angels and Beasts? Now, wait before you throw stones and remember the tale of "Beauty and the Beast"? A romantic story woven around the idea of "beastiality", something of an abominations in the eyes of our Creator but seemingly romantic for some men and women -- so much so that it is told and retold from book to book and screen to screen. Sleeping with the gods, or the angels is another of these despicable tales that has been told almost from the beginning of man's existence. Has anyone stop to think these tales are about real men and women and not angels at all or even Beasts, but real human beings that have been elevated beyond their own existence in the minds of mankind? The Greek Pantheon of the Gods as told in The Greek Tragedies about the Gods ruling over and controling mankind, are very similar to the lives of real men and women, who once lived, made into gods -- the Olympians -- these are weak gods, however, are almost human, in nature but with super powers. A real Creator God and His angels would not be so weak and pathatic, not even the angels in rebellion against the True Creator God are so pathetic -- the Soap Opera of the Gods. True Angels would not want to be us, much less marry any of us -- yes, marry. We should not forget that in the account in Genesis 6, these supposed Angels MAIRRIED the human women they took for WIVES. Unlike the Greek Gods, in this case, they did not rape the flesh, they married them. Now, does that make any sense at all? A super power from another world wants to marry a flesh and blood animal? That is truly a flesh and blood fantaxy. No, those great ones, in Genesis 6, were rewarded for being followers of YaHWeH but their lust got the better of them and they married outside of their rank and took wives from among the Heathen, thus polluting the loyal line and royal line of Adam. Many in this union became great men but these led humanity on into more and more violence until YaHWeH put a stop to it all. Read all of Genesis in the full context.
This is just one of my studies and articles on Giants, the Nephilim and the screwy idea that angles, any angel, would ever want to marry a weak and decaying piece of human flesh -- why would they? This is my small attempt at removing that fog covering so many minds. The actual truth may be -- no, is more chilling than the Fantasy. Still, even our Savior, YaHshua, said something to others that makes sense, even today -- Even if someone from the dead were to rise and tell you these things you would believe --
Oh, by the way, this word, “nephilim”, in English only means, “giant”, it does not mean some kind of grotesque half-breed the grows to be over 240 feet tall, or so the story goes -- Actually, as you will see, further on in this presentation, the height of these, supposed, half-breed angels to humans was, according to the source, The Book of Enoch, 4400 feet tall -- too unbelievable, for some so the authors of this false doctrine had down sized, but even their most conservative figures are out of line with any real possibility, as you will see, if you continue to read on.
Now you know where I stand and if this is not the answer you are looking for then I guess you will stop reading right here. If, however, you are looking for the truth and want to see through the fog of religions then keep reading.
Also, be forewarned -- what was once called the Bible Doctrine of the Giants was later called or titled, the Doctrine of the Nephilim is not being re-branded and sold off as the Doctrine of the Titans -- it all leads to the same deception, following the teachings from the Book of Enoch.
Trying to remove the Fog
This will be a very brief, common sense, approach. Hopefully this will answer the question about the “giants” of Genesis 6. These giants were pre-flood and for some reason the false teachings surrounding these beings seems to have carried over to this side of the Great Flood. These “giants” of old, the “Nephilim” as some like to call them, for romantic purposes, are connected by the false teachings with the family of giants that lived in Canaan around the time King David killed one of the brothers, Goliath, and whose family was eventually destroyed by faithful soldier/killers under King David’s command. Once David has slain Goliath the fear of these very tall men subsided and others set about going after them. These “Nephilim”, however, cannot be, or have anything to do with the pre-flood “giants” of Genesis 6. For one thing, it was only Noah and his family that came over from the flood. This family of giants in Canaan was an anomaly – freaks of nature, so to speak. They were unusually large but even today we have records of individuals of similar stature, and from all the records from the time of King David to now, there has never been a family like this one since. Putting on your common sense thinking cap -- You would think that if the Nephilim, prior to the flood, managed to make it over to this side there would be far more of them than that. Also, if they were truly offspring from a union between spirit angels and human women then they would be ruling the world, right? Instead we find that these giant people were very vulnerable – apparently their size impeded their ability to move quickly and while they were fearsome to look at they were clumsy. You see, gravity plays a part in all we do. If you are too big gravity pulls you down all the more. There is a limit to the size a human being can become without becoming handicapped.
Imagine giant people of 24 feet tall, or maybe even 240 feet tall. Just give it a little thought and you will see, in your mind’s eye how impossible this would be. Well, that is what the teachers of this outlandish tale want you to believe. They go the Book of Enoch, as though it is scripture, when it is nothing more than a collection of Jewish fables and fairy tales, even then the real source of this, so called, long lost book, is questionable.
I don’t need to quote all of the books nor all of the sources to make sense of all this. You can go on the internet and find all sorts of false sources attempting to fool the gullible into believing “giant humans”, as tall as – well a building, as tall as a 2/3 a football field is long. The pictures you will find on the internet, however do not show any creatures of man anywhere near this height. No, the pictures on the internet are much more believable, say, 12 to 24 feet.
This unbelievable stature of 240 feet comes from the Book of Enoch, a fantasy book with its origins in the Jewish myths and fables of old. This is easy to check out but, like I said before, this is a common sense article, not a day dreaming, wishful thinking, or an misplaced desire to prove the bible is right, when it says “…there were giants in the earth in those days…”. There will always be gullible people – I have been duped myself and it is a hard thing to admit being fooled, sometimes more than once. What the teachers of this fantasy and fable do, however, is twist our Father and His Son’s words to make it all work, to make a lie appear as the truth, and for what? In the end they make religious people that are sincerely seeking to prove the Holy Bible as truthful look like a bunch of fools.
If you will read the Scriptures in Genesis 6, concerning the mentioning of the “giants” you will see plainly that the context in no wise says that these “giants” are the offspring of the “Sons of God”. Read it for yourself, read it carefully and purge what you have heard from others so that the fog of false religion will lift from your mind. If you have difficulty with this then ask our Heavenly Father to lift the fog from your brain and you will then clearly see what it says. It says – fog of falsehood lifting, can you feel it – it says that “…in those days…” What days, in what days? The days that the Sons of God began marrying the daughters of men, daughter of common men, men outside of their own religion outside of their worship of YaHWeH as God. The “sons of God”, in those days, as today, were followers of their Creator YaHWeH. Just as today the “sons and daughters of God are followers of the Heavenly Father and His Son, YaHshua.
(Gen 4:26 ) And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the Name of YaHWeH.(Joel 2:32) And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Name of YaHWeH shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as YaHWeH has said, and in the remnant whom YaHWeH shall call.(Rom 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.
With this in mind we can figure out that there was a time in the world before that believers, like today, began to call on His Holy Name, and these would have been called, “sons of God”. Something went wrong, very wrong and it led to the destruction of the entire world. From the Context of Genesis 6 and 7 we see the beginning of the end began with these “sons of God” breaking from their resolve to remain spiritually pure and began to intermarry with the common people, the pagans and idolaters.
Forget about the fantasy that Spirit beings, we know as Angels, began taking wives and marrying them. Using common sense, again, ask yourself, why would such powerful beings want to bother with putrid, decaying humans? It would be one thing for super beings to go around raping the best of the best of human women, but to marry them? Marriage demands commitment, vows of service and loyalty. Using your common senses again, consider – if these Angels from Heaven, were the rebel angels that tried to take over the Heavenly Throne why would they bother with “marriage” to a lowly creature of the flesh? Let’s assume for one brief moment that this actually happened, so why don’t we see this same thing today? Also, as in previous articles and studies I have demonstrated that if these “sons of God” in Genesis 6 were the “fallen angels” of the rebellion, they would not be called “sons of God”, no, indeed, if anything they would be called “demons”, not sons.
Big, Giant (nephilim) Bones Found?
Back to the bones being found the world over. First, there are no Giant bones of humans being found – it is a Hoax. That’s right, a Hoax, a big fat lie, a joke and if you buy into it then you deserve to be the fool. Since I wrote my first article on this subject more information has been picked up and even the prestigious magazine, National Geographic’s, has published details of this Hoax. The internet, however, continues to proliferate in the trafficking of this lie as some pretty ingenious people push this tale. Some of the reasons for this hoax is to make religious people look foolish, and still another side is some ignorant endeavor to prove the Holy Bible is right – some twisted view that Genesis 6 really is talking about giant offspring appearing because of the spirit world angels cohabiting with human women. Either way it is ridiculous and a lie, but don’t believe me, go to the National Geo. Site --
I did some calculations from some of the images posted on YouTube and found the images of some of the bones would have belonged to individuals in excess of 24 feet tall. When you look at some of the faked photos you will notice that these supposed left over remains are in the same proportions as we. Hum, makes you wonder, doesn’t it? A human of that stature would have abnormalities very similar to those people today that reach nearly, and only, 9 feet tall. But, you might argue, these were the progeny of super beings, and would have been like Hercules of the Greek myths. Even in the Greek myths they were not stupid enough to make Hercules over 20 feet tall. Such a monstrous man could only exist in the minds of men and the idea that spirit beings from outer space would come and ravenous human women is but some kind of perverted idea, a perverted, romantic, idea that down plays and cheapens the birth of our Savior, YaHshua.
If Angels of Heaven have this ability to copulate with flesh and blood women and create super beings, or “giants” then what happened just over 2,000 years ago with the birth of our Savior would mean very little as this is something Satan and his gang have been able to do all along, but for some strange reason they quit that kind of activity. Maybe they did not like going through divorce court and losing everything to the woman? Common sense, that is all you need to determine if this teaching is true or not.
Look again at the context of Genesis 6 and you will see that the offspring did become men of renown, not literal giants, or Nephilim. Read it again and you will see that at the time these children were becoming great, kings, men of renown, there were – there were giants on the earth. This could very well mean the dinosaurs. There is no denying the bones of these “giant” animals. To have dinosaurs roaming the earth at that time does not, however, fit in with evolutionary thought. We do not need to be troubled by that, though, as the thinking of evolution is changing yearly, which only goes to show they do not know what they think they know. Right now the latest theory being pushed is the idea of “spontaneous” creation. Proponents of this theory say that certain species, like man, just suddenly appear, spontaneously, through a process no one quite understands yet, but is the best explanation for the missing links, of which, not one has been found. The bone yard of the earth should be littered with the bones of the in-between, the half this and half that, or the one third this and two thirds that, but instead only mutations of the same species, no change from one creature to another, no evidence of a living being coming from a stone. Anyway, while the bones of giant animals have been discovered and put on display you will not find one “Nephilim” on display, only in the minds of men, and on YouTube with the hoaxers run rampant and the gullible fall prey. Be sure and read the National Geo article on this, and if you have fallen prey to this kind of deception and have awoken from your dream do not feel bad, you are not alone. There are some really smart people that have fallen for this hoax, and the why of it escapes me – well not really, I guess, for if there is a Devil and devils, and they are “deceivers” and “liars” and the fathers of liars and deceivers – well that would explain it. Such rebellious beings, from another world, the spirit world would be willing and even desirous of making the Birth of our Christ and Saviour, YaHshua, out to be nothing more than business as usual.
The birth of our Savior YaHshua is and was a big deal, and it was something only our Heavenly Father could have done. Angels, least of all rebel angels, could never have this level of creative powers. They cannot create themselves. It might be a desire of the “fallen” but it is not possible and if it were we would have been warned in advance. Alien abductions? Aliens sneaking into the bed rooms of women and having their way with them? You have heard the stories, right? Maybe in a few years we will be hearing about Aliens taking women to Las Vegas so they can marry them. When you say it like that it does not sound so romantic does it? Why would fallen angels or UFO aliens bother. Obviously the UFO aliens are not the Angels of Genesis, because they are not marrying humans. This is all tongue in cheek, of course, and at the expense of those having fallen for such nonsense. Nonsense – means – no sense to it and there isn’t, other than to make the Birth of our Savior look bad, to degrade the “Virgin birth” of YaHshua, our Savior.
I do pray you wake up and stop the insanity. Being spiritual does not mean believing every movie fantasy that comes along. Just because some famous and much admired Christian leader believes the moon is made of cheese does not make it so. You, as an individual believer have the responsibility to question anyone that is teaching you anything about the Word. You have the right and responsibility to challenge and make sure what you are hearing or reading is true, and not just some fables of fiction written or produced for profit. You are responsible for your own salvation and as such you should take all things Biblical serious. Prove what is true and what is not, even separating the truth itself is sometimes necessary. What? Think you can’t do it? Most likely it is because you feel you do not have the time, or are just lazy and prefer to be spoon fed when you should be cutting your own steak. It is time for someone to be the adult around here and to stop crawling and start walking in the word of truth. Asking our Heavenly Father for wisdom and He is please to give it to you, not the wisdom of this world, so much, but spiritual wisdom.
The question was asked by a reader – “Where did the bones we see of the Giants posted on YouTube come from, can you tell me that?” At first this question seemed like a challenge, and it was, but I think the person asking was not being belligerent, but actually wanted to know. So, I told them, Yes, I do know where they came from. The originated out of a photo contest, and if you read the National Geo article you will see it all right there. Now since then others have joined in on this hoax, and some liars have even added to the confusion by claiming they were present when the photos were take. It seems some will do anything, or say anything in order of supporting their own desires or wishes or imaginations – some are just liars and the truth is not and never will be in them. Use your common sense and it if smells like a dead fish then it most likely is a dead fish.
(Gen 6:4) The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. NIV – 1984
(Gen 4:26) And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the Name YaHWeH.
This would be many hundreds of years before the event described in Genesis 6, and would allow for these men to be called “men of old”. From this we now know that these “men of old” had become famous and recognized as heroes, which means men that accomplished much, conquered much, warriors of renown -- kings. These “men”, not angels, became famous and as kings taking dominion over others it then opens up the way of bonding two opposing types of humanity together by marriage. Certainly we are told these “men” of old recognized that the woman of those they subdued – we can assume this because of past history, such as that of King Solomon, a son of god, a King of Israel, of a people calling on the Name of YaHWeH. Once these “men of old”, these famous heros, had stepped over this line, allowing pagan influence into their house then we read from Genesis 6 on through chapter 7 what happened it is all happened to MEN, not angels. Read it for yourself and you will find not one reference to angels in this extreme punishment. The flood falls on “men” and what they have done and are doing. Noah escapes because he is the last of the “men of renown”, from the faithful line of Seth, calling on the one true God, YaHWeH. After Noah the knowledge of YaHWeH would be lost so our Lord and Savior puts an end to this madness and saves Noah and his family only. Nothing is said about the sons of Noah being pure in spirit and worship, not even his wife, only Noah is said to be pure and because of him his family gets to share in his salvation.
If this purity of generations is to mean race also, then we can accept that without prejudice. Using common sense again let us think about creating a species of flesh and calling it man, then let’s suppose we want different kinds of man, the same but different in appearance, color, customs, etc. We would be proud of our creation of all these different races of people and love them as our very own creation, wouldn’t we? Then someone comes along and decides you have done it all wrong and all of these racial differences should not exist, so you convince everyone of these different people that they should join together for the common good, even for political reasons, and blend the races together into a racial pot that in the end would pour out as one single race, a blend of all races. What then has this done to your original creation and your original intent? Maybe from this view we can see why the Creator of all we see, of all mankind and of all the different races, became so angry.
Let’s take a look at a few more translation concerning this time of the “giants”. Nephilim sounds so much more mysterious, doesn’t it? And that is why the teachers of this lie like to use it – Nephilim, Nephilim, Nephilim.
(Gen 6:4) The nephilim were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when the sons of the Elohim came in to the daughters of the men, and they gave birth to them; theywere the heroes who existed from ancient time, men of renown. HRB (Hebrew Roots Bible)(Gen 6:4) The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. ESV (English Standard Version)(Gen 6:4) There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. KJV
Nephilim:H5303 – Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary --ephi^yl nephil nef-eel', nef-eel'From H5307; properly, a feller , that is, a bully or tyrant: - giant.
A bully, a tyrant? Notice, no mention of angels not even fallen angels. “Giant” is a more appropriate translation and on examining what is being mentioned, ever so briefly in Genesis 6:4, is that these “fellers”, these bullies, these giants were roaming the earth in “those days”. These titles could be applied to the dinosaurs – ever thought of that? Giant animals pushing their way around the tropical forests, etc. "There were Giants on the Earth in those day...", It really does not fit too well as a reference to men unless you twist the scriptures the way some others do and turn these “giants” into something else entirely. Let's use a little common sense, men of renown, heros, men to be admired and followed are usually not called bullies, or tyrants, but heroes. Certainly some heroes can be or become evil, as with Hitler, but he was no “Nephilim”, he began his career of murder later in life as a much loved and adored man by the population of Germany -- until this tryrant took the coward's way out and shot himself in the head -- hero, indeed -- in deed a bully, a tyrant, to be sure, not a super human, part angel, part human -- he was all evil human.
Solomon, for me, explains it all. Read in your own bible the full account of what happened with Solomon and you will clearly see a “man” of renown falling to pagan ism brought about by his lust for women outside of his race and religion. He brought pagan worship into the house of Israel and to please his many wives he erected pagan worship symbols all over Israel and even set up idols in the Temple of YaHWeH. He started out as a favorite King, much loved, a king of prosperity falling into the depths of paganism that led to the forgetting of the one True God, YaHWeH.
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Peace to you all.
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